Stephanie Carter

may 18, 1974-St.Louis
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The Ticking

I swear the time we have is just not fair
Be it very long, or very short. It’s not enough for the good or the bad we leave behind
And the ticking goes on
But tonight, it was wonderful, joyous, a crescendo in the most beautiful music festival ever…but that was just now, and it’s gone
And the ticking goes on
And yesterday? Well, wasn’t that just today but a few moments ago?? Where did it disappear to in that fast vortex of sped up time?
But the ticking goes on
And next week? What to expect? It’s terrible. Awful. Unforgivable. Why do I say that? Why think that bad of a future yet unlived?
Because the ticking went on.
And it is next week. And I blinked, my time disappeared from my life. Never to be felt or experienced ever again.
And still, yet still, the ticking, goes, on
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