Yunnie R.

June 21 - KSA
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the world is a lie

i took your hand in mine
kissing the bloody knuckles
i still can't help but needlessly pine
over your stupid jests and chuckles

a memory flashes in my mind
like a photo frozen still
i smile wryly, joking in kind
letting it go with a laugh, trying not to spill

knowing that all this wasn't funny
kinda made it better
you say i've got better things to do, but baby
i can't help that i'm a fretter

it's like a routine, wash and repeat
the clouds pass us as our actions loom
and it quiets till it's audible; the way our hearts beat
our faces burning, caught in summer's bloom

i see you breaking, helpless and small,
i know all truths, and the world is a lie.
we're a mistake, tangled in it all,
but for now, we'll stay, witnessing the sky.

i stare at you, storing this moment
encasing the last time you'd be mine
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