Pierre Rausch

Luxembourg - 24.1.1982
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Pierre Rausch
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Poemhunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch(24.01.1982)
My name is Pierre Rausch, owner of Summernightbrand Record Sales Office. I
am from Luxembourg and 35 years old.
I started early with music, really got into it at High School and University. I
visited some courses of Guitar & Vocals, but essentially, I taught me a lot of
things on my own. This is how I made my first steps into the music business :
learning to play chords and arpeggio.
Soon, I began writing my own songs. Grown into interest by the upcoming
Casting Shows in 2002, I always wanted to compete in one of those. So I tried to
cover bands like Radiohead or Ben Harper, but although Muse or Placebo. In my
songwriting I tried to sound in a classic way, so that can be fit with strings ; my
songs are adapted to acoustic guitar.
By 2006, I was ready to get started. Along some part-time jobs, I made it with
street music, essentially in Luxembourg, but although in Germany or
Netherlands. In the street I created some solo parts that I integrated into the
existing songs, but although wrote some new songs.
I recorded my first albums with MP3-Players and let them register with SACEM
Luxembourg, but had although Tunecore as partners on side. The artwork I did
all by myself ; except for my last album, Goldcurl. For Goldcurl, the artcover got
done by a luxembourgish artist called Mady Gorges. Along these target missions,
I managed to compete at Castings in Germany, but although in Luxembourg. For
shows like DSDS, Tvtotal and a Luxembourg format « Wannst de eppes kannst »,
I got spotted on TV for several times, unfortunately messing up doing my stuff. I
was too nervous because of some stage-fright, in particular. This got treated with
the help of the German Psychologist Tom Bohne, who wrote some books about
this subject.
After these casting apparitions, I opened my own commerce, Summernightbrand
Record Sales Office, to negotiate music licensing with SACEM Luxembourg and
Tunecore. With SRSO, I established internet sites, like my own homepage, social
network accounts, contact with A&R or label sites, or sites that simply offer
opportunites to send your music by submission. This is not the only work that got
done with SRSO, as new albums got recorded, my tabs translated in several
languages and some lyrics got passed to poem sites on the internet.
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Participations on Open Mics and concerts in little bars/restaurants have followed,
but also busking in Luxembourg. With Mark Baxter, who operates for
VoiceLesson.com, I have an accurate voice teacher, who thaught me how to
warm up before singing.
Recently i published my biography. It's called Goldcurl, like one of my favorite
songs (German,180 pages, ISBN 9783741860065) .
Considering artists helping artists :
I think that we grow into an established business, in which the prior generation
set standards for how to handle situations. The stakes are pretty high,
considering artists working together. The internet sets the right standards for
this, with like buttons on Facebook, or following possiblilities on Myspace Twitter
etc. … Working together is important for all of us, you can learn so many chords
from other artists, it's not just covering a friend, it's about improving your own
skills !
Here are some links :
http: //summernightbrand.doomby.com
> https: //myspace.com/summernightbrand
> http: //www.reverbnation.com/summernightbrand
> https:
> https:
> https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCgF2ou9piJkjvG3BoyfsL1g
> https: //soundcloud.com/summernightbrand-record
> http: //summernightbrand.tumblr.com
> http: //www.lastfm.de/music/Summernightbrand+Record+Sales+Office
> http: //www.songkick.com/artists/6759719
> http: //www.facebook.com/pierre.rausch
> https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Rausch-Pierre/119731148189776?
> https: //twitter.com/PierreRausch
> http: //www.editus.lu/ed/fr/summernightbrand-record-sales-office-
> http: //www.sacem.fr/oeuvres/oeuvre/rechercheOeuvre.do?
> http: //allpoetry.com/Mr_Pierre_Rausch
2www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
> http: //www.poemhunter.com/pierre-rausch/
> http: //srso.bandcamp.com
> https: //songspace.com/summernightbrand-record-sales-office
> http: //www.linkedin.com/pub/pierre-rausch/84/95/244
Attorney: Etude Baulisch. Maître Daniel Baulisch. Arendt & Medernach
Notary Public: Mustafar Nezar (Maître Gérard Lecuit) | M. Tran. / M Gloesener
(Maître Emile Schlesser)
Assurency: Steve Kreitz (Lalux Group Assurance)
Political Reference: Xavier Bettel (DP) Mathis Prost (DP) . Lucien Weiler (CSV)
. Sam Tanson (Déi Gréng) .
Social Assistance: Suzanna Costa (Fonds National de Solidarité)
Marylène Fychant (Ligue Médico-Sociale) .
Casting Agency: Beate Faber, Britta Ullerich (Casting-Concept) .
Andreas Donat, Guiseppe Gennaro (FAMEonME) . Tina Thiele (casting-
network.de) .
Image Consult: SACEM Luxembourg. Atout Image Consult. Rockhal Music
Banque: Paypal Luxembourg, Banque Raffeisen, P&T Luxembourg
Église catholique: Chorale Rédange-sur-Attert, Chorale Ettelbrück. Chorale
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Youngster Walter schoolyard gate
Robbing better in tunnel shade
On back-lot (stage) , Danger(eous) Metallica
In the mongrel pubs next to Zanzibar
We went out, we had funk
1961 in the middle of the dunk
Youngster Walter at the vineyard gate
Betting in the freakish lane
Number’s in aberrant game
Mosquitoes moving toward fallen lane
Cyllar cop out the airplane jump
First corps the torrent dancing
Ballyhoo wild ponies stumping
Glass punks into an airplane bumping
If you call the cops, there I wait
So you say, you leave me, I wait
And if the police sends us away, I wait
Pierre Rausch
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4 Boys
Honored foxes and pleasant by the gay house
Rustic fields as happy as heart is long
Under rabid clouds as new daylight
The distinction of coyote and hyena
In all useful turning so few and such morning songs
In front the children, green and golden
Rhinoceros are you happy, are you drawn?
In the sun born, born over and over
And wishes raised house high hay
In all useful turning so few and such golden songs
Run headless ways, wishes raced house high hay
In all useful turning so few and such silver songs
In front the children green and golden, are you drawn
And if you hope we can stay together to the end
A genius is all I can do for you, do we both have to drown?
Shuttles taught wide off cellophane cloud
Gradient enigma, south-carton, Dakota-south
Granulate of Sudoku in Princeton, Eaton
Eyesore stanching, the sore bread eaten
What I'd consider as ghost of England; evasive
Swollen cheeks, the lucky paws, barefoot, persuasive
It wasn't simple food, aunt's first electroencephalogram
To attest the bleeding blasphemy of a bomb;
Do you believe in elves, if you do, then light a candle, and
every candle will be worth an elf
When the babies began to laugh, they laughed so much it
burst into thousand pieces
And out the pieces got born the elves
Her light grew weaker, her light grew weaker
These 4 boys, that never grew up, that's Never land
Pierre Rausch
5www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Better Understanding
It had nothing to do with you
You only had to read the papers
To be an object of suspicion once
At pictures and frowns, at a window
A better understanding, how is it going to be
A better understanding, painted on the end of
each case
In a hostel run by moms and nuns
A better understanding with a license and
In a big place with lots of life
Rather than starting off and choose from there
Blazed out through the tears and suddenly wanted
to cry
You're very good to us
It wasn't as children would have expected
Offered the more distant of congratulations
The cupboards and drawers
Bearing my advice away
Not a phone
Had been left together
Looked glowing
Shiny and smart
Pierre Rausch
6www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Bit Straighter
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon on Monday appeared to play down North Korea's
six short-range missile launches over the past
three days, describing tensions on the Korean peninsula as relatively low.
DOHA - Qatar's emir, who has thrown his state's riches behind Arab uprisings,
said on Monday that the emergence of 'people
power' had put Arabs in direct confrontation with Israel and made a resolution of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more pressing.
BUCHAREST - George Becali, a Romanian MP and owner of the soccer club
Steaua Bucharest, was jailed for three years on Monday
for abuse of power, one of only a handful of big names to be convicted in a
country trying to show it can beat high-level
MAIDUGURI - Nigeria claimed an early success for its military offensive against
Islamist insurgents in the northeast on Monday,
saying the militants' activities had been stifled by nearly a week of attacks on
their bases.
MEXICO CITY - Divisions within Mexico's main conservative opposition party have
erupted into a bitter public dispute that
threatens to undermine the reform agenda of President Enrique Pena Nieto.
LONDON - British Prime Minister David Cameron's flagship gay marriage policy is
set to deepen a rift in his own party on Monday
with many of his own lawmakers preparing to defy him in a sign of growing
strains on his leadership and his coalition
MAKHACHKALA - Two car bombs killed at least three people and wounded dozens
of others on Monday in Dagestan, a turbulent
province in Russia's North Caucasus region where armed groups are waging an
Islamist insurgency.
JERUSALEM - A gunman shot dead four people execution-style in a bank in Israel
on Monday after being refused an overdraft and
cash from its automatic teller machine.
JERUSALEM - Threatening slogans were daubed on Monday outside the doorway
of an Israeli activist in a Jewish women's prayer
group seeking equal rights of worship for women at Jerusalem's holy Western
Pierre Rausch
7www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Coat Of Persuasion (Symptoms)
If you're willing to play it for me
And look at it in amazement
A coat of persuasion, a matter of convenience
Of white-blonde hair fallen to the shoulders
The hints of it are still visible on the feature
A coat of persuasion wanders away from her
This young Lady is the real talent
A coat of persuasion into this parlour
Looking as pretty as ever
The world is a beautiful place
I will always be here for you
You will always be here for me
The hints of it are still visible on the feature
A coat of persuasion wanders away from her
This young Lady is the real talent
A coat of persuasion into this parlour
In some bar on the sheet music
I'll have to rake the origin
Collated it into a neat pile
Drop me off a copy
The hints of it are still visible on the feature
A coat of persuasion wanders away from her
This young Lady is the real talent
A coat of persuasion into this parlour
In some bar on the sheet music
I'll have to rake the origin
Collated it into a neat pile
Drop me off a copy
The hints of it are still visible on the feature
A coat of persuasion wanders away from her
This young Lady is the real talent
A coat of persuasion into this parlour
Pierre Rausch
8www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Crowning Mercy
You are a crowning mercy
The bed be blessed where I lie
Four Angels to that bed
Four Angels around my head
One to watch, and one to pray
And two to bear my soul away
You are a crowning mercy
A stream away these /to/ a see
To see a young man's smile and land,
Beneath waters unbuttoned land
Are humans although dancers
So cheerful poaching cancer
Four Angels to that bed
Four Angels around my head
One to watch, and one to pray
And two to bear my soul away
Pierre Rausch
9www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Cup Of Coffee
Don't you buy a hat, a Paris model
Camouflage to say disaster
Of a bowler gin, with two or three
Genre to
avoid all squash
Feathers would not conceal
Shag your toes to the hips
I invite you to a cup of coffee, if you want to
share time with me
A big latte, an espresso or an tea
What would you like
An afternoon in a Paris Cafe, a warm cup of
Pambelam, be babe, pambelam, be babe, pambelam
Evil, when the tears floated for that guy, for
the lipsticks, would you try,
Sick, when the tears floated for that guy, for
the lipsticks, would you try,
Pambelam, shag, shag, shag, pambelam
An afternoon in a Paris Cafe and enjoy a warm
cup of Coffee, and joy in a warm cup of coffee
A three-course meal will stand on the table when
you come home and start a new life,
Even if it hurts, you've got a wear, that fits
with your lipstick and a candlelight dinner
When you come home and try an afternoon, an
afternoon in a Paris Cafe, drink a warm Cup Of Coffee.
Pierre Rausch
10www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Flocks Of Starling
A flocks of starlings passes overhead
A flocks of starlings passes overhead
Splendid flora, splendorous flora / splendiferous flora, splendid flora
(Dated) leprechauns stand by
Dwarfed pliant silhouettes
Flecks of pale gold
An haphazard tampoon
(Euphoric) burlesque
Kidney beans, knickerbocker glory
At birthday parties
Bombe, marble cake, tiramisu
At splendid birthday parties
In strawberry fields
Pheasant and sex on the beach
Gouda, Monbazillac, Cabernet
In strawberry fields
A flocks of starling rises up and kicks it kind of boot
Of starling surface with a root
Into the blackberry buts that are falling
Into the damp the children falling
Tonic water
At birthday parties
Waffle and orangeade
At splendid parties
Kir and Bloody
In strawberry fields
Chèvre, Côtes du Rhône
In strawberry fields
A flocks of starlings rises - and passes overhead
Pierre Rausch
11www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Grief Ago (West Mountain Train-Lines)
That leaps nitric shape
So cross my eyes in your shack
Oh, water-lamed, roughed,
Crocus mending, staying up at the stocks
So cross my eye with your shape
and close my hand with your eye
She who was I, who is who I told
Oh, master, through a three-mast sail we grew
Through a three mast sail we sailed up
Housed in the sides.
Her ropes heritage
The ball on the point
Through a three-mast sail,
She lies a water
Through a three mast sail, she rode the throne
Brand of anger on ring
Wrenched fingers, to the leaden boy
(the wars, on the leaden field)
She then who shape whelps with the wolverine
She who was I, who is who I told
That she I have, that she I have
Let me inhale, draw in my perfume
Oh, master, through a three-mast sail we got old
Oh, water-lamed, Oh master,
Crocus mending, staying up at the stacks
She who was I, who is who I told
Wrenched fingers, to the leaden boy
She who was I, who is who I told
Housed in the tide.
The ball of water on the point
Through a three-mast sail, we sailed up
Through a three mast sail, we sailed to the lune
She lies a chapter; she rode the throne
Lies brand of anger on our rings,
Her ropes full heritage, on cherub wind
(the wars, on field and land)
(Three triangles,
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wind (on field and land) :
cherub as single chant
She then who is I who is father on centaur
The dens of lion shape
She then who is the people who drive
She then who shape whelps with the wolverine
|: That she I have, that she I have: |
Nitric shape that leaps, for h
our and acid
Let me inhale, draw in my perfume
So cross my hand with your eyes
And close my eyes with your eyes
So cross my hand with your eyes
And close my eyes with your eyes
Pierre Rausch
13www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Journey To The Sky
The travelreport from the ceiling
They sat there on the beach
And if anyone had a spot, it was denied
They sat there on the beach
A journey to the sky
It sort of faded away
I said yes, please
I'd love to fly
Have you a suit and everything
They're posh and thin
And they know that one day
They're gonna fly
Chorus 2*
Repeat first couple
Pierre Rausch
14www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Replacement At Order
Had friends throughout the entire world
Which corrects the over-harsh contours of pure thoughts
In the meantime, divers complications were approaching
Leads man to a state of perfection
It is an error to think that passion, when it is pure and happy
It seemed to have partners
It simply leads him, as we have noted, to a state of oblivion
This morning, that friend told me to settle all my affairs
A replacement at order, but this is outrageous!
Who are always intersted in having a replacement
He passed the whole situation at review
Of love itself he had refreshed an istinct
Which can't be comprehended
It is easy for those who are consumed
A replacement at order, but this is outrageous!
Then all is said, tempest is loosed
Stones rain down, a fusillade
The procession, with feverish slowness
The furnace was being heated
Supposing itself, in adavance, restoration,
Redevelopment, reconditioned,
The predestined family from the gift
They have a revolutionary grandeur
Pierre Rausch
15www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A Similar Service (Others Do Good As Well)
Shall I confess something on the card
I would like to see you sometime soon
Like the eyes of crazy people
That was heavy and grave
Would you say that this is, at all
A similar service, others do good as well
Would you say I am doing well
Others do good as well
Would you say that this is, at all
A similar service, others do good as well
Would you say I am doing well
Others do good as well
Picked it up and popped it
Came to me the way my poems come to me
And would not have recognized each other
That are thoughtful and shadowed
Would you say that this is, at all
A similar service, others do good as well
Would you say I am doing well
Others do good as well
There are no lights here
And the daylight fades and opens again
She is alone in her house
Once again black and white
There are no lights here
And the daylight fades and opens again
She is alone in her house
Once again black and white
Pierre Rausch
16www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ahoi (Shetland Transfer)
Transfert: Shetland/Oakland
Dock to scope...................................................AHOI
Skulls under keel.............................................................AHOI
Flag on board....................................................AHOI
Mast loose.......................................................AHOI
Sail stretched.................................................. AHOI
A saying at the scales...........................................AHOI
Turkish fire left, Turkish fire right
Backboard, starboard to the seaside resort
Island sight.....................................................AHOI
Tough report...........................................................AHOI
Captain: sabotage.........................................................AHOI
Banners flutter on the deck......................................AHOI
Turkish fire left, Turkish fire right
Backboard, starboard to the seaside resort
No more stock in barrels........................................ AHOI
No more stock in barrels........................................ AHOI
No stock in barrels............................................. AHOI
Hostile ships aside............................................. AHOI
Gunpowder....................................................... AHOI
Turkish fire left, turkish fire right............................AHOI
Mast loose Mast................................................. AHOI
Pierre Rausch
17www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
„Guys“ with the access of a friend
A hollow sound of rebellion
The skies must not be received
Of our passions, even love
Must be exercizing
There must be a limit
„Friends“ with the access of a friend
A weekly invasion
To pack them in
The latter turned around
Which they could see
Quite safe, yes
And with six man about them
As the white had been dark
Since they have a fault
Pierre Rausch
18www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Alasdair Roberts
Except that they must be very large
And bade the wayfarer to sit down
And all dotted with freckles
She wore a cloak
This fore-carriage composes of a massive iron axle-tree
With a pivot, into which was fitted a heavy shaft
The whole thing compact, overwhelming
It seems like the carriage of an enormous cannon
Why was that fore-carriage of a truck in that place in the street?
Wouldn't have dropped him
And off they went at last
Suspicous folk to meet
It looks as if my caught was coming true
If he looked to risk a light
They hated and hated worse
For diamonds in the sunlight
Any reason for the better man
Nothing but her fresk
Of divine
She resumed humming
What could it mean
A more southerly source
Suddenly on her fresk
Pierre Rausch
19www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Alaska (Euphoric)
Rumored in Washington DC
All the spaces between
Moscow Rumors
All the spaces between
If they were furtive
And the condition between
Up the rope again
You shall pick me up on the quai
For my part, I want to be with Gold
It will be certainly pretty
He just sat staring
Tolerably like
But how you came
What did you bring
So he stood, hesitated
When she had returned the favor
Rumors in Alaska
One evening in spring
Pierre Rausch
20www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Almond Baba
Baba, the capture gate
Cliffs retiring, cliffs between
Explain me quickly
We shan't be safe
A crag inside
To capture where the boneset shone
Change, tangible, with bamboo
On what way
A flawless shrub
On what way
Unused, yes
Made up my mind
This is the story of
With friends
How shall you be without
If ever you are passing several Junipers
Farewell, my lad
Then Juna turns away
You soon found
Here we are Maverick
On what way
A newcomer
On what way
A flawless shrub
Here we are Maverick
And it was sadly parasol
In the nick of almond
On that march to parasol
On went on until
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They drew near
To the waste that lay
In the northern sapele
Pierre Rausch
22www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Thanks to the sand, there was not a speck of mud
Clumps of blossoms thanks to the man in rain
Silence that is compatible with sorts of music
The cooing of nests
The buzzing of swarms, the flutterings of breeze
The entrances and exits of spring take place
The van-guard of the red June
Butterflies fraternized with the rear-guard of the
white of May
Gazing through the fence, said: 'Here is the Spring
presenting arms and in full uniform.“
The plantain trees were getting their new skins.
Breeze hollow.
Earth in the form of flowers, irreproachable
To the barricades!
