Rose Ann Haeussler

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

A Sensuous Love

Walking in the shadows of her dreams captivating
her inner soul,
slipping into her unconscious thoughts, he slithers
like a mole.
Riveting emotions sealed within her chest, with
his invisible touch a Spirit's hand.
While diamond eyes, flash like tiny crystals
found on blistering specks of sand.
Lips moist, luscious, burning with love's desire,
a passionate flame aglow.
Leading her towards his flexed arms, and forbidden
love unknown.
Vibrating hearts beat, joined with love's eternal
Combined in one pulsating spark, which shines,
reflected on blushing face.
A Sensuous love pranced in dreamy state, a
silhouette cast in lucid mind awaits.
Through sleeping eyes, her desire is only him,
that phantom lover, becomes her soulmate.
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