Reynaldo Casison

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Lovely ladies at the flower boutique

The lovely ladies,
Are at their friends,
flower boutique,
The nice lady in overalls,
They met at evening yoga,

The nice boutique lady,
Is in a nice sundress,
Arranging lillies and sunflowers,

The exotic brunnette,
In a comfy red sundress,
Is arranging exotic red roses,

The golden haired one,
Is in a sweet willow dress,
And shes arranging willow flowers,

Sensuous jazz is jazzing,
In the boutique,
with the lovely ladies,

The nice boutique lady,
Does a shimmy,
And helps the exotic brunnette,
Arrange her red roses,
And she hums,
These roses would love,
Some more love and sunflowers,
And the nice boutique lady,
Kisses her rose cheek,
And arranges some sunflowers,
With her roses,

The golden haired one,
These willow flowers,
Need some more love and lillies,
And the nice boutique lady,
Does another shimmy,
Kisses her luminous willow cheek,
And helps her arrange,
Her willows with some lillies,

And the sensuous jazz,
Is jazzing,
In the boutique,
As the lovely ladies,
With their kind sweet friend,
Are arranging warm,
And sweet flowers
Reynaldo Casison
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