Pierre Rausch
23www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Amazon Queen (The Dialogue In Between)
I hear a car in the entrance-way
When we strive and play
Any car in the entrance-way
The station, the airplane / let's start trade
Your suave carré, your rose-hip turquoise
It's the dialogue in between
A man, an alley home
When we sit in the entrance-way
Kittens purr inmorning clay(edelweiss alineation)
No crashes to report (open eyes, head hold high)
Your suavo square, your rose-hip turquoise
It's the dialogue we never had
Mama, where's the wand
Come back love
With guideline, under advise
It's the dialogue in between
Na stra voidje terra in sare te sterna all te
Niidem, Niidem
We haven't made up our room
Yet, we hadn't the niidem time
We haven't made up our room
Streets have been furnished, bells have been made
Revolve in skid row, pivoting revolt
We go around, bakery-bakery
The roads are nitric, we compromise
I feel when I feel there's someone,
Underneath her shoulder she got saved
Your suavo carré, your rosehip turquoise
It's the dialogue in between
Slightly lower
Your suavo carré, your rosehip turquoise
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Service, service
Kid's voice:
Niidem, niidem
Pierre Rausch
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Amazon Queen (The Return)
She's a crime babe, she's a crime babe, she hits a crime
We're waking to the chart voice that worked with the princess
Goes goosebumps
There's a craftsmen at the door
Once more he inquired, will dinner be ready soon
Who appeared to immerse in reflection
It's any support team who helps
Daughter sweet, hello darling, you're a support
“I barely know you” she looked away into an eye
Take it on me, would you assure to you
A corner at the loft
He says that we are sweltering
Baker Motel accepts a reception desk
The chambermaid shan't interrupt
Her policy had been modified
Advertized powerful dark
Pierre Rausch
26www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ambush In Awesome Approach
The gravel stone spit sparks
Slow night, so long dark
To tangle with a poor, poor boy
The cowboy sound of Rodeo
To encounter little boy sailboats
An ambush in an awesome approach
You're wonderful. unique, stay with me
Dangle the champagne/ rampaged matinee
Suggest an impression of the (café) society celebrity
Consider anamore tip
Shall we meet up on dinner
Must be awesome key in the figure of life to be
That they are killing the one you have not met
As girls love the way I toss my head
An ambush in them awesome approach
Ambush in awesome approach
An Ambush in an awesome approach
Mm the gravel stone spit sparks
Slow night, so long dark
Pierre Rausch
27www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Bring the key, receive upon your believe,
I need to pose you a question,
Can the darkest midst receive
The blurred red-light compassion,
I'll be knocking down the floor,
Whenever you need my floor,
Are you the only one so long I'm living
You waked my heart, so long I'm giving
Our byte helps the government,
And anyway gives tips to friends,
Customers of chapter five,
Remember when we use to sit,
In front of our mansion, is this it
All the traffic jams, the cut in forest,
If not my Juliet would love Orest,
Some nice suits some gowns for,
The mayor around this countryside,
All the while they carve on the other side,
Pierre Rausch
28www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
American Pilot
An oasis under the safety helmet
A landing plane, quite safe, yes
There was no sound in the sky
No percentage to the fly
Ever more and more
The squeezing came to dust
More an american pilot – it's a must
Safety conditions for a palm
That idea disturbed – what are we up to today
Endure several flight in business class
The squeezing comes to first class
American pilot in three or four days
American pilot careful off
The most that can be said to take
I don't suppose he would have
This way - look out for what had never
That way - gate twelve looking out
But to like it better now you're sure
Pierre Rausch
29www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
An English Film (Theme: Funeral)
An English Film, couple of melody, funeral
An English Film, central of melody, funeral
An English Film, couple of guests
D'Artagnan (under parade)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No storms in the yard, the silver shot
No quarter in the weather, since you're not
Turns day to night; negative
Levels up the fleeing gale
Process in the weather, once
Darkness in the wealth of the loin
Is half its nation; the fathomed groin
Breaks on tangled land, cluttered water
The seed that makes a gum
D'Artagnan (under parade)
And there drops down
In sleeping tale
In the weather of word and tome
Is wealth dry; the icicle quick
It moves up like the icicle
A process in the weather
Turns to noise; each motherboard
Sits in double shade
Process blows the motion
Pulls (down) the shabby curtains
(reference: daydream-nation)
And you give birth to devotion
In the anthem of word and tome
Is wealth dry; the icicle quick
It moves quick like the icicle
D'Artagnan (under parade)
A process in emergency
A turbulence under
General management
D'Artagnan (under parade)
30www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
31www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
That the stature should dimmish
His blouse draps himself
It is only barkeepers who can say
That I adore Anaheim
What brains she possessed
Read nonsense
She owned the facts
Admiration to be feared
There is nothing to be feared
But to pull the stop
And rain all summer
You plaied the mouse-trap
With brown stockings
Without suspecting Anaheim
The stage isn't controlled
Hold on to me
It blew away
But my head just spins
Is a shop over the way
Will caracter belong to that class
Will complete the sketch later on
Pierre Rausch
32www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Anaheim In November
On the subject of mariage
The most that can be said
Rode forth the news
An unambitious life
It was about raising
All around the clearing
The only way is to chose
In the vapors of pipe
Not for less then Anaheim
Total fifty seven francs
Not for less then Anaheim
I will return for my darling
The handles are of silver
Would from company
Always new, nothing the same
They leaned two by two
Wether he was pondering
When suddenly a vast rumbling woke
He could not see the people
But he saw that all
In much emotion
Made the descend
At the expiration
Pierre Rausch
33www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And that night stole a cat
Never believed, we two would fit under hat
As fishes, birds, dogs and monkeys
Suddenly all your friends dance the honky-wonky
To hell with the owners of these
Asia is a place we could live
South America on the knees for my miss
Illuminated souls of these fine nations
A small symbol for the clan of domination
Hey, babe let’s stay up tonight
For my gentle Lady a whole army could fight
But it will just be me who holds you tight
Anastasia is the name of my flame
No one else will feel who is citizen sane
Another tension should be gained
Sometimes, I don’t know what to feel
The world itself not perceived like it’s real
Ash onto the dark side of the moon
Ships get ready to bring us to the moon
I love you for everything you are
Arthur scratches and wears his scar
Anastasia, yesterday walked eight miles
Nobody knows you’ve got a secret smile
And soon you’ll laugh in your own clip
So use it to prove it you fuse it
Tainted by the fruit of lovers
A.M.’s glory rediscovered
Some of it under a red sky
Is it your name, that got carved under my eye
Arthur scratches quick as I
Pierre Rausch
34www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And She
Rosemary, no matter what you do,
I'll be waiting there for you
And suspicion torments my heart
O Darling' how long are we apart,
Ba ba dup da
And suspicion may set the sun
And come everybody who meets to see
And she, and she, and she and she
Rosemary, no matter what you do,
I'd be waiting there for you
Suspicion to torments all odd
A Taxi brings, Kermit the frog
You doubt a passenger on deuce
Cincinnati incident caught too loose
I'm the a pasta on a train
I'm shell to the sluice of vain
I'm no stranger to anatomy Faubourg
It's a correspondent couture
Persiflage of a daydream nation
A cabinet for wife and creation
And she, and she, and she and she
The chains under your darkness
The confession of what is less
Polls po polls pro reel from polyp
The Arch-Angel Rose-Marie
And everybody who meets to see
And she, and she, and she and she
You may melt into sun
When you hit it on the punch
Personal pass, person's life
When you bait for the next punch
dup dup
Twenty, thirty punches to scub
35www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
When they entered into my van
The old gang broke into a van;
There are thieves under discussion
There is a stranger with concussion
After you arose both sides
When it's backward hunched
When injuries spin to be rife
They've built a robot, a cycle, day by day
The Arch-Angel Rose-Marie
And everybody who meets to see
And she, and she, and she, and she
Pierre Rausch
36www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Angel X-Mas
Once in this time when the summer blood
Knocked in the flesh that decked the vine
Once in this bread, the summer wind
The oat was merry in the wind;
Man broke the oath, spilled it down.
This bread I break was once the oat,
This wine upon a foreign tree
Thrown in its fruit;
Man in the day or wine at night
Laid the crops low, broke the grape's it’s joy.
When wings wing desire
Took the shire one step higher
I never knew that there were such going-on
In the world between the cover of books
Angel Christmas; I’m coming home to you
Only to wish you well
This flesh you break, this blood you let
My wine you drink, my bread you break.
Grape of root and sap;
Make the desolation in the vein,
Was a savior rarer then
Golden note turn in a groove
Children kept from the sun
In studies of his key-less smile
Wishes of prisoners locked my eye
Given further an indication
Given a bias toward flat screens
Given an amount of vehicle
Pierre Rausch
37www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
All the sun long, it was running, it was lovely, the hey
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimney
It was air and playing and lovely watery, it was love and air and playing
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the dim chimney
Glaze that the card rigged and played as lottery
Night-jars as dim as dust under the barn
Flying tents, adventure, brighter, lie merely, lie merely able
And the horses flashing into the dark
She said: father will go out with you to fish
And four weeks later, spoke his last wish
And know you say mamma is sick and it's a cold, I'm not dumb, just nine month
And awake the farm like a wanderer white, the dew came back, cork on my
shoulder bites
Her friends assembled, her friends ran errand for the foreign track event
For some time of the course of the day
It was all shining, it was Adam and maiden that found
That the sky gathered again and the sun grew round
Out of shimmering, the shimmering blue merely able
Out the whispers, whimpering, begging blue; first waiting, first pleading they
were almost able
In the first, the spinning spools, the spin spool, the spell bound steed was
walking warm
Can you fold my handkerchiefs, can you fold my handkerchief?
It is show and the night will start soon?
That does not hurt, it's an afternoon
Pierre Rausch
38www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Answer In The Sea
Come with me, come to the sea
Come with me, you need to be
You need this answer to agree
You need this answer in the sea
Come with me, come to the lake
Come with me, you('re in) need a break
You have this answer to awake
You need these respond from the lake
Come with me, come to the moor
The sprouts in the mud to core
Come with me, you've a chance
Come to the moor to a dance
Shut your eyes and believe in me
For you will see, your answer in the sea
A mermaid comes out of the water
Mermaids do not speak
She lays hands on our shoulders
And gives us a kiss onto each cheek
Now, our love will go on forever
Saved by a creature so unique
That tears run down our cheeks
Circle of dreams live in me
Just like a house caught on fire burns a tree
Ocean of stars a brighten the lake
Just like all this may awake ¦ Just like all this may be
Your answer in the lake ¦
Your answer in the sea
Pierre Rausch
39www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
She does not put out on mall
You make that to a pretty girl
Who can give me more
Men fire at square
Don't call to arm
Who cannot give me more
And there congeals
Going to dinner
And you'll see
A merry humor
General alarm
Uprising daybreak
When the shop-keeper hears
Four columns
I with am you
His hair in a white
The promenade taken
White with a pallor
With a pallor
Can I trust you
Pierre Rausch
40www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Each key has born time, dead art, poetry; sublime old start
Seeing he had born a savage country out of date
Gives rocks small lee-wray, the chopped seas held that year
Lilies from acorn, trout factious fate
True Penelope loves Flaubert fished by obstinate isles
Her hair rather then on sun dials, sun-dials
Affected by l'an trentéunième, threatens my muses' diadem
The age demanded an image of the modern stage
Of an inward gaze, some classic paraphrase
(Appointment at the pass-stay station)
A mold in plaster, prose kinema, alabaster, alabaster
For what you ask, for what you will get, my song bathed in the wet
For what Sonja asks, for what Sonja will get, Sonja today I met
Hello darkness smart face, I come to talk to you again
And the vision that remained in the songs of silent lambs
Listen to these children cry, these that I belied, I belied
Pierre Rausch
41www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Artifacts Of Glory
You'll shamble the room behind
Blink as the door closes
Stand helplessly, stand helplessly
It's a steel plate you hold in both hands
Talk noise over guard
You are not going to touch her
Artifacts of Glory
Remember when the musket bullets flared around you
Arms and tights protected by plates
A voice back down the yard
It's a steel plate you bring closer
You are not going to touch her
Artifacts of Glory
Cyan tint
A fixture back from the light
Overnight theme
Fell at day
You are not going to touch her
Artifacts of Glory
Pierre Rausch
42www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ashes In Ashes
Pocketful magenta mass
Evokes the delta of a swarm
Balsam, mouth-hood
When you accept eyes closed
Cracks on the asphalt to the mass
Evokes opportunity
No wagon to divide
Stick marina calendar
Crop the pendulous clause
Pump-prod to a prod multiform
Chamber-box. Charm. Dual profession.
Shall calendars glue ashes in ashes - Magazines
Shall calendars glue ashes in ashes
Magazines shan't glue
Frenzy move to temper
Funny side, delta
limit fax evocation
On recommendation it's square thank
Chamber-box. Charm. Profession.
You're honored through virtue
Honored by guess
We forfeit
Pierre Rausch
43www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In apogee of activism
In apogee of theme
In apogee astronaut
In apogee of ceremonial flats
In apogee of first phase
In apogee of hot wires
In apogee of crisis tankers
In apogee of louse-borne typhus
In apogee of soil association
In apogee of cured fatalism
In apogee of polyesters
Detroit detoxification
In apogee of decisive F
In apogee of the small-box
In apogee of exploited telephone marketers
In apogee of quarter
Wealth fare
In apogee an astronaut
The wars of succession
Mink coat
Mitigation conflict
In apogee of buoyancy
In apogee of taxation or bye
Wild heretical fund
Coercive favor
Pierre Rausch
44www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
At The Fair
See the kid over there
See the host that scares
And fear appears
See the tunnel
See to stare
And his smile comes out
At the horses square
Everyday the kid plays at the fair
Make him out,
He has horse hair
He is running with his
Dragon's flight
He is running with his dragon's kite
Games get played
James pet played
At the fair
Of fame and trade
That claim a maid
At the fair, at the fair
And smiley of his key-less
In bronze rive
If note turn in a groove
Pierre Rausch
45www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A full grown space, a forth grade
Puts the follower to comprehension
Faith to faith - dimension
Atmosphere - for ambition to call
I can see
Naphtali, third grade
Forth grade, what I do
Brand new piece, a forth dimension
That's when I realized,
A disc around the page
You won't see
All in my flower
Would you pretend warmth for her
Would you allow a preshow
I know someone peculiar who doesn't see
Something like a draper's shop
Feminine week, silence refined
A teenier crush, the crushing of the weir
Field water to waft, she'd never love
Pierre Rausch
46www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Auntie Bessie
Laced her tea to sip
And comes to a new end, a nephew
And through the sore origin to a break
You'd snap, you trembled, you don't know
But it's better then nothing
It was only per occurence
Of a young priest about him
Cockatrice rifle all around
With the running no one ever did
Let her go in and witness
Of a young priest about him
Cherry swan on Christmas night
That frees one mind
But it was too late
And when we supposed we where outside
A new end, a nephew
Someone who has not spoken for a word
But it was too late
Cherry swan on Christmas Night
For these are the things that take part
A final word of miracle
A final round
Pierre Rausch
47www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Babysitter Circle
We went up the marcasite
Moderate view PD
A faraway alloy
Laughing, easily
My prescious circle
More upset then ever
Something isn't fair
More prescious yes
Several sofa, fish & chips
Film-collection basement, bed-time story
Caramel cinema
Ponieyard in any robe
Board game, bed-time story
A faraway ambiente
Moderate choice
Misunderstanding view
Mixer: fruitful drink
Isn't it from house to house
Rumor to checked
We went up to onyx bar
Laughing, at ease
A faraway villain
Moderate view
More upset
Something that isn't fair
We went up to jade
Laughing, ease
A faraway place
Moderate department view
48www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
49www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Back To Crisis (Managment)
Which one owes to what is merely an expression
Would you believe it
When you keep up at night
Oh Babe
Back to crisis
Styles so secret, caused her to flames
Let us not go too far
Let us share a trust, a seat,
Let us go too far
He was walking in a bent attitude
he could have walked out of that alive
He had, in a vague way
Became overcast
A habit of fashion
Oh Babe
There is in America
A district near Panama
No doors to chambers, no staircases, nothing at all
Oh Babe
Would you believe it
Pierre Rausch
50www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Back To The Future
Back to the future - it will take a long, slow breath
Back to the future - a modified DeLorrean had taken position
in front of the courthouse back to the future - for your account and risk
to power the time machine with a bolt
Where he would sense he was being watched
As they heard a flurry of wings and panic
When they had gone, to his surprise
But his path was set
Back to the future - the courthouse square before dawn
Back to the future - you have donw well
But instead a dark figure had spoken
in the schoolyard back to the future - and his bones cracked
Where he would sense he was being watched
As they heard a flurry of wings and panic
When they had gone, to his surprise
But his path was set
Back to the future - it will take a long, slow breath
Back to the future - a modified DeLorrean had taken position
in front of the courthouse back to the future - for your account and risk
to power the time machine with a bolt
Where he would sense he was being watched
As they heard a flurry of wings and panic
When they had gone, to his surprise
But his path was set
Pierre Rausch
51www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Every treasure will be back
Be dipped and be splashed
Be discovered and be turned
Made me attentive to bank
Only awaited opportunities
As we shall see at the end
There are miners
Every treasure will be back
He sent out special spies
Be discovered and be turned
He was wrong – to let it go
It happened to a chief
The commissary's office
Of the glance that it might have
I don't see any wench nor any flowery bonnet in the street
Of the glance that it might hav
Pierre Rausch
52www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Be Regret
Possibly I've regrets
No affair, not an moral act
Gloom merchant
The frig marshall
The children were laughing from breadth
Profond character
Width, a fringe group
Now a tormented square
Possibly I've regret
Not the affair, no moral
Order number five, gas tap
Float beyond the valve
At covered distance
The angry student comforts
Made extra studies
What comes next
Fell to thinking together
On the side, he returned
They calmed down
That was too much
Here they found a flat
Stained with black blood
Attempted sky-divers
All leaped to feet
We must move away
Pierre Rausch
53www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Beautiful Angel
When I am dreaming
It’s about you
You run on the right path
Dreaming, in blue dreaming
Putting your half
When I am screaming
The dream is with you
I see it with you
It’s the best I have
The falcon, flies his yard
Falcon patrol on a yard
Beautiful angel, come down to earth
Come and release me from these cuffs
Of my own two shoulders
When I am dreaming
I care for you
I see what’s in you
And walk on the right path
Pierre Rausch
54www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Beautiful City
Didactic dieheard diary
Incidence magniola
Eva all terrain
Thesaurus, beautiful town in boy mean city
Thesaurus isn't enough
In a room with a stuffed hen
Rebel, my thoughts are crabbed and sallow
Clenched on a round pain
Hunter & rebel
Illinois da
Isles of da
Excentric rumours
Kindle kiosks
Illinois - R
But skyward statues with the west
To the majrsty of town
Diatribe tirade
Hieroglyphes of Chamberlain
Dendroid color
Institute fern
Rambling to walk
Clearance to walk
Pierre Rausch
55www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Best Friend's Wedding
Good for good
A dog-watch
To be the spy for good
„Never taken departure“
Coachman or carriage
Every good that lies within
Was on the point of ring
Needing pardon to none
Like a whirlwind
Would expire with me
Our father testament
To bring confidence again
Up to the very top
Who held fast to be hold
Junction therein
He had reached the end of the walk
Near her
That he would go as far as the end
Could be looking at that confidence
That we state
Showing this turn in his youth
Foundation of confidence
The young girl trembled at eye
From distance, at expiration
Such was his habit
She wants you right here
She wore her crape bonnet
Near her
When she glances in this
That is to say, with a battered hat
That he would go as far as the end
56www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Briefing-case white on a mission
Or that man can't, towards, handle
On the verge of swooning
How are ya the next to croon
From distance, with relay
She wants you here to display
At contemplation to a better sphere
The same bench, the well-known couple
Her white gloves, the well-known couple
From distance, say nothing to another
At expiration to another sphere
Pierre Rausch
57www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Bun brought this to Babylon
Icarus, candle-wax
Genet decent refinery
Brioche conquers fill
It’s completely plaza
Gossip, let's go, hey
Bannock with dark
Art recognition
Geisha pairs
Bridge roll prior
Gallant to be
Baguette import
Index bagel
Gastronome baguette
Brownie export
Boursin export
Introverted cloth
Bloomer import
Introverted radiator
Gauge Calvin
Blanc mange brought to trump
Good and will intention
Bel Paese, bay (leaf) , bergamot,
Grouses about the food
58www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Broomer, with haste
I'd prefer slight serene
Genetic perfume
Barley (water) , flared
I’d burnish here
Granulate to blink,
Burgundy, juice, split,
Ice-cream, bi-lid,
Bitter lemon, can't handle
Israel, the partition
Buttermilk, cache
If wonderful,
Gammon out
Black velvet for secretary
Gems of book
Pierre Rausch
59www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Black Moon
You picked up, and called the moon
You asked a minute too soon
Dancing dust rise among, fancy phase among
I need you now, heart hold bow,
Black moon, shade doom, black moon
Black Moon
These tears sink just you,
My sweet little pocket Kangoroo
Yes, more yes, no more art contest
Squid row falling to class
To look you in the eyes
To see you're bathing down the pie
I will hold you in my arms, forgive you, you speak
A bucket and a first loan
The acrababra cobrahome
Pierre Rausch
60www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
When salt on earth shall loose it's flavor
Whichever endure, whichever endeavor
Is the city of the light set on hill
Can find such beauty to fill
Light a lamp under a basket
If it's me you ask it
Light the lost souls in a broken house
Whose master waits to find such spouse
Blessed are you my darling
Behold a candle on the parking
Play that medley I thought marking
Of such blessed darling
To be better contented
Was no longer astonished at all
One conversation in which the beloved says
It is possible that she had
For the poverty, it's the kingdom
For those who morn, for they shall be conform
The meek, who shan't inherit what they seek
To be blessed obtain mercy
Be pure in heart, for you shall be called
Pierre Rausch
61www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Blond Tuft
Modena City Ramblers, fantastic show
Take me to the magic of that glory
Blond Tuft, Blond Tuft, that's right
Blond tuft, into another night
With return, without coming back
I'll go back there, ski, snowboard
Missionary work, had reached the trolley
What she would like, a time far too back
Carefully, don't drown the whole kitchen
Take the dirty cloth off and find a cleaner
From the water where it had been soaking
If she can see you, she'll understand everything
She's gone into town, she said she'd leave us to talk
I told her there was no need where
The spilled paint had all hardened and matted
Carefully, don't drown the whole kitchen
Take the dirty cloth off and find a cleaner
From the water where it had been soaking
If she can see you, she'll understand everything
She's gone into town, she said she'd leave us to talk
I told her there was no need where
The spilled paint had all hardened and matted
Carefully, don't drown the whole kitchen
Take the dirty cloth off and find a cleaner
From the water where it had been soaking
If she can see you, she'll understand everything
She's gone into town, she said she'd leave us to talk
I told her there was no need where
The spilled paint had all hardened and matted
Modena City Ramblers, fantastic show
Take me to the magic of that glory
Blond Tuft, Blond Tuft, that's right
Blond tuft, into another night
With return, without coming back
I'll go back there, ski, snowboard
Missionary work, had reached the trolley
What she would like, a time far too back
62www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
63www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Not succeeded
Breath on her shoulder
Her share
Bread on my hand
Bobbya in the neighborhood
To the latter quarter
Nevertheless, when she combs herself
It was what they'd want
Bobbya as it flowed
Her own intitution, her own
Oh! how she would have liked
Not impossible to defend
Just feel how my hands hold
Happiness in good season
Not impossible to defend
To the latter piece
A coquet moment
Bobbya, when she'd comb it
Acquinted nevertheless
A distant moment
At my sewing sedan
What splendid coat, what pity
To be, send it to me
Our child is ill with a malady
Since I come back to be send
Since Bobbya is going away
To be send to me
What splendid things to listen
All at once
64www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
65www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A falling apple-tree leans far over
Crows fly through branches
Something which shone
Just moving on!
