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Alone In Love

Jaiden put spectacular views of the moon in her eyes as the stars whispered her name.

She dreamed of the Swiss Alps around the fireplace of their hearts.

Jaiden holds her with soft raiment's of eyes chasing rainbows elsewhere.

Indulging in her words of whispers she asks Jaiden do you love me.

His look of self-indulgence escapes her knowledge of awareness.

Jaiden wants corruptible times of fantasies that lead to no demands.

Naomi heard his words without listening to his words of rhetoric.

With him her feet glided across her paths of pain that time ordained for her.

She is prospering into a fairy tale love of Cinderella that will never end.

He is bathing in the rivers of her love without infractions of her living waters.

Naomi went beyond the inclusion of his heart to find desecration of her heart.

His condescending ways formulated her mind to bypass the truth of love.

She reached for his heart and found a titanic of lies hidden in his eyes of treasures.

Jaiden's hidden treasures of love showed Naomi she was alone in love.

Written by Theodore Mosley
October 25, 2018
104 Total read