This child was born with traits of his mother.
Father was mad—he looked not like father.
Daddy wants all off-spring to look just like him,
So he with-held the love that should have been.
He ignored this child and pushed him aside,
A wish for attention that was still denied.
Daddy was so stubborn and selfish too,
Not knowing the damage that he would do.
The son was helpful and wanted so much,
Attention and love or his Daddy's touch.
He earned great grades attending school,
Dad paid no attention, it was his rule.
Completing school was the son's elation,
But, Dad would attend not his graduation!
Dad retired and soon came to falter,
Mike took Dad to his requested doctor.
The doctor said Dad was in very ill health,
Need for sure, some specialty help.
A tumor was growing within the brain,
It was not certain his life could be saved.
Dad spoke to Mike who had been neglected,
And asked his son, grant him forgiveness.
The son was tender and stayed by his side,
The night that his father grew weak and died.
A life-time of love to his fine son denied.
Cause he looked like Mom when born to life.