Baguette in the morning
Cares if I'm picked
And if you like, I will explain to you affair
Just moving on!
With muskets stood
Each holding one end of the chain
Belt, short sabre, manoeuvre!
It seemed to move
My breakfast apparition
Unlike sten gun
Manoeuvre! It assumed a form
Cargo load, vehicles
France Champion
I'd believe in combat
Blackguards stepping in march
Cows fournishing in fields
I'd believe in instant
By degree the outlines became stand
„At Normandie landed
For land they've fought“
Where do they live?
An apple-tree leans far over
And with sword in fist
Blurred by dawn
Because the ground was wet
66www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The artillery had to wait
Until it became firmer
Manoeuvre, manoeuvre!
Pierre Rausch
67www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Breakfast @ Tiffany's
Be quit alone
We ate lunch in the park
Giggled, ran, along
On the railings of a
To see anything
Column is that season
Spearless to linger
Want to know about
And sashay in and out
of Tiffany's
She put her head over mine
A fancy development that finds
A breakfast at the table
All the while the excellent sable
And sashay in and out of Tiffany's
The possibility of a tear
These were little daisies
Justice according to men
They weren't elusive
Pierre Rausch
68www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Bright, Blue And Shimmering
Some say a comet has fallen down
Some say to now take a step
Some say that earth quakes
Meteor showers and tidal waves
Some ask (you) to buy chocolate
Some don't ask you a coin
Some talk inside of bars
Others are quiet and listen
Some have been his desire
Some should he then acquire
The half-lights of doubt constrained
A music man, you with me
Two teenagers engaged with snowball throwing
I’m dreaming of that face again
Bright, blue and shimmering
But what has become of you
Some may take your frock-coat
What are you going to do
Some may take your frock-coat
And some had forgotten that
Pierre Rausch
69www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The brush in paint just slowly tints
But the galley is moved only by the galley-slave
Will be plastered, it can be boring
(Fire in the cold storage)
Daubed with an airbrush
She endured greater pain
The elements which constitute the consideration
And vastly admired because he had seen of the gamins
The brush in paint just slowly moves
I do not wish you to have a bad opinion
Stepped aside promptly
The brush in paint just slowly moves
The brush in paint just slowly moves
The brush in paint just slowly tints
You must have thought me intrusive
Has become sanctified in your sight
He declared to himself
Would this lead him further
The brush in paint just slowly moves
The brush in paint just slowly moves
The brush in paint just slowly tints
The panache of flamboyance
Pander panels, dye and stain
She saw the total town
The brush in tint just slowly moves
Pierre Rausch
70www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Bugging Operation (Hesitate)
Front garden on instincts - bunbelabela
Front court and grief
Obsessed with the big guys
The strut and charm
Knock the janitor
Wello, hesitations
See in my mind's eye
Scatter the corn evenly
His inferior eye
It wouldn't rest, he can't leave
So done da
If he continues, I've grown
Seek the engaged a janitor
Freedom, clue
Protective, she'd say
Nothing she would not give
Wello bay, Truant mid-life,
Tell Particles, the city breathes,
To give you, it's running the way,
Rent a token building, fish chandler,
I'm no weel – Baley Baley
Almost in merry mood
When you joined at night - they had you
And those they had, they had
Pierre Rausch
71www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
But The World Would Freeze
When he drifted back to consciousness
So far away out to the sea
As no one might be
He drifted back to consciousness
But the world would freeze
Watching each other
Feet don't reach the ground
And a gesture releases excitement
When he drifted back to consciousness
So far away out to the sea
As no one might be
He drifted back to consciousness
But the world would freeze
Watching each other
Feet don't reach the ground
And a gesture releases excitement
There is one land and one tribe
You are the last child
Could be no replacement
We won't know now
But the world would freeze
Watching each other
Feet don't reach the ground
And a gesture releases excitement
But the world would freeze
Watching each other
Feet don't reach the ground
And a gesture releases excitement
When he drifted back to consciousness
So far away out to the sea
As no one might be
He drifted back to consciousness
There is one land and one tribe
You are the last child
Could be no replacement
We won't know now
But the world would freeze
Watching each other
Feet don't reach the ground
72www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And a gesture releases excitement
Pierre Rausch
73www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
VIP numeral
In cahoot, conspiration
Crash colision arrival
Colluded item to collect
Let bygones be bygones
Someone had a hard time
Group is group - gang is gang
Every partner - group is group
Came along the riverboat
The model teacher eclipse
To reach the trance of poores
Lateral brick
The cellfone
VIP bodyguard
Eclipse to handle
Hot to eclipse
Do something
Every coil appears as VIP
As she the gong,
Nonplus ultra
Do something
VIP numeral
Someone had a hard digit
Flummox hea
Pierre Rausch
74www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Car Wash
Waiting, sunshine, watching file
Still he waited a while
Spark plugs, day match week
In fact, the neighbors stir
Strapless, shopping bag, lookout,
Five or seven choice option
A trace without a state
A state without a trace
Engine brushes on side, soda lather
Brushes on visor, soda lather
Bucket levers on top
Short parking allowed
Pull the neutral loose from plattform
A trace without a state
A state without a trace
Engine brushes on side, soda lather
Brushes on visor, soda lather
Bucket levers on the hetchback
Brown convertible, red coupé
Turn the gear and move
Hatchback, four wheel drive
Brown convertible, red coupé
Operating instructions
Attention: be precautious
Shall it wring, shall it wax,
Mechanic burnish, it buffs up for it
The veil in the catch and lock
The veil on my best man
Engine brushes on side, soda lather
Brushes on visor, soda lather
75www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Bucket levers on the hetchback
Brown convertible, red coupé,
Hatchback sterling, a four wheel drive
Pierre Rausch
76www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The English front hid itself
Roller shutter - very dense, very compact
I prefer to overthrow and turn back
He abunded in pleasantry
Draped windows - of this laughter in merry fit
I prefer to overthrow and turn back
His hat the white and amaranthine cockade
The Emporer is well
Supposing himself to be out of the question
In concordance to the rains of that night
A pretty checker-board
However, that was his way
The English front hid itself
The rest had positioned
So much better
He marked by a joy of him
We aret in a camping campagne
Pierre Rausch
77www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Carlo Gringo - Carlo 'Esteban' Gringo
Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
Looks like Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Looks like Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
Drim, Dabe do, sixty-sibo
Shall I respect, Dabe do, fifty-sue
Shan't I oil, Dabe do, sixty-sue
Dabe do, fifty-sue
Dabe dibo, sixty-sibo
And in killing grounds
Dabe do, fifty-sue
(dortesojo, kosonaweiju)
Esteban, the first week you are late
(dortesojo, kosonaweiju)
The second day, your neighbors’ debate
About you
Not proud; towel, broken,
The darker way, and did not
Dabe dibo, sixtisibo
Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
Looks like Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Looks like Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
Dim de, dim de daba dim de da
Tauron, serpent, amazing Minotaur
Defend yourself mellow
Defend yourself in uniform
Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
Looks like Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Gringo, Carlo, Carlo Gringo
Looks like Grango, Carlo, Carlo Grango
78www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
To de, te do roma, te deo redgo da bi
Come now, don't come later
The second day, the neighbors deborate
Samine dje terra sworn, kornan true worn
Dib on tich tetj gone
Mece se terro korn
Krooh jeg salbo ky
Fong kose, hohr ky
Yerne kula ye momne gan
Dorror te de doro haste gan
Pierre Rausch
79www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Cash & Colt
Prints and Bag
Squash, peaches
Till' it breaks
Capital figures on my desk
The cashier shall
The bank assisten shall be
With this man
The clen bones
They shall have
Give it the cold way
Yet in your hands
Cash & Colt
No more may offer
The blows of the cry
Though there are nails
Till it breaks down
Where blew a flower, may a flower bloom
Where blew a winter, may a summer bloom
The love of the city
Though there are nails
Till it breaks down
Prints and badge
Squash, peaches
Till' it breaks
Chapital figures on the desk
They shall have
Give it the cold way
Yet in your hands
Cash & Colt
But blurt blue
You were mad, you weren't sorry
80www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Assembly shop mechanics
You've believed
What isn't,
If it isn't anything towards,
Forget, don't sleep,
Heir to the scaffolding,
To all night and day,
Someone that's not my eye,
Don't leave that real name behind
Pierre Rausch
81www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Grass moved one moment forth
Everything at all the quiet north
Not these branches on the bush of a hang
If I wanna have shot, big pistols, bang bang
Call a color snap shot of Charly in the late sixties
A wheelchair on the white of a white country
You're here on a three by four photograph
Point to a sentence/repentance were your name is staffed
(Dead or alive the old man invented, the old man suicide)
I'd grieve my love one floor down
To grieve the hewer of the viewer
It's a good monster with fingers, spreading white fingers
Her soul in division from itself
You're mounting, falling, she knows not where
Hiding amidst the loading cargo
Her knee-cap broken, that girl I declare
The Grass moves one moment forth
Anything at all the quiet north
Not these branches on the bush of a hang
If I wanna have shot, big pistols, bang bang
No matter what occurred
In what dull house, one minute before
Frequent common order
Stands in brave music
Soon, and night, light
Pierre Rausch
82www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Chasing The Dragon
This goes back to knowing your identity
You haven't felled called to go there
Fans will request for a signature or ask to pose for
a picture
That's all we have to go by
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
The empire you have created here
The dragon was a bad guy
Waking up and reading
We can only see each others actions
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
That is perfectly natural
To wait to respond to the actions
And was thrilled to be there
They would emphazise the importance
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
And let us run with perseverance
Chasing the dragon
Pierre Rausch
83www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Cheeks Of A Pale Flushing
Beam traversed this excavation
Annihilated at the very shock
Chinese ivory handle of parasol
In this vault, men who had redeemed
Toilette exhaled, forgiven mistakes
And nothing could fascinate
For she was another daughter
Soft toy animal – Theme park
The just man frowns
And nothing is magnificent
The just man to tell
And her shoe outlined
A youthful perfume
There was nothing but glance
Battered near the band
That certain complaisance
Carter coarse boot
And as with regret
Feeling consideration for you
He seated himself
And with esteem
Its murmurs had the hoarse accent
Cheeks of rose-leaf, it is -
Verb looking, tender, coquette
Whhence unknown, a pale flush
An agitated whiteness, an exquisite boat
Pierre Rausch
84www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Chewbacca Jezreel
Nose-brush under the trail of Gainsborough
Caliph thumb of train and of cargo
Lips for a lumber largo embargo
Animus soda hint chaos of octet
Hawaiian, pet-food as familiar person
Horo, horo,
Fati Ca lids of Richard Dixon
A toothbrush white for sweet Nixon
Horo, from the clip to Toledo
Cool kid's chewing-gum with two
Animus deport, mil octet
Ton of several correspondence
Feathered trunks, feathered confusion
Embellished May-bucket, Song-Book
Feathered heaven, feathered dressed flavor
Garnish, vanished press,
En Largo
Xylophone Castaneda, Butch trail
Masonic Lips-stick, Blue Zebra sail
The Masonic Porte-au-Prince
Dali relic, diligence, somehow
From tulips to Toledo
It's duty to report: (Miss Fatima, Miss North)
Chewbacca Jezrel, Dr. Chewbacca,
In the streets of Puerto Rico he ran,
Snack to the asphalt to the track
Isotope Cisco, enthusiast Ishtar Isotope
When sun falls, horo and the moon he ran
Welcome personality
To the rangers down
Pierre Rausch
85www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Child Again
Oh mama, what happened, when I ran away
I had no bad feelings, back then and today
Play all day long knight and toy, LEGO Knight,
I used to run though fields, climb on trees, run through a cave
I wanna be a child again
And every day is as good as the last one,
and if you've learned it as to where I come from,
you've got a way down to go, look in my eyes, you see a
sparkling brown, a sparkling blue
I wanna be a child again
Dense and very compact
Cannon balls rebounded
Had discovered nothing of it
It becomes necessary to pour out more
The evident right to sum up the whole
That there is a certain instant
I wanna be a child again
And every day is as good as the last one, and if you've learned it as to where I
come from, you've got a way down to go, look in my eyes, you see a
sparkling brown, a sparkling blue
I wanna be a child again
Pierre Rausch
86www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Childhood Illinois (Paediatricians)
That passed free control
No rope in here
Assaulted no need
The sign to the flight - stop -
Were cool, we're quiet - stop -
Intermission briefing - stop -
You're not sure yet – stop -
For the surge is sown - stop -
Through the archer's farm - stop -
Gallop until nothing - stop -
Burns, the bird box - stop -
Loosened all buttons - stop -
That echo of the crestfallen - stop
About for journeys - stop -
Who aroused from his slumber -stop -
Yet call the fire brigade - stop -
Threw our snowballs - stop -
- stop - Already the gate would be blocked
- stop - Already the gate got blocked
- stop -Already the gate would be blocked
- stop - Already the gate got blocked
Shall call - stop -
the police of every guard - stop -
the guard of every police - stop -
- stop - the companion – stop -
- stop - Already the gate would be blocked
- stop - Already the gate got blocked
Interrupt the stop - block -
There was a dim sheet - stop -
A glove
Gets glass back to the post
- stop - already the gate would be blocked
- stop - already the gate got blocked
87www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
- stop - already the gate would be blocked
- stop - already the gate got blocked
Pierre Rausch
88www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Chinese Panda
The trees were reflected in the river
Catching a branch back from the station
Nobody had wished her well in such terms
Chinese Panda and sometimes I learn
He took her and hugged her
He's very good to us
I look at the corner of the tree
Chinese Panada and sometimes I see
Chinese Panda coudn't come any sooner
And woke up this morning
How long ago, Chinese Panda
Where you used to sit
And Panda has got the looks and wits
Chinese Panda coudn't search any longer
It's all so quick and sudden
How long ago, Chinese Panda
Where you used to sit
Chinese Panda has got the looks and wits
Chorus 2*
Pierre Rausch
89www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Christ Lumen
(Deliver him, he cried) : lumen Christi
By losing all love, by loosing all casted needs
All naked in the engulfing tides
Never to en-flourish in fields of whitest seed
Or flowers (under hours) never to enlie the flesh astride
(Of fields. And burning then) : lumen Christi
In his fire-lid en-ringed by recolting snow – lumen gentium
In his dung hill mowed as wool / held like hen – lumen gentium
Roosts sleeping chill till the flames crow – lumen gentium
Roost through the mantled yards (and) the morning men – lumen gentium
By the pit and the black log in the log bright light
The night is near
The night is near
The night is near
And the nightingale slees outside
(He knelt, he wept, he prayed) : lumen Christi
He wept form the crest to the veiled vanilla sky
His hunger goes bowling on bare bone
Past the statues (of the stables) and the sky roofed sties
Past the duck pond glass and the blinding byres
(He knelt, he wept, he prayed) : lumen Christi
Fires were crowned, he should prowl down the present cloud
Fires got crowned of blind love and rush in that lairs
Fires are crowned, our naked need struck us howling and alone
Though no sound flowed down the hand-folded air
Lux ae – tér – na lú – ce–at e – is, Dó – mi-ne – lumen Christi
Cum sanc–tis tu – is in ae – tér - - num: lumen Christi
Qui – a pi – us es, qui – a pi – us es. Jesum Christum
Re-qui-és-cant in pa – ce, in pace
By the pit and the black pot in the log bright light
The night is near,
The night is near,
The night is near,
90www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And the scarecrow sits outside
Pierre Rausch
91www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Chuck Palumbo
The Mandrigal Mexico
It's at mood in the house
It's the surf in bus
Four surfers - (lampion)
They'd groove me
The Mandrigal Mexico
Péninsula leader
Havoc within
Neck pouch vendor
Valais take off, valais bird
T.A. Polyvinil
Bare I.C.
Chicory black, Chicory white
The left food on the first step,
the right food to the half-time engineer
Chicory black, Chicory white
White chicory marketeer
Clarification nine hour thirty A.M. Morning
Circuit clarification training
Default, body heading
Coffee goes longer
Chicory black, Chicory white
Wave power, PR public relations
Riz or public relations
Import decorate
Powerless steering
Chicory black, Chicory white
Chicoree black, Chicoree white
Chicoree black, Chicoree white
Chicoree black, Chicoree white
92www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
93www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
My character has left
Where I can relate directly to
In a position where you can
Tell me not to leave
In the outdoors of Mexico
As you lay there under the stars
You could consider anything
And take strength from it
Such a ring of shape, there where
Evenings when I dreamed of you riding up
For what we believed were the right reasons
I've learned more than I wanted to know
Responded, I've killed better with my hands alone
The churches had sounded on approach
In the outdoors of Mexico
As you lay there under the stars
You could consider anything
And take strength from it
Such a ring of shape, there where
Evenings when I dreamed of you riding up
In the outdoors of Mexico
As you lay there under the stars
You could consider anything
And take strength from it
Such a ring of shape, there where
Evenings when I dreamed of you riding up
A rousing adventure as they increased their pace
We have no choice now
Of the first days alone
You felt stunned and weak from the emotions of these days
My feelings numb despite these differences
When I thought I was in a slow
In the outdoors of Mexico
As you lay there under the stars
You could consider anything
And take strength from it
Such a ring of shape, there where
Evenings when I dreamed of you riding up
94www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
95www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Circus Psycho Clown
Circus Psycho Clown stalks in the dark
No woman to bait a spark
Women are people on an ark
Circus Psycho Clown stalks in the dark
Red Nose Devil makes people fear
In mind nothing so deer
Women have rights to be heared
Red Nose Devil makes people fear
Psycho Clown entangles in danger
If women could be treated as stranger
Circus Psycho Clown follows that ranger
Oh no Red Nose Devil could enhance the danger
Psycho Clown entangles in danger
If women could be treated as stranger
Circus Psycho Clown follows that ranger
Oh no Red Nose Devil could enhance the danger
A combination of anger and hate
The ranger investigates, it's too late
When the clown flees and escapes
Not to be safe from state to state
Psycho Clown entangles in danger
If women could be treated as stranger
Circus Psycho Clown follows that ranger
Oh no Red Nose Devil could enhance the danger
Psycho Clown entangles in danger
If women could be treated as stranger
Circus Psycho Clown follows that ranger
Oh no Red Nose Devil could enhance the danger
Circus Psycho Clown stalks in the dark
No woman to bait a spark
Women are people on an ark
Circus Psycho Clown stalks in the dark
Psycho Clown entangles in danger
If women could be treated as stranger
Circus Psycho Clown follows that ranger
Oh no Red Nose Devil could enhance the danger
Pierre Rausch
96www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Clean (Spinning Wheels)
Everything you do: opinion
everything you find: up, back
They meet me to the same intransigence
Every-time I hit the spinning wheels
Valo concerto;
“Spoken Aggression”
Noise creeks business
Wonder if she stays
Emotion struck
Every-time I hit the spinning wheels
Gamblers at a six-day race
I command you clean
Federal clean, clean
I command you clean
Point at the mirror
To pop at the bottom
At the bottom of
And she laughs
Everything you find
Every-time I hit the spinning wheels
Valo concerto; “Spoken Aggression”
I command you clean
View, federal, clean
I accommodate you clean
Gamblers at a six-day race
Point at the mirror
To pop to dance
Inspector share seat
“It's disturbing”
That's important
Fed cops on marquee
“The streets are cold at night”
97www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
View, federal, clean
I command you clean
Gamblers at a six-day race
Point at the porcelain
At the bottom to dance
Pierre Rausch
98www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Arranged calories order
Theater productions
When we proceed to sketch
Accomplishments nourishing
Hussar dancers
Prior to the event
Did we proceed?
