Sonja D.

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I cry

I cry
not 'cause I miss you
you out of reach
vast oceans apart.

I cry
not 'cause I crave you
your soul love’s
sweetest dark racine.

I cry
not 'cause I found you
only in dreamland
kissed your scars
a million times….

I cry
tears of joy
feeling love for the first and last time
love voicing my inner child’s longings
love touching my soul's deepest trenches
love breeding my heart’s strongest hopes.

Yes, love tears my heart out...
And I bleed joyfully, willfully, proudly
for I am blessed
blessed with a feeling as deep
blessed with your profession of love
grandest act known to men
blessed to be your one and only.

And I will cry, bleed, and sweat
let love ply, mold, shape me
blend me into a divine reunion
in our home forever after.
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