Richard Randolph

July 3, 1955--Oregon
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The Noble Knight Within

Love can transform even the timid
into brave and noble knights.
But first, we'll be tested,
feel pain and loss,
confront strange riddles,
overcome our insecurities,
recognize our limitations,
and humbly admit the truth-
we're not Sir Lancelot.
And, if that's not frightening enough,
we'll be asked to befriend
an odd assortment of people she calls family,
meet her old lovers without jealousy,
battle someone called the Green Knight,
or maybe even slay a dragon or two.
But somehow we'll manage it.
It's an ancient and venerable story,
a noble knight, a damsel in distress.
We've read about it all our lives,
seen it on the big screen,
imagined it, even dreamed it,
but now it's about us,
and if we've chosen wisely,
our adventure over at last,
it's become our story, too.
We've lived it and know that it's true.
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