Oh, shared seats
Business card, welcome
A harsh consul on TV
Prior to the event
Did we dance?
Catering restaurants
When there’s a codex
In the yards of the turtle tone
The works she forgot
To mention - February fencing – the left arm at degree
“The lot she forgot ”
When there’s a codex
Prior to the event
Nothing to roll about
Did we dance?
In the yards of the turtle tone
We looked outside
A unison of part-time friends
Prior to event
Pierre Rausch
99www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Columbia Line
The docks in the brooks wept lane
Column's ringing drops, carved dew
The container, the dark door wide
Aren't there outsiders on the bed of that my pride
A red rose and a minstrels flight
Red favored favor despite
On a red mole, it climbed inside
An octave, white, blue frame and I'd
My hand off, on a peer, website
To the familiar door that she'd guide
On the white, longer growing green, and minstrel fed
The singing breaks, shewed villages of a wishful lad
And over the glazed fingers skated that her were set
Dancing hollowed form
Brims with key, cotyledon green key
And fast through the drifts of a ticker volunteer
And over the cloth the rode chevalier
Pierre Rausch
100www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
As they caught the main stream
He rose in fire and main streem
With an eye upon the wheel
Registrations at desk
To send out a cup of establishment
A couple of phrase
The result of his length
There were no wolves at desk
Registration shall he be
A commerce apprentice
Your arm to the night – a thought day
Whose veranda shall carry to envy
A postilition who had tumbled
Ignorant to tendency
They thought their own share
To the right, there was no path
Messengers had passed
Variety as entertainment
A pencil upon the writer
Established commerce
An explication requires
Commerce established
Pierre Rausch
101www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Communication Breakdown
There's no way back and no way out
When you come down and I can't
Communication breakdown
He is in the tremendous sea
He is lost in outer space
He is in on a cruiser
She participates on a body sign
She participates in a language course
I can't close my eyes to glass
Where then is the ship
Next, I can't close the lid
There's no way back and no way out
When you come down and I can't
Communication breakdown
The wind blows in gusts
That which can be summed up
Nothing more simple
Here is the receipt
She participates on a body sign
She participates in a language course
Now it's enough, now you go
Pierre Rausch
102www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Complexus Life
But which was almost an escarpment on the side
Of two throls of the two great sepulchres
Sprayed, he told, closet
He told us of spoken now and then
Necked nails, but thumbed
Almost preacher, I saw guide
The vault, groin, scrape
In the praise that I saw
'Just runnin' feeling, just runnin' my mouth'
Innocent, an old man kind
Almost teacher, I saw guide
Save among the secret sky
Nor did I now, had he cried?
And this groin to scrape
Save among the secret sky
How could I betray my life
How could I enhance in danger
Sweat sleep arriving
The shell, nigh
Sweat motor on the rill
As being innocent,
Through the girded sky
Values to best friends
A man is where I've gone
It down to show
Crying at the last
Innocent, an old man kind
How could I betray my life
How could I enhance in danger
Dangerous blast
Pierre Rausch
103www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Confort At Desk
Not window was open
This coincided with a black cloud
They perceived something floating
Which suddenly veiled the sun
Recognized a drunken man
As on the previous evening
The moment was approaching
Not a door stood ajar
Opinions were exchanged
We must place
It was absolutely necessary
The distant tumult
The swans were far away
The bourgeois danger
Delighted to make a jest
Pierre Rausch
104www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
He lived many years
In the underground cup
And his companions followed
In the underground cup
It's in his mind
That is what was
Doesn't know it better
Set by one, one by one
The Wild was even wilder
In this way they could escape
That is what was in his mind
Far down in fortune
They had escaped
Your admiration, thank
Flee, they found enough
And in the name of him, we see
Looks as if
Refused to go straight
And they hand on
In the underground cup
Freek one more guess
Till' it is made
'Till it is stick
Frequency to guess
Stream stirs in gladness
A knock on thought
Those weren't crows!
Could be alltogether lid
There were the light elves and the deep elves
With a darker red
105www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Anyway without line
Our like in lodging
Pierre Rausch
106www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A town in every girl
An easy town in every robe
He warned himself to be
He would laugh and be stupid
You're funny and cheerful
You are supposed to go
She had a bit about letting it
She needs it in all her go
A mall in every girl
A city and mall
Some kind of sentence,
With envy of style, what's to become
Getting a fellow, well knowing a style
Confirm the persuasion, have saved bye
A mall in every girl
A town in every city
There is no question, the two pound sum
On a frilly dress, fingers, what?
And the postman with no rose
Steals me my love away
The postman with the rose
We called the fire brigade
Blue knuckles and milk
That the tension disobeyed
A mall in every girl
A town in every city
And the postman with a rose
Steals me my love away
A girl in every town
A mall in any city
And the postman with the rose
A girl in every town
Pierre Rausch
107www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Corner Relief
I bit my blouse, I suffered so
I count upon that
No one saw me, no one picked me up
How the birds sang!
And the day when they came to you
Was wonderful
To tell you to pick it up
He comes in contact with an obstacle
Oh, if you only knew
Now, no one can get out of the barricade
He came in contact with an obstacle
Because I wanted you before
How happy I am
I don't want you
How happy I am
Because I wanted you before
Heart-breaking, her torn blouse disclosed
I suffered so, I suffered so
Pierre Rausch
108www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Cosette Thenandier
Was overwhelmed there, held the stand
Packed the bougies, behold
Is gnawed by grape-vine,
Their feet hung swung
That shoulderblade to oscillate
Is champed by shots
Three sou, Monsieur - Monsieur, three sou
It isn't evident,
Says they were not,
Leave, my dive, from them,
And she causes to leave
Cast where we heard
Were they're all, that stay (where we are)
On the succeding night
Says they were not
Well isolated
The rain-water to collect
This isn't isolated
This isn't well
This isn't Cosette
Three operations
Is crunched by grapes
In three timid act-shoot!
The ball, and went boum!
One enters the garden first
It is Cosette
Broken hand, fracture leg,
It's Cosette
Being able not to load
Giant day being able
What I'll believe: (aux Thenadiers)
109www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ballet captain
Pierre Rausch
110www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sword-blades, and shapeless projectiles
A friend inside a shapeless heir
Enorm pillow
Robbed in the pagoda osier
The friend inside you
Grisette & Polypore
Down the station beyond the
scratched pad
To service her Japonica virtue
Where are they?
You must enter again the
Are they themselves?
A central processor
Rented a crooked mourning
With four crossing birds
This heritage
Lie with religion in her cramp
Seventy years of peony
The postures
Homely house
Oh no, beginning to feel uncomfortable
Where are they?
Are they themselves?
A central processor
Monkey puzzle
Wax that ribs upon the ageing cloth
From the queer lodgings on four leg
Pierre Rausch
111www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Danielle Metro
Danielle Metro, I have to learn
You're the most beautiful
Why don't you tip?
When you gash upstairs
When I see trace
Why don't you allow
Misses Willing;
Meanwhile, meanwhile, in a seesaw situation,
in a trench-coat,
These that there are, the tops of an inlay
Danielle Willing, forward these letters to
the courier, in The meanwhile to process
“awkward to burnish, awkward not to banish”,
polish, top secret, secret, headline
Danielle Willing,
Don't you ever sell the toys that doesn't fit?
Don't you ever buy the toys that doesn't fit?
You're not closer, I bid on the Magma-train,
are you closer? Allow me
Oh, honey, honey, honey;
In the city, back in that ground
Would you come back, should it be
That it shouldn't be, that's no lane
Top secret, in the beginning
It wasn't celled in a thought
Before his pitch was shaking in sieve, closer
Allow me
Danielle Metro, allow me
Pierre Rausch
112www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Daycare Center
Clings to her hairbrush
For her turn confided
On the march had not filled in the ruts
And strewn a litter beneath the wheels
Cling tor her young dress
To computed demand
Clings to her hairbrush
For herb on benches
To stress on tide
Tide to her game
Holds to that dandy
Attached to that cupboard
Holder and closet
Holds it beside
Holds to her screen
Clings to her chewing slide
To stress it on tide
Ai! Notes, handicrafts
Ai! Notebook circle
Who'd greet the rombaze here and
Who'd cheerish the mallard's outside
Pierre Rausch
113www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Delicious And Refreshing
The light refreshment and for other reasons
You want to slow down at the crossroads
Pressing A, pressing B
And you hope to get further pressure
You still run around in circles
In a pool of black paint
You'd meet such an available girl
To use her own kind of language
That about sums you up
But nowadays you're a bit lovesick
That about sums you up
She'd tell all, the way women do
Chorus 3*
But you're so wrong
Men are much too gentle to discuss their
You know I think of no other girl
It is a sign of sensitive moments
Chorus 2*
Pierre Rausch
114www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Direction Neigh
Air to gasp
Obnoxious to nicker
To grasp connection
To the direction neigh
Obscene; half pulled window
Job, positively
Inspect something perceived
Mad machine, filthy
She rents red bricks
Sap, fresh and pressed
She tackles at lurk
Principles at gateway –
To the direction neigh
Serpentine procedure: neigh
Procedure: neigh
Direction neigh
Teenage trot – neigh
Teenagers - ouch
Trolley – ouch
To the direction neigh
Director neigh at
Two little snobs
Two little snobs: neigh
To the direction neigh
Handsets to crumble neighbor's
Tut Tut
Etoile a nova - neigh
Cabal quest refused
Pledge to no cab - ouch
Robin lumber – neigh
Member card inclusive
Despair persistent to feel
115www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
116www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You will be shot before the barricade
Between two pieces of glass
You have knocked at all doors
As there will be more
You won't be shot at the barricade
And passed gayly through the opening
They play along with the song
In the larger barricade
There are four of these dirty doors
And you're so dirty
Two pins at the uppercorner
A briefless lawyer, when I take to you
Dirt taken to care
Taking time and collecting forces
As there will be no more
Who had so tranquily entered
As there will be more
And beheld on the barricade
Emotional influence
It is a moment to pronounce
And it's in order
Standing on the spot
To speak low tones up
As there will be no more
Pierre Rausch
117www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Rodeo rodeo, tror te, tre
Djarlarmancha cook it up
Hovel, spare part, hug shop
It is a biscuit, a leisure teen
It is a Larry, a boy on scene
There are many hills not to ascend
Came down form the ballyhalle camel
It is a biscuit, a leisure teen
That it was it who had broken
The traveller blade's of theriser's fog
It is a Larry, a boy on leisure
Downtown Station of the Liebert track
It's here I bribe, It's here I quit
It is a biscuit, a leisure teen
It is a Larry, a boy on scene
Down dunnhallitop
A child made the perspiration trickle down his limbs
Which had relaxed its grasp reappear
Djarlarmancha cook it up
In the darkness behind
Djarlamancha skumb zob
Djarlamancha de shig zob
As the lukeworm crawls outside
It is a biscuit, a leisure teen
It is a Larry, a boy on scene
Djarlamancha skumb zob
Djarlamancha de shig zob
It is a biscuit, a leisure teen
It is a Larry, a boy on scene
The wealthy archetype Higgins
The specimen that could field within
118www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I am an a widget, a leisure scene
It's to describe the field within
The digs red to volvemarsh size
Late specimen you could question
Layout archetype Higgins
Pierre Rausch
119www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Dnjepr Dnjepopetrosk
Camouflage in panther
Plant I'm gonna love
ISBN: Gdansk congregate
Doorsteps to combustion
A lot of words (spoken)
Seldom departure, a many words
Seldom hetero, (dam dam dam dam)
By the cocky rivers
Dissuasive dnjepok
Avast Dnjepr,
The oil of life, cosmetic, manic
Colorize croquettes to the oil of live, dnjepok
Is it not the love I blame, the love to you
It’s her lid that put me down, stay here
Function djnepr
Transcribed the circles of world
The works to the company, the ocean
then, I will go on horseback. Unharness the
Excess of zeal kills
A pulse for magnetism, attired by poles,
A pulse for magnetism, attired by poles, the light
towers approached, (spoken in a toward way)
First the ships drawn by maps, first network
dnjepr, dnjepopetrosk
Ship lines direct from port to port, routes that
trade to authority
Core cruisers, star ships, the big freighters, the
Battleships, sails of this Aegean
„Please contact S.O.S, in aid, we've got it“
(not every take)
I was trying, trying, trying,
120www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Look, I'm gonna love
at the least at every relay
Dnjepr, dnjepopetrosk
Pierre Rausch
121www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Don't Feel Bad
But you intend to implore her again
Swimming by the light of the silver moon
Tense and atmospheric
Looks like skin and dark hair
I don't usually talk about this
Finds things to occupy myself
That is all I could read
Then that's another thing
Don't feel bad
Don't feel bad
Don't feel bad
Don't feel bad
I sank onto the edge of the bath
I drifted in the half here
No one came down to meet me
Which depressed me further
And that's all you need in music
That's all you need
So my dear young Lady
Would you play with me
Chorus 2*
Pierre Rausch
122www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Don'T Walk Getting Mixed Up With Your Getters
Reindeer gunner
That the stature
Of the elk blade
From their watchfulness in any momement
Well, he's ready
Confounded visitors hanging on the kisser
As often as he can't spare
Get something reindeer
Let us make haste slowly
Who don't see mountains
If you were not here
Who says: „Then you must walk“
Yet, after all, why don't we get
He offered once, too
Where I can't finish my fruit
Don't walk getting mixed with your getters
You look rather absurd
For a wild spear stroke
And any there fell before
Don't walk getting mixed up with your getters
Pierre Rausch
123www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Don't Worry (I'm On Your Side)
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
The tissue will give you strength
Continued to struggle as you, as you
When the flow was just a trickle
One of us should scout around
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
I grant you guest rights
You grant me guest rights
I want your advice on this
Your advice is mine
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Had been surprised to be given command
It was a small thing perhaps
There is a certain limit
Would shake my head half way through
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Don't worry, I'm on your side
Pierre Rausch
124www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Don't You Think You Should
If it's right to keep it now
I'm not sour if it's right
Don't you think you should
Feels as if it wouldn't be there
As long as you're sure, that's all that matters
If you stop to think about it
Don't you think you should
I know you never had much time
Well, I'm sure, when you're back
I've been thinking about that
Don't you think you should
Couldn't tell what suddenly looked
Don't look so surprised
I don't want to be stuck
And get the chance to change
But then, it is hard to notice
Quiet as he had been
To allow it far ahead
Pierre Rausch
125www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Dragon in the lands of the crosier
Head teachers, into the tiles of the weapon of the arquebusier
Hampton court, flint-lock, pseudonym, stuff, the Charles Darwin punier
Hampton court, slate’s at your door
Dragon, dragon at your door
Hundred-sixty pounds, two-hundred twenty lbs, tutors joins on customary
Fahrenheit test
Hampton court, into pubs, to cope on west-end, to score with the customary
Acacia hanging, copper thus, copper rust thus male Fleming
Perpendicular rent curator, turtle shield and crane an oscillator
Beppo glass dozen, pepper-coat tailed shameless Beppo bronze
Fallible alibi thermos uttermost, tow outermost flower-coach, fallibly
Patriotism passing too fast, Puccini informer master iconoclast
Nocturnal omen embanks chloroplast, for the structures to steal their past
Plying poll polka to polyp: Newsreel Harold harmony, to the mid
Cameroon, Cameroon, come out
Alder and box elder command globule control, if it remains it's ball volley to hold
Lactic defamation, pasteurization, the dribbles told anthology privation
Amber in ambuscade and arabesque, amorphous cat-house nor the pieces to
steal their vet
Gasoline, boa path, finder path, Aristoteles: Be serious, rite, divide us
Billy, cockatrice and nectar, projectiles meld node to Boondock backdoor
Passenger sesame, passenger corn and field, Bogota Almond crop and field
Yellow of proof that cast a flavor, when that yellow ball flushes from one pitch to
Rod Flavor
From one court they scream “out”, but with the slow motion feature, they signal
“It's the players that decides which angle's opportune, they'd rather give it to the
referee to resume”
Dragon, Slate’s at your door
Pierre Rausch
126www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Dragon & Elves
Blacksmith, listen, throw
Now, if you spray
So he sat down and fournish
Were scheduled and torn
Agenda with indulgence
If we could have a fire
On every behalf
It is well that I found her
Do we have to go through?
