Alex Karahalios

February 29, 2004- Chicago, Illinois
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Remember The Days

Oh honey remember those days you and I had at the park going on the swing sets
Remember those days we had when we would talk laugh smile and cry
Remember our first date together it was near the beach on a cold autumn’s night
I placed my coat over you to keep you warm and to protect you
Remember our first kiss together it was on a cold winter's night it was magical

My life faded when the doctor told you and I that Alzheimer's disease took over your life
I cry at the thought of you not remembering the life we had together
You don’t even remember my name or the ring I gave you at our wedding day
I can see in your soul that you're slowly fading away from my arms
I hope your last days on earth will be the best you've ever had

The day has come the day my beautiful darling left this earth I'll miss you so much
I hope the afterlife is filled with peace and love for you my sweet darling
My momma always told me that i'll get through death but its so fucking painful
If heaven does indeed exist I hope to meet you again and kiss and lay on your arm
Goodbye my darling i'll never forget those memories we once shared so long ago
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