For the breeze seems the rova east
The events had long suspicion
These events drove of themself
For the breeze is the rova east
All that had happened
After they went on beyond
Rovam to leave work and home
That he had brought back
For the homeward journey
In the message of the agyar
And at length smelling battle
In the agyar of the box
For the breeze is the Rova east
The office had long suspicion
The office drove off
In suspicion
It's zero in the voids
Ella sour honey
Sour, the signal
For the breeze is the Rova east
The oleaster had long suspicion
The oleaster drove
127www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In suspicion off
Pierre Rausch
128www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Your conscience lies quite patiently, until the night comes out
When you want to sleep, your conscience shows some doubt
Your dreams may tell the truth, your problem is worked out
Maybe you sleep silently, maybe you scream loud
Come into Dreamland, that Dreamland
And you will know where you stand
There is something to spend
You may live (the past) again, or see the future go
You may love a friend or fight a foe
Friends become foes and enemies can be friends
It will be all the same again, when you're igniting a pen
Come into Dreamland, that Dreamland
And you will know where you stand
There is something to spend
Take over your visions, when sleep connects inside
Your dreams may match a light, let them draw the night
Dream with them hand in hand, try to find out for what the
It's all the same again, when dream-work is to see
I'm looking a your eyes, can see the sun come ryus
I'm looking a your eyes, and I can see(the dream) which
Pierre Rausch
129www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
It's a Rizzly bear, it's a quiz for bears
Esteem of the Omega
Scattered over the square
There is nothing to be feared
It's a Rizzly bear, it's a quiz for bears
Every thing is radiant
Then you described the way you've felt
Sire, there is nothing to be feared
Haven't seen this location
Went from one full stop
Populace is more puny
If I look at you and you blaze
Heaven selected nothing, nothing
I've missed the words to describe
You can't transcribe on paper stick
I've missed the words to describe
Mister Darling is a description
I've missed the words to describe
Mister is a statement since I like you
I'll miss the words to describe
And then you go and then I miss
It's a teddy, it's a quiz for bears
And then I go and then you miss
I know you since I know the way
To the next neighbor's door
Modest some kind of trust, a barn inside yarnibeitskan
It's a teddy, it's a quiz for bears
(Dunjascha,) you've not that habit
(Dunjascha,) you've got things
And then you go and then I cry
And then I go and then you cry
(Will use my voice to talk within)
(When you come around and talk)
130www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
It's a teddy, it's a quiz for bears
One pride for glory, one oath for friends, one violet sharp
It's a teddy, it's a quiz for bears
Most precious Dunjascha
You see it right, the stars and the clown
A barn beitsiskan
Pierre Rausch
131www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Again showed his usefulness
So you have got here at last
Are weaving to be wound
Resources exceeding
There was dust on his boot, dirt in his shoes
You have seen they've begun to arrive
So you have got here at last
There was dust on his shoes, dirt in his boots
A little beer would suit me no better
When dwarfs enters, holding
When both enter with blue hood
Silver and yellow - It was two dwarfs
There they laid their burden
But it was not - It was two dwarfs -
A short rest - thank you -
of course not
Dark and drear it looked
Brown and ocker, well it is the first time
that you'd weep
Had they deer feelings to begin
Of a pine-wood of the east-side
Of Maryland –
Get on with the dwarfs
Pierre Rausch
132www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Enthousiastic bourgeoisie
Which is monarchy
That great monarchy
For the democratic king
So well named
That sombre royal
He had seen the centuries appear
Much further towards
And he hadn't accepted
Whatever your nature is
On two shores at once
That great monarchy
That he turned and found
The sort of range seen
Fulminante critic
Yellowing bracken
And their memories are long
Altogether insignificant
Each remaining spring
You blush and turn pale
Each remaining spring
Eternal or temporary
What spring is there of mine
Pierre Rausch
133www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
His toys had been kept inside
And his mother asked him
Why were you letting her crawl all over you
That's all right, at least she is able to say sorry
Echo a few days ago, to see it still there
We're both coming with the same share of flair
Echo I wanted you to tell about
And before her face cracked with Echoes
Sounds great, so I'll try
Of course, just as long as it's grown fairly
You left a note on the table
Are you out of your mind
Why are you worried
Echo meant to be man and wife
Out of everything into your life
When you would be arriving from town
Chorus 2*
Pierre Rausch
134www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Elder Archer
For days gone
On his doorstep one day
Could not be taken at all
And the elves were flying
It was an unfortunate remark
Fell into that abyss
You have nice manners
Lay inside any claim
Give them all'inferno
At the foot of declevity
Through the shades of tiger eyes
Like tremdous foam
Contracting it's four walls
And there across the sky
Rode forth the tiger eyes
Already knew so much
Horses and riders
Overwhelming the riders
That will be the last archer to the sword
As this story comes to end
The shock of a projectile
That will be shouted and called
Pierre Rausch
135www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Elven Queen
Twelve million miles she forgot
Swivelling in tne mornin fog
The risin walls the dragons lair
There where starts to shiver Leister square
Whoo ooo oo o
Or hand hold over head, when you lean
When images dance across the screen
At about half the storie she would guess
Perhaps a little more these confessed
To grow numb in parade
To the bathroom know. Quiet debate
Or three or four films in a row
Knockin set she would know
The never anything, the I will be you
The Elven queen
Pierre Rausch
136www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
For having permitted him to love
You don't really suppose
A pretty woman dress
As pretty she was passing along
Who astonished as welcome
This conflict, that it will be suffering
To be feared that it will be said
Who astonished as welcome
Who represented it's country
With the whole diplomacy
Those chatterbox of the law
Who represented it's country
One shade may console another
Who astonished as opening
The sharing of the same exile
To a formidable coalition
Behind him was wall
Almost forgetting the good guardian
Not only to guard and guide
Behind him where some guardians
Pierre Rausch
137www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Initiate a walk for peace
There must be something war can cease
You said hello, rock me babe
There is a way out hopeless shape
If you think you dance, stop the motion, shag your friends,
You can roll a rag, I've fled
You keep down, I'll never know, how good it is, to hold you slow
Tonight, I'm gonna keep for myself, hand it over to a good shelf
Wind yourself in sobriety, in ecstasy for Terence Trend d'Arby
It's wonderful; I've your merited, if your lifeline isn't inherited
Has Cat Stevens ever recorded, and if, wasn't it peace that him
Good tradition of love and hate, amidst seduction to create
Help me back on feet underground, again, I'm gonna dance the
Disco-beat touched me for a while, a long, long time, I used to cry
How much these tones made you smile.
Did you write a book on the Nile?
When where you dancing in the wind
Could read it out in the wind
Pierre Rausch
138www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ever After
Cowl hair
Game birds
Into it's sheat
I always meant to see you at all
Sensual and safe, prosaic
But you like it better now
Cowl hair
Smoothly combed
Bird games
Into it's sheat seam
Forums for discussion
The beech trees are interspersed with
Alpine trees were interspersed among it
A forum for discussion
(opposite the Motel)
A canteen waiter
Opposite the birthplace
I always meant to see you at all
Sensual and safe, prosaic
A canteen waitress
I always meant to see you at all
Hospital pay phone
When every guest has been welcomed
I will give a call
Of nagging age
139www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Firm opening
As novice
Pierre Rausch
140www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Excellent Night
Am I granted guests, right
A few of these excellent nights
But somehow it was sweeter
The green of the land was fading as they rode away
Into an excellent night
The news, the flies, the game
The right common name
With these lions advise
You'd reflect on the news
Parchment would not own
Cyber between the two boys
I don't follow him around
There's one I don't want to cross
The news, the flies, the game
The right common name
With these lions advise
You'd reflect on the news
The news, the flies, the game
The right common name
With these lions advise
You'd reflect on the news
Excellent night - that's in the past
Excellent night - that is in the future
Excellent night - that is now
The news, the flies, the game
The right common name
With these lions advise
You'd reflect on the news
The news, the flies, the game
The right common name
With these lions advise
You'd reflect on the news
141www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
142www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Excited Phase
Brand is moved, the bids are made
Splitter thrown
Serious dockets supply
Away a chest, that loan
Vinyl campaign
Phase, won't fail
I feel a bit
With profligate authority
First I was scared, then afraid
Forgot the lesson she made
From one phase to another phase
Mentioned the words she said
Go, phase, go
Benevolences, had I too much
I was excited, then afraid
Gave her the taste she made
From on vessel to another phase
The rainstorm for La Marseillaise
First I rearranged my feelences
Bleed it in my own rim
Then I came to mark
Bleed it in my own rim
First I was scared, then afraid
Excited, at a higher pace
From one stage to another phase
Forgot the lesson she made
Excited, at a higher pace
Gave me what she made
One episode to another
Rainstorm for La Marseillaise
143www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
144www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Exeter Hotel
In the mid of shoe stores and dimly lid bars
It's the whiskey cocktail as attractive as a jar
Moth velvet as potted palm gifts
Who would not be stunned if the front desk insists
Check in (over the years) , to commit suicide on squire
In Exeter Hotel, no signature or proof of identity required
Climb the four flight stair
Lock the door and fall into a softer chair
That the bed's made, that the white robe's fade
Just a man, who stays on his own
Check in (over the years) , to commit suicide on squire
In Exeter Hotel no signature or proof of identity required
Smothered, the reports straight and set
Thistle as even as omelet
The pallet scoop to favor
Just a blanket shaving at end
Check in (over the years) , to commit suicide on squire
In Exeter Hotel no signature or proof of identity requires
Pierre Rausch
145www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Please read carefully the instructions at your product
The instructions tell you how to put up, how to handle your product
So it won't break, to celebrate your product and enhance it
So it won't come to the factories, your next area in the scope
The facility – your second category mob
Access the tutorial as soon as possible – we've established helplines,
in case your product won't break; frequent asked questions, - join
online and practice theory, please practice calmly
Don't forget your practice on Thursday
Seem calm and soft-fruited, since they explain your theory
Your first steps to a global method
Pierre Rausch
146www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Fair Lady
Out of these seathumbed leaves
A city in the city
After breakfast the four couples went to what was
then called
Out of these seathumbed leaves
The franchise
I offer you asses
Hears there, You've good rumors,
Your name on this account
A city in the city
Your name attired
Is it good? Is it bad?
Frightened at their happiness
A singular edifice, which then occupies
Out of these seathumbed leaves
Obstination, where no sergeant,
A squadron of magnificent body-guards
Very little order on the table
Very tiny abdominals,
A city in the city
Your name attired
Taking everything into consideration
This was the all-known state
Pierre Rausch
147www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Fango, donkey in the dungeons to keep
Fango, fruit of the Elbe sanctioned to sleep
That pool in whirl, (bubble)
Juggernaut, (important voice)
Amber palisade amber
And block, (stop it voice, fem. voice)
In the hooting, (complaint)
Dirt bag, (comment from the crowd)
Fango, donkey in the dungeons to keep
Fango, fruit of the Elbe sanctioned to sleep
At plumped brim
Drop, (another comment)
On the gabbing capes
In some break, (Stockholm release)
Down, look at the reaction, (reaction of the crowd)
Fango, donkey in the dungeons to keep
Fango, fruit of the Elbe sanctioned to sheep
I have found something new, (cool)
I cannot forget
Fango, donkey in the dungeons to keep
Fango, fruit of the Elbe sanctioned to sheep
I cannot forget
Pierre Rausch
148www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Never heard of anything
I thought you did not like
I thought you -
Never heard of maquillage
Behold! The ravens are gathering back
We are a few, but we remember
Still the press
I do not forget
At the order that I speak
And great courage
Wherein that walk
With the order, I accept
Some of them even got up
Wherein that walk
Fanwear – the birds are gathering
Fanwear in between
That the affair can't go wrong
I've followed to the train
At port diverse
Yet he distinctly heard
Fanwear could have kept
Run the fire it obeyed
If these had not
It lie in the post
Fanwear seventy-nine
How the show was in frequency
But there was nothing at
Pierre Rausch
149www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Fig Tree
Pierre Rausch
150www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
First Of All
Elephant-leg pattern
To save and reflecting
Like one who seeks
And he was already separated from reflection
Ornamentation wasn't beginning
And it was a warm, bright, summer day
The young girls rustled and chatted
That he seemed to himself
To be no longer anything more
On scrutinizing which appeared
How many hours did he weep
A man in the attitude
To be no longer anything more
Kneeling on the pavement in the shadow
Ah, my new boots! what a state they are in!
A magisterial and maternal tone
But one's felt force
Pierre Rausch
151www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Fletch King
Until no making
Bird beast and barely not shaking
He employs turtles, all humbling darkness
With finance the last breaking spot
And the still hour | And that bird
Has come of (her) tumbling
And must enter again and around
Zion of the water bead around
And the synagogue of half a moon of (the she-bird from)
the ear to communicate
Shall in synagogues or sow my salt seed
In the sackcloth valley
And the dynasty burning
The mankind of her growing
No blaspheme down
Nor innocent blasphemy
Deep with the first miss lies,
In the robed friends to knead
The boards beyond age, the dark veins of other,
Secrets by the mourning water
After the first there is no other
Come in my castle and don't forget
In my castle, they've got soft beds
Fathering and all humbling darkness
Tells with brokenness
I Shall never murder
Come in my castle and don't forget
In my castle,
they've got soft beds
Pierre Rausch
152www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Flour Raid Carpet
What is there left to desire beyond
Some flowers on earth, and all the stars in the sky
What did he think of the dogma
The point which we consider it our duty to note
Goodwill, Flour carpet raid
He entered the kitchen
On a level with the street
Not a single sprouting ambition
With this difference, that they
Was so well understood
We repeat it
She'd handle everything
So, be rich on retiring
Let a notary transpire him
Food and lodging
Without raising his eyes
Who appeared in reflection
Do you pay it in dismay
Pierre Rausch
153www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
French Eyes
He stood right beside
He didn’t' stand to
To punish the second
Row with a certain level
Especially October
And caught by what went on
Tell me what she knew
And caught by what went on
Especially October
And have a minute for yourself
Walk slowly back
The gyro that turns in
Not a second I'll know
It's feelings in the air, bad temper
Two fox cubs romped out in a box
How ell it feels, don't understand
Hope for hours
Candid pleasure yanked saccharine
Cool Champagne and monoxide
The Reds play oxford on Sunday
It's an Oxford team
French eyes, orderly French eyes
French eyes, orderly French eyes
Orderly eyes
Let us hold, don't understand
How well it feels, to understand
One wound in a crisp
The dress in gray
Pierre Rausch
154www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Front And Center
They'd make up afterwards
On a sweltering summer's day
She walked up in the sunlit driveway
Front and center
To agitate for social change
No maid wrestling with the vacuum cord
But the creek was magic
Front and center
Front and center and no harm had come of it
She'd be meaning to get one for weeks
That one might as well scratch desire while
one was at it
Better make sure you stay on my good side
In an elaborate sweep across her eyes
Was sliding a slim black volume across the
I just wanted to see how she's getting on
To put her small soft hand in mine
Chorus 2*
It wasn't that she'd forgotten why she was there
And the dust motes hung motionless
Rubbed the silky fabric of her best blouse
Together with ribbon and a piece of paper
Pierre Rausch
155www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Funeral Song
Your last walk came too quick prior,
Our last day at a mill revives,
Our last walk came too quick,
That day was composed of dawn
From one day to the other
Your last walk came too quick,
Our last date at the mill revives,
Our last walk came too quick in time,
Every brick that shines,
Our spaceship will not arrive on lune
You passed away far too soon
A dirge for the golf-club that limbs,
Such things are joy, such things please
Every nine men, worries
Every clearing, Every wheel in the board
A fuming song, for you my gone; fuming songs, you foregone
our last walk came too quick prior,
our last day at a mill revives,
our last walk came too quick prior,
any quarter, any speech, any speech,
every brick, every talk, every speech,
any bond, any bond, any speech,
A dirge for the peasant who isn't fine
A dirge for the grinder, it's overwhelming
Wear doesn't envy what seems
Your last walk came too quick prior
Your last spaceship revives, it
A dirge for the peasant
Pierre Rausch
156www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Galleons Of Spain
From Sevilla into the blue ocean
If her letter is right, she'd discover she didn't love land life anymore
Too far away among one of these Galleons of Spain
That by entering, she'd be granted that mean
These buccaneers of the Caribbeans
These Pirates brittle age
The pilot nest of St. Kitts
Under the blue, white, black banner
Among one of these Galleons of Spain
Thousand bloody tears, thousand bloody nights
The fatherly bust, the heavenly night
Mussel beaches, treasure land
Blackbeard's dynamite-hand
Plankton of the Captain T. Enron Miller
The case Mexico, mines the gold and silver
West Indian raids and balloon
Amulet as silo of Christopher I-tune
Their they return, the Armada of the Spaniards
The Spanish Galleons, the Spanish Galleons
Too far away among one of these
Pierre Rausch
157www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Gaucho Martinez
Gaucho Martinez
Blade explodes through
Words speak of anywhere else
The banister, both hands cling on
Blades explode through the blade
Blades explode through the grass
Slowly descending to the ground floor
Bullets speak of anywhere else
Rotors roar, the engines swallow
Shells explode to smash of glass
I'll take you back to where I'll fix
There is a hole I know where from
Gaucho Martinez
Gaucho Martinez, Gaucho Martinez
You'll take me back to where I'll fix
Gaucho Martinez, Gaucho Martinez
There is a whole I know where from
Settles on
Gaucho Martinez
There is a loom I know where from
Tuesday flaw, a hollow arm
To burnish, to tranquilize
Any settlement I've described
Limitation to beige buns Barney
The notice is in a lock-up
Any bonnet with the hood
Any staircase that leads upstairs
Diagnostics diogenese
Pierre Rausch
158www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Gentleman Of Chivalry
In descendant of mantle and calm
Broth in the plumed mantle' charm
In barn and byres of the mantles charm
(High up,) he's field, high up, chivalry after the kindling charm
On a bread white hill over the sleeve
And home and floating lake's like hill seed
Fires, where he falls to litter
Of horse and technique, a floating spent
It's a blank in a dumpster – He(y) it's a loss in velvet
Bath to the nickers in the velvet
Would you defend yourself, the ladies, the gents
In presence of no chivalry and knight
Would I defend myself, bourgeois man from the night
In the presence of gentleman and the cavalier,
It's a bum on toilet - It's a blank in bath
Would be forbidden, would be harmed
Would we find the courage in chivalrous charm
(Lone,) I will follow direction
If I just would all feel so alone
Lone, I will follow no direction
It's a blank in a dumpster – He(y) it's a loss in velvet
Bath to the nickers in the velvet
It's a bum on toilet - It's a blank in bath
Pierre Rausch
159www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Gift Aid Item
She came back home next day
We had an open conversation
She helped me understand
When she returned, I was a man
The heavens declare the glory
The skies proclaim the work
What did she just witness
She would take care of me
Whether I could take down anyone
And lifted me higher then I thought possible
The heavens declare the glory
The skies proclaim the work
What did she just witness
She would take care of me
Whether I could take down anyone
And lifted me higher then I thought possible
We sure were crazy about it
We talked every night
That she'd leave it here
That if for any reason you are waiting at the gate
The heavens declare the glory
The skies proclaim the work
What did she just witness
She would take care of me
Whether I could take down anyone
And lifted me higher then I thought possible
The heavens declare the glory
The skies proclaim the work
What did she just witness
She would take care of me
Whether I could take down anyone
And lifted me higher then I thought possible
Pierre Rausch
160www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Giselle, beloved loved pressure when
In there we find ourselves again
Soulless on metaphysical journeys
Each division from you in yours
Lost treasures would share these
Lost treasures would share these
Back to where I came
Giselle what would you wish for
The thermoplastic chamber auditorium Aula
Giselle would you take us out on date
Giselle loved pressure when
He walked away
Giselle what would you wish for
Giselle bring us to perilous fate
Where mayhem and tragedy
What a silly thing to look at
Back to where I play
In the boilers of the chamber
Aggressive calm
Can you hear the rhythms in the waves
Giselle would you take us out on date
Pierre Rausch
161www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Glow Worm
Or when the taste,
Now a mark,
Perhaps panacea,
Who gave these,
Or when the taste,
At flood filled with,
You'll be late,
Or when the taste,
In niche seat glow-worm,
Eyestorm at the quasi-dark,
Oh, is the success,
A stereotype feeling,
Fund warnings,
An air traffic controller,
Create the world, as I went,
Who made cold vitrines blast,
It's her symbol,
A squadron route,
What he made of us,
Is what we shared,
What we realized,
Is the same perhaps,
Pierre Rausch
162www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Goblin Village
Who had been assaillants
Their valor
That his next step may be in the right
Stray hut in the distance
Which of the two first was the right to fall
If you care to go
This was the outburst of nothing
Forgetfulness was his great and fatal fall
Three quarters vanquished
That he was getting blind
Without the help of the wizard
I will give you a name
And crumbled in the mountain
And beneath
And the one carriage
You know
With so large and warlike company
With them a great store of supllies
Now be careful!
I will give you a name
Pierre Rausch
163www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
As these do not appear
Not your face to be-tear
Nor sunlight on a broken column
Ends thee swinging autumn
More voice shall be ringing
After dark the wind singing
Rough and distant scars
Youth a fading star
Gold-curl come more near
On this kingdom's pear
Let's dance for the biggest prices
Dove's wilful disguises
Chicken on crossed staved
Under the wind, the wind shaved
Rush to the final meeting
Loop back to the first greeting
You are really far
As it is your best friend
Near stoned image hand
Never to receive
Ease the supplication of a thieve
May twinkle at my shady star
At the hour where we are
Real trembling tenderness
Your lips could kiss to confess
Golden curls- the prayers on them broken stone
Other eyes were not my home
Last are meeting faces
Do grope together these aces
Concert the weather and our rivers
Up the beach beside tumid river
Real loving some phantasm
Love descending sarcasm
You are really far (some twilight kingdom)
Pierre Rausch
164www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Golden Hair
I'm not lettin' you go there is a shine in your eyes
When you sang the hourglasses pedicure-set
A naked front, somethin' where you're at
Garnered phosphor as liquid acid
Don't you ever read the letter fazit
It's about stories of golden hair
Could you play this golden hair
I'm not lettin' you go there is a shine in your eyes
Highjack naught
Naught carries, I've wept
A naught anagram
Windblown tents nearby
Jack passing
Metric and passing
It's about stories of golden hair
Could you play this golden hair
If he spoils the closest set-up
It's the stories of golden hair
Could you please play this golden hair
Those that changed life
If you spoiled a set-up
A cricket house
That I trust
I'm not lettin' you go there is a shine in your eyes
xxxxx spoken xxxxx
Heard, on the radio, common currency may not
Heard European money may be interesting to compare
I switched on television to witness simile paradox
I'm not lettin' you go there is a shine in your eyes
165www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
166www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Good Evening
Wonderful positive destiny ends, I'm sorry you expected somebody different,
it's really beautiful, it's good, (so) leave hair out, be on the hood
It's a real special star, she's called evening, good evening
It was a surprise and it was no success. That model was a life up a test
That's none of your business, when you're in Hotel, give it back to you, you'd
That's not tragic, there's a life after magic, that with fame is best, was I ever
sick, it's a real special Star, he's called evening good evening, please dance for
me, don't just go away, dance for me and doubles swallow, what you say,
when dance's a flute tangling' on rhythm, isn't that a feeling That got hidden,
nearly like back in the good old days, lied for on evening (down) with you a lay,
That's not tragic, there's a life after tragic, to be famous is best, was I ever
sick. good Evening, good evening, good evening
Careful, sheer - good evening
It is to consume – good evening
Awful one – good evening
Experience – good evening
Lost to sight – good evening
Vanished, perforate – good evening
Spun and home – good evening
Handsome, do you acknowledge I have enough?
I have enough
We leave
Now, another day, so you're afraid
So it were two airfield
It was airfield and squadron
It's another day and you were afraid
Pierre Rausch
167www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Good Morning
Good Morning in Japan
Good Morning in Korea
Canada, Brazil
Good Morning as much as you can
In addition to be with social media
Through an advertising campaign
Good Morning in Japan
Good Morning in Korea
Canada, Brazil
Good Morning as much as you can
In the Tokyo subway, the Seoul office
In the midst of the morning rush hour
Good Morning in Japan
Good Morning in Korea
Canada, Brazil
Good Morning as much as you can
Good Morning in New Hampshire
Good Morning in Baton Rouge
Good Morning in Compton
To showcase the views
Good Morning in Japan
Good Morning in Korea
Canada, Brazil
Good Morning as much as you can
Good Morning in Japan
Good Morning in Korea
Canada, Brazil
Good Morning as much as you can
Good morning as statement
Good Morning as public information
Good Morning an old symbolic step
Good Morning, Good Morning
Pierre Rausch
168www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Guardhouse Situated Close At Hand
By astonishment to watchers
Toward farthing exit
By the swelling pump
What was he intending?
By a stream embroidered under
In so rusty of a grating
A sort of corridor
All the rest was mist, was miasma
And breath from time to time
And in an expiring living
That they earn their condition
He was astonished at
A sudden widening
In case of necessity
Eclipse in the blouse
What had become
Real at departure
Instinct's benefit,
Well on condition, after effort
Madreport of the seams
What was he up?
By a doubled grasp
The sun and the sky
Draws you a little lower
The framework crumbled
Every movement, any shriek
It is earth and it is loam
Is in an estate of fusion
Can you picture
On the seashore
Can any one be great
169www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Almost beachhouse
Pierre Rausch
170www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Guidance Under Yoda And Reflections
The unusually warm weather
That it was her future they were discussing
And what it meant to her
Carrying a large wicker basket under the arms
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
As we sipped our tea in silent thought
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
She felt that she was truly sailing toward her future
I wish to tell you I am proud of you
Take every duty to improve your opportunities
Meanwhile, I shall await you here
And long for the day you return
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
As we sipped our tea in silent thought
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
She felt that she was truly sailing toward her future
She folded the letter carefully
And placed it in her pocket
A year is a very long time
As the train lurched to the right
Many things might happen
And awake refreshed in the morning
We'll do it for Yoda
And go to the respective boat
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
As we sipped our tea in silent thought
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
She felt that she was truly sailing toward her future
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
As we sipped our tea in silent thought
Guidance under Yoda and Reflections
She felt that she was truly sailing toward her future
Pierre Rausch
171www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Had Looked At The Still, Pale Faces
Had looked at the still, pale faces
It was a return to absolute despair
Left that phase to turn to ponies
Without replying, trotting behind
To stand alone, differently
You're like a shaman, or a storyteller
With a little heat, with any response
Seeing the swollen joint and it's purple
A frozen and blank thought, a good destiny
You've learned more than you wanted to know
I know you'll escape it
There is nothing but hills
Though the songs were desolate, pale
Between peaks in a vast green valley
Are you ready, if it starts to rain
The wind is difficult to judge
Reach a similar conclusion
The approaches in the same confusion
Could force your way through
Nor anything then your own family
Pierre Rausch
172www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hard, Sad
Their defense was not good that night
Whichever city you enter, it's dumb, it's right
It's unusual now, this, is not spoiled
To believe is wrong
And then you are down
You come down
And now it's a change, absolutely pearly
It's about having good times
Writing songs for groupies
Soft songs a safer theme, absolutely pearly
Hard, Sad
Where ends vulture
“Culture stone”
Do everything if you can
It's secure and silent
Have something
Nigeria came to door
And collapsed
Pierre Rausch
173www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In Bethlehem, in the heart of Judea, lives not the least among the
Out of you shall come a ruler, who is Sheppard, who is art
Go and search it carefully, search that young child in me.
Confess what you may find, just come and bring me back my mind
It's this Gospel according to some Matthew, chapter two
Fine kings departed to behold, stars in the east their way had told
Why seems the world we live so cold
Your hearts have opened me this treasure; have presented me the
greatest pleasure
Gifts over gold and myrrh when the kiss of your heart is near
So lay hands upon my shoulders
Arms around neck and folder
Whenever we sit next to the lake
Our faces in the wave's mirror do shake
Confess what you may find, just come and bring back my mind
It's this Gospel according, some Matthew, Chapter two
Your heart weeps, amends and morns
I fished, a sadly favored form
With hearst and fire in my eyes
Where shall be found seed to these tries
These souls, thought, in the land Israel
To fold the hands I bear
Down the knees I am scared
Hearts, hearts
Pierre Rausch
174www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Honey pot bunny, when I look into your eyes
To see dollar signs instead of hearts
I'm afraid possession seems your reason
To profit where I part
Honey-bunny, when I read into your lips
And keep it dragging on
I hope so to you / I aspire so
And concern desire on
Honey-bunny, since I do not know
Don’t succeed, and fail
Don't forget your distance
And dream about it
Honeypot, since everything is lost
And the (hollow) sleep stays (calm)
It's a rendition to (both of) us
Flowers wither in the sun
Pierre Rausch
175www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Honeybunny (Alt. Lyrics)
Honey, eyes see
Hearts look
Your apartment shines
So stay here, where I part
Honey, lips read
Eyes hold
I hope so to you / I aspire so
And allow desire on / And keep it
Dragging on
Honey, dreams know
Succeed and fail
Don't forget that distance
And dream about it
Honey-bunny, since everything is lost
And the hollow sleep stays calm
It's a rendition to (both of) us
Flowers wither in the sun
Pierre Rausch
176www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Honor And Award
First did the man halt: to see it suit in the uniform
It has brought tradition
He did not succeed in this
When his astonishment hadn't passed
In the state of a mind on the march that we're recording
Their political resemmblance
Both respectful
And affectionate souvenirs, they touch
Medals, they're
When his astonishment hadn't passed
In the state of a mind on the march that we are recording
Severe and fanatical:
Who were mentioned before
As everything opens
Resting close to the window
The cuirasser association
Shed and hose
He would have been with his infantry
Medal could be unexpected
This isn't extraordinary cavalry
Headlong thriller
It was the shed that kept me up
It was the shed that kept me up
What is the good of rhyme?
Where there is a fire
Where there isn't award
Pierre Rausch
177www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Alarming interrogation
No interogation
Nothing to report
Then you had better come inside
In a tunic of wool
Those who are not to be blamed
By his own labor
These souvenirs connected
Being in condition
It is indivisible
They were completely indivisible
Alarming interrogation
Then you had better consultation
Surpised us at night
Nothing to report
And tell me some of it
If it won't take all day
Of the courtyard into the chamber
After days and days
Let us try at reception
And they scarcerly dared to move
Pierre Rausch
178www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hot Air-Ballon Ride
Composed half of light, half of shadow
If the beginnings did go astray
A few years ago, a shell of sixty pounds
You'll get yourself with a ball in the back
This presented to every eye
Where the great pyramid on earth
Was known for their presence
This something to the nature
Can still be measured by height
So that the canister was turned into a splash
This something to the nature
He was right, the plan of the ballon deceived
Then she archived, he took the coin
Then she stood motionless
The miring of the batteries
It's very various change
A circuit wouldn't be visible
To cast a glance at it
Such rode those things
Pierre Rausch
179www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hounds Of Hell
Fire on ground, under the mountain
Fire shrubs, a stone-grave
To conduct staggered
Draw from bundle
Fire on brimstone and damnation
New master of wiser kind
Part of motorclub shift gear
A dragon pursued them
And discussion at door
On that tide-hoisted screen
A grotesque party, sparkle firethorn
„Stop, stop“
But it was late, in fact
Of your way north
He was held up, the fire of bird
Close to the pony gate
„Don't you worry“
The hounds grew heavier
Hushed be water
The plies of outer town
Red rays then (suddenly) were hauling (on)
There was loud noise
Through a rent in cloud
Straight into opening
Tick the prickly digit to a vet
Wuw, wuw
Brick the fuzz to thesis
Wuw, wuw
Would far underground
Wealth is like he sun
Growling, the grub about
Drivel strength just before
180www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wuw, wuw
For a sound and an eye
Wuw, wuw
With best regards
It's the hounds of hell alive
It's the hound's of hell really
Is crested and burning
„We bear no weapons“
Seized bow and shot
It's the entry dialogue (in the religion wind)
Woodpecker, borrowed
On to an eagle's back
What it tastes like
It's the hounds of hell that I'd see without breath
Waving angry strength toward
It's the hound's of hell, as cold as death
Pierre Rausch
181www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
How Shall You Be Fed Up With
The Arkensaw
In Nepal policy, separate issue,
The Arkensaw
Dangerous spot, laundery,
On condition that no conflict of any
interest expects,
Prior siesta planet to presume,
Fed up with, prevailing,
We haven't
Either it wasn't food
No stove
Wether the lie that did not occur
No lonely orange night
Since such doesn't float your answer
For the Arkensaw legend
Now the days pass slowly
We haven't?
The fuze that doesn't turn
Not stoved voyager
That would stand every siege
No signal suddenly without
In the pincers of no boiling town
It wasn't a terrible battle
He said it wasn't red and black
A banner
The club of water
These were infact, their plan
That contains
Somewhat of his own
The member of the convention
The judge speaks swith justice
From whom do you morn
182www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
With who do you live?
Pierre Rausch
183www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hurry Up
I want to say
jing-jing fes-kars telom dodje harsim dekstje
djong ta hellodje, jong tjo sekjo fesdtra-sa
songo hesta müdjü, heisto moistjon maj mogo
I don't want to say
Hurry up, your sister screams, wake you out a letter dream
Pack your luggage, shut the cloth, suit the suitcase with a rose
Is this a public tray, so why T-shirts say
Fond formed glue, is proud of all, of all you do
Hurry up, your sister shoots, makes it out a T-shirt blue
Pack your luggage, suit your cloth
Shut the suitcase with a rose
Shut the baggage, (thresh) hold up to both
Give it up skotje load
Hurry up, your sister shouts, is pleased of any scoop
Hurry up, your sister means, wake you out a better dream
Fond formed glue, is pleased of all you do
Hurry up, your sister shoots, shakes it out an impeccable blue
Hurry up, hurry up and don't pull out all the stops
heisdja de mog je daja hoy
heisdja de moj dje sa hui
Pierre Rausch
184www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hum – bu – cker Hy – phen – a - tion
Mo - rose Hy – phen – a - tion
Al - i – bi Hy – phen – a - tion
In - dex card
Strug - gle card
Sub – con - ti - nent
Stub – born
Stun – ning
Hy – phen – a - tion
A – li – men – ta – ry
Hy – phen – a - tion
Hum – bu – cker Hy – phen – a - tion
Ve – he - ment Hy – phen – a - tion
A - li – bi Hy – phen – a - tion
Con – tam – i – na – ti - on
Drink – ing wa - ter
Cop – y cat
Hy – phen – a - tion
Rough - ly
Ve – he – ment
Hy – phen – at - i – on
Hum – bu – cker Hy – phen – a - tion
Mo - rose Hy – phen – a - tion
A - li – bi Hy – phen – a - tion
Pneu – mat - ic
Po - et
Pneu – mat - ic
185www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hum – bu – cker Hy – phen – a - tion
Ve – he - ment Hy – phen – a - tion
A - li - bi Hy – phen – a - tion
Blank point
Chal – leng - ing
Chan – de – lier
Chal – leng - in
Pierre Rausch
186www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I Felt Like Saying But Didn't
I felt like saying but didn't
Look, this has to be contained
I felt like saying but didn't
The pictures were taking after
No one will read it to the end
The facts get in the way
Just how long 'til I'm out of here
I've got my entire team on it
I felt like saying but didn't
Look, this has to be contained
I felt like saying but didn't
The pictures were taking after
The nuances were unreadable
Selling to a lot of neighbors here
Nothing is confirmed, it was now down
When I was done, on everything that had transpired
I felt like saying but didn't
Look, this has to be contained
I felt like saying but didn't
The pictures were taking after
Oh you said, understanding
Eyes met, and looked away
Taking care of the chores, getting situated
The newsroom was deserted when I got there
Pierre Rausch
187www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I God
God knows no concept, nor the amazing sun-set
Eyed favored pet, matchless from Lear-jets
Flying over honey weather, whatever seeks together
To recall confusion, yesterdays illusion, at fusion
Exist without you, without that female blue
Fond form glue, make it out a better blue
Epileptic blue, a biosphere
The Finn yard’s hut be cassias shack
Send it over in Lanyard hut
(Memory to “Brassie and Donnie”)
Send it to bor-butch clay
Nochid nor-neregize
Tantra I base I I double disguise
Eleven player size-to-size
Nothing means crook that b. in blog, (bellow) ,
I God, To cross destiny, I God
(Wasavi havi)
Pierre Rausch
188www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I Just Couldn't Wait Any Longer
I was waiting
So long
So long
I was seeking
So far
So far
I just couldn't wait
Any longer
Any longer
I couldn't seek
Far away
Far away
Now I'm standing here
So happy to be here
So happy to be here
|: Chorus: |
I couldn't expect
Nothing more
nothing more
And now I'm waiting
|: Chorus: |
A warning, a chance, in a better
Pierre Rausch
189www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I Know I Do Right I Care
Da stila la ferseika
Let’s bring people to pop
Let’s ask people to close
One, two, hippy-brue
Nothing seems true
Give it up to the long
Give it to the long
Bring the police from the right
A gambler next in the fight
Ok, arkebusa, (let's) embark to bar
Northern-east, where paddle the zars
In that bowling, that howling Mogly-inn
Three guys at Seafaring
Let's look over where people live
Convert / Process data on transmission
Da stila la procession archaic boom
He uses it to eke up lambada zoom
And people shall be well aware,
I know, I do right I care
Da steila la ferseika
It is a one of a kind, an extra everybody
It is a transcendent moment you cannot give
It is that kind of taste, that everybody tastes
You can change there is a feel in the air
Djammy, djammy her ke dandy har ore, ore oh oh
And people shall be well aware,
I know, I do right I care
Arkebuseiqua, arketeila, arkebuseika
190www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
191www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I Will Always Be Waiting For You
I will always be waiting for you
I should have someone too
It is a cold, starry night
But for once, the warmth reassures
I will always be waiting for you
For the first time I have someone
Who cares for me
I will always be waiting for you
I'm just worried for the wrong reason
Because you're lonely
You think I'm silly
So why don't you
I will always be waiting for you
How long are you waiting
It's our last night together
How long are you waiting
I don't want anything to spoil it
Our last night
Then I want to remember
Then I want to enjoy
Our last night
I can't do it
I feel I'm right
And I can't do it
I just want to scream inside
As if to shut it all out
Pierre Rausch
192www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I Will Be There
He's got a cell phone and his own TV
Why couldn't they understand that
Another way of taking it
And the fever called « living » is conquered at last
I will be there
When your partner comes in
I will be there
So that he can see
What he saved, what he gave
I don't know, I will be there
The deposits and the account email
It's local and it's a mail drop
There's a show up tomorrow for his camera
Already waiting in the conference room
I will be there
When your partner comes in
I will be there
So that he can see
What he saved, what he gave
I don't know, I will be there
I will be there
When your partner comes in
I will be there
So that he can see
What he saved, what he gave
I don't know, I will be there
I tried to call you this morning
On Venture Boulevard, Maine Texas
All over here on the west side
I will be there
Pierre Rausch
193www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I'D Shiver Again
See every star in one
Rain that tears your shoe
Thought of circuit, thought of one
Rain that tears your shoes
In particular
On the following month
In particular
Is there as everywhere else
Before she was even five years old
As though one beheld in them
Or the fields before daybreak
Wilder, wicker, the wicker song
I'd shiver again for the taste of fine song, I don't
know if that is right
Penetration of the new inspiration
Look back to your step in one
That don’t faults on us
Some sort of law of melody
Nothing some kind of trust
I'd shiver again for the taste of fine song, I don't
know if that is right
(Palisade, enrolled gender, season ticket)
(Palisade, enrolled gender, encrypted gems)
I'd shiver again for the taste of fine song, I don't
know if that is right
I'd shiver again for the taste of fine song, I don't
know if that is right
I'd shiver again for the taste of fine song, I don't
know if that is right
Pierre Rausch
194www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Could you refuse nothing
Couldn't you be nice
Could you pay on the spot
Apron pocket
Herself into a ball
Her poor half limbs
I will not do so any more
'Pay! ' said the traveller, in an academic voice
Couldn't you be nice
Distracted, instead of working
Exactly thirty-hundred franc
Exactly herself into a ball
'But it's true! '
And hastened up
The carter was touched prior,
Like herself
Librarians held a meeting
That he'd change his glasses
Is sovereign manner
Diligent to harsh privacy
Millionaires in academic manner
A chapel friend
The bottom was unfathomable
Between the paving-stones
Amidst stockings
Playing hide-and-seek
Who has made their escape
like herself
Pierre Rausch
195www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I'll Come Home
Where have you been, anyway
I'm looking for examples
And I'll smile when I walk in
Look when I leave here
I'll come home
There was this old Lady, this schoolteacher
Like two sad people cross path
She'd always be one of my heroes
She had children of her own
I'll come home then
That's so wonderful
I've got to go now
I've got to go
From the library to the lobby
I was angry about what had transpired
Besides, we've got our people around
There was a fireplace in the rear
I'll come home then
That's so wonderful
I've got to go now
I've got to go
I'll come home then
That's so wonderful
I've got to go now
I've got to go
It was obvious to him
I could get my things and check out
I was hoping in a sort of way
That I would get a chance to
I'll come home then
That's so wonderful
196www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I've got to go now
I've got to go
I'll come home then
That's so wonderful
I've got to go now
I've got to go
Pierre Rausch
197www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I'm Sorry (For All The Things We Couldn't Do)
Language made it impossible to interview
Trying to capture interesting faces
It was approaching noontime
And don't waste your energy
I'm sorry for all the things we couldn't do
I'm sorry for all the things I couldn't explain
I've invited you over for all these things
I'm sorry for all the things we couldn't do
Revolution is an ultimatum
My father prayed for ten days
He started to think that the government might change
It's a quick meeting at the office
I'm sorry for all the things we couldn't do
I'm sorry for all the things I couldn't explain
I've invited you over for all these things
I'm sorry for all the things we couldn't do
One last time, one last spot
There's no justification for suffering
There, you were waiting for one last time
One last spot at the local office
Pierre Rausch
198www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In Any Way A Believer
In any way a believer In any way a believer
I get home and the tyre
In were
I come home, the bus rides
Certainly looks fast
I step inside and he's done
We do a thing
I go for a walk and the tyre isn't worn
That is more a spire
In any way a believer - In any way a believer
I explain to work, the car is late
At their appoint
I walked and listened
Excite a service
I join in, the car debates
A hall, it's evacuate
Inside, don't mess it up
No more expectation (none)
In any way a believer In any way a believer
Advance you one day
Contend you today
Promote you no third
Clothe me the fourth
Weekend attires
(Kept on) the long walk after dark, the known excursion after dark,
In fact, it was the plan
Warnings were suddenly signed
Doing, what they were told
There was once more excitment
And the twice told story
There was a sudden shout
Everywhere people get home
In any way a believer. In any way a believer
The long walk after dark, the known excursion after dark,
In fact, this was the plan
Warnings were suddenly signed
And the twice told story
There was a sudden shout
In any way a believer. In any way a believer
199www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
200www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In Consequence
He had not noticed on his arrival
It is strength. Would have to be
You are little out of the way
His clothes were torn and covered
Show us the truth right now
Need to be devilish strong
Show us your chamber
For a short intermediate
In Consequence
There is a richer man – marmelade
It is but to return there
I would like to purchase your horse and cart
It is also the dungeon of earth
He exhausts and oversteps his respite
What is only fair to say
Roaring, he swept back over town
He avoided him as much as he could
In Consequence in the next thing
His horse had tumbled down
With an air of baseness
Mingled with an air
He permitted himself a pinch of stuff
Got the good man a place
This prosperity
On recommondation
Which was nontheless significant
When the requirements of the service
Madelaine, this purchase
And he could do no otherwise
And the state expends
201www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
202www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In Our Mansion At A Hill Of The Valley
Father, left, in a theft on our way back home,
On a sunday ride crusade
Dad passed away, on a return drive crash
The corset laced to it
The forefather said goodye, at a return
Fire away!
In our mansion at a hill of the valley
Father, I miss you
You can't come back
Dad, it isn't just hurt
Fire away!
In our mansion at a hill of the valley
Where life restrains, father passed away
In a crash, on any way,
Fire away!
I wondered why,
Promoters create life
Fire away!
A mansion at a hill of the valley
Fire away!
I wondered why,
Promoters create life
Fire away!
A mansion at a hill of the valley
When you wake up, when you are gone,
The girdle strung inside
Pierre Rausch
203www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In The Future
Don't quit the work
Among advantage
On soil where imprints
What it suits
Yet keep it
He was not even
Someone not so passive
To advance
Beheld the pocket-book of bills
No difference of matters to bankers
You are longer there
That when the author conducts
With the handled idea
That they had said
(A pick-axe)
Would say that they have
I think it isn't a gendarm
Contrast decision
This isn't a factor
Would have it
Beheld the pocket-book of bills
No matter of difference to banks
That when the author conducts
You are longer there
Beheld the pocket-book of bills
204www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
No matter of difference to bank
That when the author conducts
You are longer there
Pierre Rausch
205www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In The House
Open the door with your key
And if you walk into the house,
You are for twenty, for thirty minutes tranquil, alone
Then, you can cover your wounds with a bandage,
If you're standing in ruins down the block
If chaired walls, gasping facades
Abandoned husks, where people life,
That it's not a look to keep you in the house
I've waited so long,
Meet me in Manhattan, Meet me in Carolina
Meet me in Frisco, in Houston, on the beaches of LA
Don't turn the play
Hold it like nothing
A starring shift
Thirty tranquilizers
A starring shift
And you have walked inside
Meet me in Manhattan, Meet me in Carolina
Meet me in Frisco, in Houston, on the beaches of L.A.
Abandoned husks, where people live,
That it's not a play to hold you in the house
I've waited so long, (now) look at my life
Pierre Rausch
206www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Incarnate Devil
Guardian, it was a favor of a mountain
Guardian, and we shall be fit
Guardian, pardon
Guardian, serve them right
| It's not so important | Look down |
Defendor, it was a sightseer
Defendor, siesta, catnap
Defendor, like the cock
Defendor, up at night
| It's not so important | Look down |
Incarnate devil
Bruise as beast
Incarnate devil at dart
Quick as beast (~)
Incarnate devil
Mid serpent night
We in our defendor knew
Defendor, when we were at putting
Defendor, wisemen of Sweden
Defendor, kill lenses for the hell in horn
Defendor, in sacred spirits that harden
Defendor, put nothing about
Defendor, of cloven grey
Defendor, all serpent fiddled in sand
Defendor, abrupt, at sulphu
Incarnate devil at dart
Bruise as beast (~)
Mid serpent night
We in our terrain knew
207www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Incarnate devil at golf
Black as beast
Incarnate devil
Serpent midnight
We in our terrain know
Guardian, stirring
Guardian, enchanted stream
Guardian, blid shot, shattered
Guardian, shaking in sieve
Guardian, void, tainted,
Guardian, burst in any roots
Guardian, the fish in the tide
Guardian, for any life
Pierre Rausch
208www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Inclined By A Change
Only showed him reduction
There was a modish light
Blackened and it broke
This isn't the plan he made
„Nonsense“, he said
Those were perhaps
So it began
They had invented some of the
As the bitter will be dark
They won't be slain
Hardships before
They looked west
And there was nothing
„Nonsense“, you said
Those were perhaps
So began
He will take a gift
Well, 'er he thought
And some threw themselves
Pierre Rausch
209www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Indian Raid (The Great Wilds)
(Calm end, evil start, calm end)
Once upon a time, in wild, wild west, once upon in great wild wilderness
A saloon: sheriff, three cow-stealer honorable, arid
Far beside, an Indian group at tent, the reservoir, among the chieftain not to
The eagles that humble village and random camp, farewell at freedom stamp
The eagles that welcome around a fire-site, carpets humbled for fuming tribe
These for Resia, the zodiac, the bear, travel as heaven of picture of star
Merry guidance in sympathy invests, presence with visitors to impress
Foal, that shines on guest, far, in great wild wilderness
A chieftain of the steppe accommodates, controversial to debate
Thieves reside, balcony room, card game & saloon
The eagle scouts the council, trapper in safer pencil
Steal farmer horses, out saloon endorses
(Angry, drunken voice :)
Thieves had stolen the prize, what would bring flames to confide
So shore in great wild wilderness, the nest of horse, to locate and confess
Warrior code smoke it out, flaming lanterns inner cloud
When fire crisps and horseshoe clap, isn't this the noise of trap
“Severe form of punishment” Resia said, Amalia's anger not in in Indian Raid
The force that drives through rock, turn to wax
The force that through the green fuse dries, is destroyer
The cloud, the need, a plant beyond, the sky of heaven in the burning font
In far ago, distance, the door of her, glided sand
Hunting ground, the territory of steppe land
“The severe form of punishment” Resia said, (Amalia's) anger in Indian Raid
(Voice: Evil start - Calm end)
Pierre Rausch
210www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pulling up a door
Opening all four
Under all the pressure
Released your pressure
Another form of love
Needs the signs for love
Needs residing leisure
Enters all her pleasures
Today you got invited
An intention for the real
Today you got invited
And I asked you how you feel
Today you got invited
An invention at the ready
Today you got invited
And I asked to be steady
More an arty body
An art you could study
Rainfall could compare
Your interest to share
Asking you your love
No one knows above
None of all that pleasure
Exits in these measures
Today you got invited
In a spectrum for what is right
Today you got invited
And one asked you how you fight
Today you got invited
In an invention at the ready
Today you got invited
And one asked you how you feel
211www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Moving her fate
And stopping your hate
Reveal your real price
Your hero is melting ice
Another form of love
Needs the signs for love
Needs residing leisure
Enters all her pleasure
Pierre Rausch
212www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
It Had Never Been Touched Before
It was holding a glass of water for the thief
The flashlight looked like stars on a summer night
I heard screams, sharper then a knife
And jubilant, or serene or reminiscent
Left in the morning and didn't come back
Brought back a bottle of eye drops
Could be a big figure, could be
My heart was touched in a way
It had never been touched before
And had never been moved before
And had never been moved before
You would correct that person
All over the place, all over the square
And even there a hand to share
It was like being sealed away
Sunlight blinded me like the way
It had never been touched before
And had never been moved before
And had never been moved before
You would correct that person
Six month of waiting, of
Recovering, could barely walk
It had never been touched before
And had never been moved before
And had never been moved before
You would correct that person
Pierre Rausch
213www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
J. Valjean
There were certain name
Covered with and saved
Within a deep furnace
Legitimate as grievance
The rough theories of eighty-nine
Of wrong and liberty
That cats transform
Into establishment
The tricolore Orion
To the footrope a swinging devotion
A ship that had been ailing
After seven or eight
To treat you to play
And, from one instant
That officer hadn't broken the chain
(Captured, recaptured, captured) It's strange
Not escape otherwise than with shame
If it had gradually become something
And from there to the main-top
To drag the sailor up,
The gendarmerie, who'd investigate
Who'd capture, on the first floor,
On the eighth whistle,
Where we arrive under (the window)
Evening, Luxembourg
'The gentleman on the third floor? '
'Has moved away“
'Where is he living now? '
He did not leave his adress
Fallen waylay to tresses
Recognizable by rough mane
Take care that it should be
214www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Gave him a ship, you have Austerlitz
Swiss chard made of tenderness
Ribbons on her bodice
Of her eyes nothing could be known
That the thing which seemed chiefly
To bring him to decision
Ignored to know where he came from
He isn't an adventurer
To be blind and to be loved
To feel one's self all the more
You hear a breath very near yourself
Now I appear in off thought
The angel soul is outside
Courtesy of the state women
Who appears like reality
Does not lose, bed and breakfast
Who is curious by the borrow
Evening Paris, a great view in a petty world
English army was profoundly shaken
It is because he was a servant in his family
The squares still held firm
Turning bristle of fray
Infallible to a coat of arm
Him with his eyelash until
His upper lip raised
They are in equality and right
Adoring presence
That these encounters seem to follow
It is clear that he has appeared
By fortress and ship
Formalities of roadsteads and citadel
'Monsieur (le Cure) , have you seen a pass? '
215www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
216www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The taste for work had returned
On credit on the strength of her future work
Not to mention her real girl
As she was not able to say
As she not only knew
To which game is a 'puck' part of?
Forgot many things
There's no one for spying
„In which game should you not worry? “
Entirely the trade Watson
Chose it
By her day's work
Who developed the first gasoline engine?
Honest live
Entirely theme
She had ways
A lingering
Took good care
Pierre Rausch
217www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Jericho Lilac
Scours her fingers, would be far away her snare
Opens her hands to a taste beneath
Carries closed fingers (around clumsy tiles)
Her shots joggling in a soup, reliable, steady
Odor changes, committed, selfless
Steady blue eyes crank something up / Steady blue eyes, steady watchful
A broth far beneath, a knocking shop down under
Jericho steals
Quotes verdict, what I won't see
(His dead must have been frightening)
Cysts on relief, difficult to please
Jericho steals
Gathers on Chester nights, the Minster Abbey nationwide
Missiles they hadn't shot, lactation west/south the stalwart plot
None of them could ever feel so sheer
No Harlem to delete the west martyr
The leading architects with lacquer
Its a Harlem day-by-day
Open your eyes, feasible Mylar Battlefield
It's morrow dawns with morrow nights
The half-starved canyon /gathered/ nationwide/in nautical flight
Gathered in manege, assembled dancing a debris-siege
Jericho penetrates, Jericho pang, pang, Jericho, pang pang
Bracket with aperture, thousands where without
Yet another apparition of acoustics on earth
Armed pledges you can't rob
Mistreat raiders as pageant slot
Jericho steals
Jericho Lilac
He took her fingers far beneath her snare (neck)
Lethargic/Tired/Sleepy, chewing stolon as lady moon
His obvious procedure whacked her almost back
Dear Mylar Battlefield, an entire afternoon
Briefing, instructing the entire procedure
My caught takes place, (do us away in clear manifest,) yes,
Shoot me within
218www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Shoot in bovine twist; do away within
My last caught is close by, our working abyss
Magnox, Cupro-nickel, (spiegeleisen) , constatan
Pewter, permalloy, (sometimes: terne) , ormolu, type metal
Look at the tubes, look at the gate, my prickles percolate in thorn fate
(Rather disturbed then late) perceive
Best Mylar, what she collected, where she's lying
Beguine, quadrille, hoedown, jitterbug
Charlston, minuet, farruca and gavotte
Knick-knack / Novelty / Navy militates against millennium
So image news, the milk train set on cadmium
The navy mail-boat is sleep and sleeper,
Picturesque growing, an oases, Madeira night, deep and deeper,
My catamaran, my trimaran, blue anorak and circlet jeans (to amalgamate)
Black and thin, through thick and thin, swiveling
Purpler, smaller a polo to drain den dust spiraling
Acoustic circumstance, block and tackle to rust
Beneath that simple rock a moderate cutthroat, moderate temper
Is it too late now to strip these strains in anger?
Foreign at crusade, the districts of New Hampshire to placate
Hoe down of us, illuminate our commotion, and cause this commotion
Pierre Rausch
219www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Jesus Cruciform (Christ Crucifiator)
House-light gashing term as safeguard against
I thought, the path would end inside
Darkness, bowl eyesight of ground
The stone grows in the patch, that burr sight
Roads on the pavement guiding through
Now when it's selfishly black, the seldom tomb
Path finding, it burst sight
When the base could blossoms aside
(Cruciform) : Crucifiator, don't wait for the spade's to ring
Christ, keep the common card
Oh a hundred storks perch on earth
Oh the morning is flying, I could crawl on earth
Shadows are falling and I have been
I haven't got the scars that didn't heal
(Cruciform) : Don't wait for the spade's to ring
Christ, keep the common wagon
Oh a hundred storks perch on earth
Oh the morning is flying, I could crawl on earth
When the base could blossom aside
Shadows are falling and I have been
I haven't got the scars that didn't shed
Pierre Rausch
220www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
That name carries you
Is purified as you
Takes care when you declare
You'll build your world with mine paired
The 4 horns, the golden altar
Where souls will be freed of the scars
To bicycle grenilla ice scream
Disguised clown in blue jeans
Legs crossed, while all the bike rides
Rehearse steps from some dancing guide
Bang head-under over-stage
Bow down to these guitar mage
This in silly words' copy-sage
Doesn't matter which position agrees
On cover of some live Paris CD
Broken hair nor cut hair
Can understand what the end is
So guess I love my friends
A Olympia, sadness to see
Pierre Rausch
221www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Justify You, Justify Me
On that warf, certain critics to delight
And yet, any one who follows the course
No, said the priest, justify me,
As for myself, I justify you
With all love for my country
Justify me, justify you
Questions to which there exists no reply
These are beginning
Just know that no auscultation
Let us sell what is left
A steady pain in her shoulder
That she might do what she likes
But in what trade can one earn
Justify you, justify me
Come! ' said she, 'let us sell what is left
Appathy their stepping stone
And buttermilk gives ground for self-made ice-cream
With this exception, he was in all things just
Always having a little fire
With this exception, he was in all things just
He was so tolerant
Whether he had been the lonely one
The bolt must have been drawn
Wether an old market-gardener's house
The application of a plate of lead
This bed with the strict diet
Good gracious yes
The severe square crests of the towers of Notre Dame
The bridge once crossed, he perceived some timber.
For which all faults in the least serious are reserved.
Veil, - those two blankets devising.
On the pier,
222www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
He usually landed about midnight
The dragons advanced at walk
They halted from the little bridge
Yes, behold it trist again
Controversial and certain
The carriage in which she said
The severe square crests of the towers of Notre Dame
With this exception, he was in all things just
Questions to which there exists no reply
There is something indescribable there
The severe square crests of the towers of Notre Dame
To justify you, justify me
To justify you, to justify me
Pierre Rausch
223www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Whatmcan all that stuff be?
I’m afraid, I can’t explain myself
The next moment she felt it underneath
I can’t understand
Then might be some sense in your knocking
It would be as well to introduce
I’ve tried the roots of trees
The question is
Is it on this condition that ceases
The question is
I feared it might figure rain
The question is
A book written about us
I wonder what they’ll do next
Had allowed the person to pass
No one in thought more
Outstretched towards
The place of the stars
And seventeen feet above
Outstretched towards
At the end of that rope
Like a stone in a sling
To get your hands together
It was only later on
Pierre Rausch
224www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Katja B
You asked a certificate
Just one the man shall create
Why you go you will say
Said something wrong on the day
I suffer a drift in direction
It's time for a shift
For a turn in direction
Hold me in these arms
Standing on the hill at night
Holding your hand, if that is right
You sweet, yet enclosed
Where to confess problems with the dose
Let us share one or two
Steal your heart into
A thing, at least two
There are here some standing who
Hold me in these arms, and I will free
Katja B
Pierre Rausch
225www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Of course,
Endless, cordless, stylish
Numerous, modish, tangle
Lace, furniture abundant,
Of course,
It was just then Kazimir looked
Which is the look? Of your two sleeps
It was just then Kazimir came back
At last, you are in
Her photographs
It was just then, Kazimir
Abandoned instinct, mistreat figure
Maltreat footnote, abandoned vigor
Already shouting, Abandoned instinct
Directly purring
Cruiser weight, Lifter, feather weight
Unknown destination
Communication entry
F-code, Rapport, Transmittance
Pierre Rausch
226www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Keep For Yourself
Keep up with it – separate
Fed the walk of perfume
Fed up at diagnosis
Whether it was that the distant air
Rumors aren't abroad
One gear up, change the lane
Parameter of state
Building at facade madrigal
That shrouded servant
At tall arch
In front there was
Keep for yourself – what keeps
You give me what I need
I'll give you what you need
On work of word
Cellphone turned off
Where we held
Bitterly takes
Fervent wave-front
Sales on diagram
Fed up with Salisbury
Fed up at advice, instruction
And the soul at the office
Pierre Rausch
227www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Kind Woman Friend
That does no harm
After having passed the zone
Which was vanishing
Take a look
That does not hurt
Nurses may die
That does no damage
Take a look
That does not take
That's fresh business
That's no matter
That's to take
Come on, boy, you shall pass
That a young man shall witness
Be witness to his grandson
Something great
After having passed zone
That had been reserved
That's five or six
At first doesn't take
A promenade to greeting
To dress in red
Where was the second man?
Pierre Rausch
228www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
King Of Rain
There's a black card hand in a shop, some old theme I'd cast away and pull the
stop, I'm looking over, I am looking
under, I'm awakenin in an evening of thunder
I stood here days and days, looked up as it shaped, inside some pooring/pouring
rain to see the
King of Rain
Cos’ then we shopped and you're so mean and our little world in barefoot seems,
a bit better then the rest, she was sick
of these lies and cried, and, quite frankly, I am too, cos' I stood here days and
days, looked up, as it shaped, inside some
pooring/pouring rain, to see the King Of Rain
You snorted and snaped
Where you fed up with somebody
When you snorted and snaped
With a foots tickling, a subdue comment
Pierre Rausch
229www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Steered for the edge
Like ships, as they are
Steeered for turtles,
Like ships, as they are
They perceived something floating
With the stupid majesty which befits white creatures
They perceived something floating
Which attracted the attention
They perceived something floating
Cygnes understands
That false splendor is being
The sage lives content
They perceived something floating
The shout which proceeds, had the pistol in it's hand
They perceived something floating
Which attracted the attention
Steered for the edge
Pierre Rausch
230www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Kreiakadabra (Villus Spellform)
(Villus :) Sefad halim teta
(snerdesemin) sefad goris eta nomen
Gentis: tamanda sagin dorne for
- Habagent deno som ke fordje
- (pause) - Kreiakalabra
stranum fernesengereki: Kreiakadabra
stran bale de ter nobre
Nosoku sobe, doku to
Toke, toke salom dabin salon toke
Bin dam dollo (fend) cjalom kobe
Nome vollotanes dorm
(Leia) fadjaballte nosendemen (arek talis)
Vasquilum ne taber vasze (forze tellum)
Talis dab horueso, talis de boruone
Djabatta mmh cosuo, couos erne rssss,
Hade(r) inne deselebin, gornem, sollum nonote
Fejumterekn gafti vobod
Haderda sim
Kreiakadabra sal sim sim
hader da care care care
Vas(que) (nos) kib tubo esente kreiaka, chalunombe fakesabre
Polka ab, te Lee, te Lel te doskernoske
Laba te ore, parseko, djalibor
Tubesente fakerabren secven harne solli vomm noskib,
(de) selebrin harne solli vomm quostatuorin mememene raspin
deselebren rosuol te hom, te hom, te home
Pierre Rausch
231www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lago Grande
They walked for ten minutes
They waited in a hot noisy line of people
Would it matter if they were loaded
Into the Lago Grande if they asked you
Far from washing and sewing
And so they saluted her
Carrying that super handbag
And so they saluted her
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
It's the journey, the shock and the pleasure
The power, instead they did something
Her good humour and strength
To go and see what's happening
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
Well done, may this be the first
To show approval that they hadn't
Across the top of the river
It was a nice sort of place
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
232www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
It's the journey, the shock and the pleasure
The power, instead they did something
Her good humour and strength
To go and see what's happening
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
And her eyelashes were longer then the Lago
Like an old man into the Lago Grande
Pierre Rausch
233www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Last Bastion
Samson, flee, the grinding melon collie
The last bastion agreed, a bit of freedom, a bit of green
He lost his faith in the site of spleen; a prophecy in the last bastion, dark shall
be the candle-session
A massacre among others, the Waterloo of the mystic brothers
Evil swims for the spit in the sea, it's an ear-splitting mystery
Something you can't explain in a poem, it takes time and patience to hear the
songs of Loe
To differ the meaning of proportion,
To divide evil from good, the dollars, the yen, I can't promise this works out,
I'm just a sleazy lover, an opened mouth. Once the last bastion agreed, to give
birth to tender seed
That tares a bit out a tender sheet
I'm an awful poet, a second class knight, it's you that shall divide what's
wrong from what is right
They blew me dirt into the eyes, my lids in dust could never cry
It’s you that has to fulfill that duty
To fill your lips with(out) beauty
That was too quick, let's switch to slow motion
Evil left; know that's just spit in the ocean
It cooked the fingers of Joan Sebastian Bach
The last Bastion right there agreed, that it shall be your love that shall be
A guitar, a contra bass and Harmon
A Pianola and a drum
The last bastion, the last bastion, dark shall be the candle-session
Pierre Rausch
234www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Last Letter
An autograph has got you
You got mentioned twice
You've got an autograph
An autograph, you are nice
You wrote a last letter
If my head hurts, it is better
If heart stops to trump
If I jump, down the bridge, the oil fridge
Down the garden, roofs of the fridge
If my crane bursts to shatter
If I loose I’ll jump
You wrote me a last letter
If my crane bursts, it is better
If my head stops to breathe, if I fall
Could you write me a last letter?
If I joined a paragraph that matters
Should you choose another pattern?
If I had second thoughts
Cell comedy, took hunter
Would I join the black Panther?
Could I hold on to Sting?
If my letter composes him to sing
Would you explain it a bit further
So we'd sit in plains, harm and order
Would you shoot out in terrain
If there's a slop to refrain
Milan, you've described a park
And you've refrained under dark
You wrote a last letter
If my crane hurts, it is better
If my head stops to breathe, if I fall
Down the rain, down the ball
Down the October Mendiev
At Golan days in Dur F
That thee red trampoline
The eastern ringing
The ward to connect
High speed train toward object
Ceremonies unite
235www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The suburbs, eastern pride
Clashing pesticide
The convulsive season
If I can't compete, Li-am
The plasticizes, the stand of trees
Lightest fall, falling tree
Shall we revolt on bare feet?
Shall we revolt complacency?
We depend on tenacity?
First in ourselves, the third season
If I can't compete, Li-am
If I've appointed a restaurant
You've written me a last letter
If my crane burst, it is better
Pierre Rausch
236www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
She dabbed her finger
On his shoulder
She sits sole in her corner
She's thirsty, treat
Lee, drink a last glass with me
To the Lee dileidelei, deleidilei, Ya hei!
Beneath the heaven
In cinder lie
In a moment with no other
The flames were under thee
They still throve on the trade
Feeling queer
Still songs to tab
For someone to take
To the business quarry
To the forester quarterback
Quartz earthenware
It isn't better then flying
Dwellings one's may say
Full on the town
They soon found
Of it all would be
In desperation
You feel magnificent
And your memories aren't long
Pierre Rausch
237www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lessons From Life
As Glass descended the ladder from the loft
The conversation stopped
Each day he tells about his horse who comes from
the river
And sees the black stallion again
But this time Glass would not
Lessons from life
Not to mention his considerable chance
Pushed his canoe back into the water
As heat and light came from an open trance
Lessons from life
A faint glow lit the eastern sky
About gambling and perfume
Life ain't that bad
Lessons from life
Not to mention his considerable chance
Pushed his canoe back into the water
As heat and light came from an open trance
Lessons from life
A faint glow lit the eastern sky
About gambling and perfume
Life ain't that bad
But this time Glass would not
To survive by one desire
And determination
He had never done anything bad
The conversation stopped
Lessons from life
Not to mention his considerable chance
Pushed his canoe back into the water
As heat and light came from an open trance
Lessons from life
A faint glow lit the eastern sky
About gambling and perfume
Life ain't that bad
Lessons from life
Not to mention his considerable chance
Pushed his canoe back into the water
As heat and light came from an open trance
238www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lessons from life
A faint glow lit the eastern sky
About gambling and perfume
Life ain't that bad
Lessons from life
Not to mention his considerable chance
Pushed his canoe back into the water
As heat and light came from an open trance
Lessons from life
A faint glow lit the eastern sky
About gambling and perfume
Life ain't that bad
Pierre Rausch
239www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Let The Question Begin
All your life and never thought about it
But there's something to tell
Of the cramp victim he had rescued
The people would start arriving in the next days
The walk seemed endless
For effect after every single phrase
Along the cliffs when the tide comes back
Can you explain to me how it came
Let the question begin, let the question begin
Let the question begin, let the question begin
Had become all pink and pale
Those were your very words
Smartening yourself up for good
All along to the main steps
Let the question begin, let the question begin
Let the question begin, let the question begin
And filling the letter up
To be in charge of you
So that you can tell
Which you're sure it is
Let the question begin, let the question begin
Let the question begin, let the question begin
And filling the letter up
To be in charge of you
So that you can tell
Which you're sure it is
Pierre Rausch
240www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Let's Make It Happen
She was in the most feared condition, white and
Well, what else is there to say
She was silent
No, she was not going to the caravan part
There was nothing she wanted to say
Yeah, let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Oh well, do what you can
The Lord has mercy on your soul
And getting out your good knickers
Yeah, let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Let's make it happen
Approached by visitors
And arranged proper bins and a rubbish
Had been in the door only one minute
Well sure, two religious in one family is enough
In a few weeks time in Dublin
Her shoulders were shaking
But she didn't want you near
The same as she had seen last night
Pierre Rausch
241www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lewis Gun
The Lewis Gun (Fever)
Where did she cross that line
Crawl herself back into it
Take it back one day
The bum bang library
She'd tare into pieces
She'd tare into third
The Omega oil stone crisis
Quotable ringlet
Olden sheaf and fever (at a crawl)
And fever, fever
Fountain Lemon rush
Gamma Alpha fall to hush
And fever, fever
Fountain Lemon rush
Gamma Alpha fall to hush
Pierre Rausch
242www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lexington Avenue (Steel Blue)
Alex: Blue
Orange: What's it?
Alex: Orange
A park-man fanning at bonfire
Leave that floated habitation
I thought of the future, and saw flowering
District identity and belong together
Park avenue
Upper Eastside, LexingtonAvenue
Irving Place, where lives steel blue
Upper Eastside, Lexington Avenue
Irving place, where lives steel blue
A medaillon cast in a box
A pick-up drove the blocks
Neighbors in a closer box
A voice holds that stock
Humus that moved twice
From Duplex home to domizile size
In familiar interior far of probation
Object suburb location
Alex. Blue
Orange. What's it
Alex: Couture
Hudson River
Upper Eastside, Lex
Irving place, where lives steel blue
Upper Eastside, Lex
Irving place, where lives steel blue
Lexington, Lexington
NY, a hundred-twenty two
Street name: Lexington
Post code: USA ten – zero – two - two
243www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Upper Eastside, Lexington Avenue
57th street, where lives steel blue
Upper Eastside, Lexington Avenue
Irving place, where lives steel blue
Pierre Rausch
244www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Library Asset
Nonsense! Are going to turn aside
After what seems for a glossary
Sometimes for good age
Among them where several sort of book
The public duties which deduct
The cunning of ancient skill
It flowed in narrow channel
The object of founding a library
Such are rarely seen
Very well! We'll see
Jondrette consulting
They will perhaps
Thank you, I am sure
I thought you did not like them
The contract isn't void
Was full of grandeur
I'd feel magnificent
They are young people
Perhaps it formed
Begged him not to leave
The ancient language
Pierre Rausch
245www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
London Casino (Business Affairs)
He dined and watched
'Since the playhouse is independent'
- He laughed and clapped -
“It has been vanished”
It proved to be a very successful theater
The club for military officers to be, a rank in ammunition
With locals to compete, Nippy in 1930
Musical comedies and revue
Soho gushes through Old Compton,
Another dined and listened precariously
It's the street that isn't trader,
The butcher’s clientele, the investor's
A brunch for a cabaret:
“All highlights are here” in the temperature, he colored
The desert south-east,
North-east, the airport
Cotton fields, a drama
“Supper a stage show”
“Pantomime a drama”
“Supper a stage show”
A lindworm holiday nest
Halberd, marksman
East flair of the variety
Pierre Rausch
246www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Doors, these doors, these
Could never ever open
World these, world these
Could slave away slowly
Portals of entry
Today, could be closed
Every-time, left alone
His resistance to change
Girl, you, girl you
Distract no ignorance
Girl you, girl you
Will you never ever meet
Occasion, left alone
His resistance to change
World, this cosmos
Could blossom into posse
No freedom and cosmos
His struggle is broken
He is a Loner, he has no roots, a loner with roots
Pierre Rausch
247www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lool And Listen
At sympathy, sits in a stool-chair
Without vengeance
Curse me, you can't curse me back
So she has no intentions
She needs
Plenty of joy
Look how the dancers move
It's the joy of sight
She serves
Look how the dancers move
To the douche
Listen, join
Her touch a kiss
Hairbrush to save
Feels dark and splendid
The boxing association vindicates
Extra meeting and customer rate
Conference manufactured like a glove
Look, how the dancers move
Padlock as target farm
Listen, horses touch and walk it
Veiled horses turn and walk
Veiled vapor, (exulting) mien
Look, how the dancers move
That converts to every way
Come on, 'tell me
Pardon me you're on the cargo-train
Look how the dancers move
Sixteen friends,
Sixteen manners over field
Anguish breaks,
While the good one's grieve
Spreading their despair 'neath falling
Stepped forward, from a market
My need, hungry, her last deal gone.
248www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Smelling sweet where she got born,
On midsummer's eve
Football pitch and minority report
Shoe as slogan, carved into
West age
Calligraphy leap as to outlet
Leaves of tradition
(For love) the long ago she-bird rises.
Above the area, soft feathered
Flying, (as) though the she-bird rises
And the elements of the slow
The controversial wad-data
Vader around
Wade in destruction
Bridges of thorn
Through the dear lands (of slow flake)
Vanguard, trailblazers
Whereas she boards
Pierre Rausch
249www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Not give inch, not know that
So much have changed that
Jah Teardrop in front of the Zap
Teardrops in front of the Zap
All these little details that defy
The five minutes at the Loozap
These are add-ons that defy
The first five minutes at the Loozap
Little extras that defy
The first minute
Pierre Rausch
250www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lumber Mill
To see why you are
To see why you aren't
To see why you aren't
Not to see where you are
Who'd seize, won't
St. Cardboard
Flour ingredients
Call away
Allow, this devotion to be shrill
Call away
Townhall including bar
This kept to see
All inclusive
Ovens of scott glow
Hooch says: vortex
To see why you are
To see why you aren't
To see why you aren't
To see why you are
Foster stampede
The saw-dust
Not to requiere
Into poster
Tape as rubber band
Steam concept
Steam cause
Tape as elastic land
Damp convoy
Raised veil
Damp convoy
Marrow circles
And nothing fail
Into a polestar
To see why you are
To see why you aren't
To see why you aren't
To see why you are
251www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Foster light without she saw
She saw a witness
We stay were you are
Fire leaped from the jaw
Youmg so to speak
A man possessed
Pierre Rausch
252www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Neither assent nor refusal
And then, it will not be long before I return
And so happy, it overwhelmed me
Will you keep my child
Russia and Japan fought
Russia and Japan
My past might invade my life
What is there in all for me
In a push chair
Embarassed by consult
Russia and Japan fought
Which signify,
Neither assent nor refusal
Made one of those movements which signify
Russia and Japan fought
Russia and Japan
What am I afraid of?
It does not bring harm
That some catastrophe
It does not bring harm
Then, it will not be long before I return
And so happy, it overwhelme
Pierre Rausch
253www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Who was attached to a saddle
It had been figured for long
The soldiers had no sleep
Can still be measured to figuration
Can still be measured
Can still sailspread
The road was so narrow at the ship
Provided that they furnished
Wellington, Wellington, Harold Wellington.
Washington, Washington, Harold Wellington.
Up guards an d' aim straight
The regiment of red flat behind
It was not a pleasant thought
The wherewithal to a monument
Which was probably perfidious
An express at full speed
The sun had long gone
Believing themselves been vanquished
They had seen it rise
The soldier in that troop
A broken sword in sailor hand
Pierre Rausch
254www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Me Heavy In Fog
He grabbed one of the heavy lanterns and wentout
It's very nice of you I'm very kind
I'm every kind of both us
Me heavy in fog, I would never allow
A goat is not that kind
I have one desire and it may be fulfilled,
And then I don't have a have a wish beside
Be back in the same moment, be both
Never hurting any part of the special me
Me heavy in fog, I would never allow
It was a sphere, a prescious antique sphere
Coincidence leading us from week to week
We barely snatched at emotion
Look at the arena floor and answer
We will not know how it happened
We will never find out why we passed
How’s that procedure that swallows
Would I appear on front, be on the desk
Set out for good
I would never allow
Pierre Rausch
255www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Merchants Of Gold
Amalaan, quo sen amalan, muoma te amaleh amalaaaahan
Suore, quo sen suore, muoma te suora, suoooore
Badje, quo sen badje, muoma ta badjis, badjeernere
Malante, quo sen malante, muoma te malante malantaam
Te bo, quo sen te bo, muoma te ta bo, ti bo
Matsorri, quo sen matsorri, muoma tasorre, sorree
Amalaan diema, quo sen diema, muoma ta damie disema
Tjellan, quo sen tjellan, muoma te tjellan, tjellan
Abambra, quo sen abambra, muoma ta Abambra
Could the scellan texture decipherage
Baby as west-indian voyage
The Merchants of Gold on voyage
Five onzen and a takelage
The Merchants of Gold on voyage
Baby as west-indian voyage
Ye squoletsa pon que, ye squoletsa pon que
Sabbadje, quo sen diema, muoma te sadje sabbadje
Harri, quo sen harrib, muoma te har, harrib
Falsalla, quo sen, Falsalla, muoma ta falsalla, falsalla
Sabbadje ta hooro, sababdab atare aha fed te ha
Ataze, quo sen taze diema, muoma ta taze ataze
Vone, quo sen vone, muoma te vone, vone
Salla, quo sen Falsalla, muoma ta falla, salsalla
Ja te gela tare da
Ye te quole dan, seni ta forn antare
ye pon que harribo, vongol tsa ba que abbacha, tsa une, tsine
baste falsalla quon hadje tor, forsib nese durnin cuole das
Ye squolesta narb cobe, ye squolesta narbid cobe
Pierre Rausch
256www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Met. Dolezel
Dora not productive, but spangled
Ormond on monitor
Li-lo polymer will
Exchange info on the knuckle
Zaps close to viz.
Estelle très en vogue
Logging in, saving fuel
Danish modulus challenger
Obsession urging a
Emblem on air
Zoom to close
Especially battery charge
Link with poly plural
Dot.com Company
OAP recording stud
Liquid recital
Enough to pervade
Zest for showbiz
Ernie failing
Latvian poll
Dora niet productief, maar ingericht
Ormond op monitor
Li-lo polymeer zal
Exchange info op de knokkel
Zaps te dicht bij viz.
Estelle très en vogue
Inloggen, opslaan van brandstof
Deense modulus challenger
Obsessie aandringen een
Embleem op lucht
Zoom te dicht bij
Met name de lading van de batterij
257www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
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Schil voor showbiz
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Dora non productif, mais pailleté
Ormond à moniteur
Polymère sert li
Échange des infos sur porte-fusée
Zaps à viz de proximité.
En vogue de estelle très
Connexion, économie de carburant
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Emblème d'air
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Charge de la batterie en particulier
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Li-lo Polymer wird
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Liquid Erwägungsgrund
Genug, um durchzudringen
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Lettische Umfrage
Dora non produttiva, ma decorato
Ormond sul monitor
Li-lo polimero sarà
Scambio informazioni sulla nocca
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Stud registrazione OAP
Recital liquido
259www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sufficiente per pervadono
Gioia di showbiz
Ernie fallendo
Dora no productiva, decorado
Ormond en monitor
Voluntad de polímero Li-lo
Intercambio de información sobre el nudillo
Zaps cerca de viz.
Moda Estelle très
Registro, ahorro de combustible
Challenger de módulo danés
Obsesión instando a una
Nivel del LED
Emblema en el aire
Zoom a cerca
Especialmente la carga de batería
Enlace con poli plural
Empresa dot.com
Perno prisionero de grabación OAP
Recital de líquido
Suficiente para impregnan
Ralladura de showbiz
Ernie fallando
Encuesta Letón
Dora não produtiva, decorado
Ormond no monitor
Polímero de Li-lo será
Troca de informação sobre a junta
Zaps fechar a viz.
Très en vogue de Estelle
Login, economia de combustível
Challenger de módulo dinamarquês
Obsessão pedindo um
Nível de LED
260www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Emblema no ar
Zoom para perto
Especialmente a carga de bateria
Link com poli plural
Empresa pontocom
Parafuso prisioneiro de gravação OAP
Líquido Considerando
Suficiente para permeiam
Raspas de showbiz
Ernie falhando
Enquete Letão
Dora değil üretken, ama süslü
Ormond monitör
Li-lo polimer olacak
Knuckle Exchange bilgi
Zaps yani yakın.
Estelle très en vogue
Günlük, yakıt tasarrufu
Danimarka modülü challenger
Obsesyon çağıran bir
LED düzeyi
Hava amblemi
Kapatmak için
Özellikle pil şarj
Poli çoğul ile bağlantı
Dot.com şirket
OAB kayıt stud
Sıvı resital
Yayılmak için yeterli
Lezzet Show için
Başarısız Ernie
Letonca anket
Pierre Rausch
261www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Migration (Governemental Traffic Agencies)
Underpath, tunnels, flags,
Ambulance to steers
Fly eighthundred miles
Drive eighthundred miles
Highway, non-stop, go
Carrying persiflage
At high speed
At saga eighthundred miles
Passing ahead
Negotiate at first station
Carrying at the highway (negative gesture; defeat)
It let them, all two in a tiny way
Under the tower, where we're
Passing ahead
From every crater
Too late afternoons
To surrender now means to pay the ogre twice
Which I'd distinguish to lift from extensive border
It's done on way
It's just crisped fingers carrying
To return a world, which is each nan's work
Which approaches slowly
Sixtysix gears - Pull the brakes
It attempts in
Lay-by, burger-bar - help the waitress to a coin – a milkshake, then pinball
Resting places, snacksharing; bavardage and the doors burn in their brain
Suddenly, there was frenzy
Flat traffic glasses
I am urged to kiss
262www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Be precariuos, when we drive
Be precariuos, we can dissapoint
The world, that carries to be, that carries
A second finish
Pierre Rausch
263www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Mister O.P.
Hey DJ, mix a sample mono effort
Western layout to have it fun
Balustrade as sample mid-andiron
Hey DJ, mix the gate going on
Hey DJ, sample of caldron
Scratch, spin, it's all one
I'll show to you, so we can't run
Hey DJ, it's southern fun
|: Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, emergency
Stenos, telegraphy
Thus, it is normal for a man aged 80 to be in quarantine: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., are you O.K
Are you fine, are you OK?
A Scat rocket to start off the nuclear crisis
We'd stay up from dusk 'till dawn
Clinic full of glasses that brisks
Isn't a dance closer to the dawn?
Operation room, operation table
Doctors wanted and able
A shield to Russia, a shield to America
It's a defense; take your dress
“The in-augured hospital
The future doctors dabbling on the children channel
It's a foreign night in clinic
Foreign, arbitrary Luxembourgensia
|: Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, emergency
Diseases, transmission, infection
Thus it is normal for a man aged eighty to be on TV: |
The U.S. Open in the midst of no crises
Enigmatic honors, appropriate
Is a changeling invention and wisest
|: Hey Mister O.P., radius got emergency
264www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sick, quarantine, telegraphy
Thus, it is normal for a man aged eighty to be in quarantine: |
An Anesthetist ends an O.P. with complication
The stomach bells operation toward sensation
Extra quarters Doctor proclamations
Better structure in front of self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, emergency
Stenos, telegraphy, quarantine
Thus, it is normal for a man to be breathless
Asthma splits the wings of medallion
A dame that mends “ pavilion”
Partisan guerrilla to Hebron
Is militia in a gratis newspaper
Frequency modulated
My nephew, the steward appears
All of a sudden, a raincoat tears
Steward up, Steward down,
Forbidden citron medallion
Reclamation on neutral screen
That ends an appropriate show
Hey DJ, Meng een monster mono inspanning
Westerse lay-out om het leuk te hebben
Balustrade als voorbeeld mid-andiron
Hey DJ, meng de poort gaande
Hey DJ, monster van ketel
Kras, spin, het is allemaal een
Ik zal laten zien aan u, zodat we niet uitvoeren
Hey DJ, het is zuidelijke leuk
|: Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, noodsituaties
265www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Stenos, telegrafie
Dus, het is normaal voor een man van Tachtig jaar in quarantaine: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., bent u O.K
Bent u fijn, bent u OK?
Een Scat-raket te beginnen aan de nucleaire crisis
Wij zouden blijven van Schemer tot dawn
Kliniek volledige bril die brisis
Is niet een dans dichter naar de dageraad?
Operatie kamer, operatie tabel
Artsen wilde en kunnen
Een schild aan Rusland, een schild naar Amerika
Het is een verdediging; Neem je jurk
'Het in voorspelde ziekenhuis
De toekomstige artsen ploeteren op de kinderen-kanaal
Het is een vreemde nacht in kliniek
Buitenlandse, willekeurige Luxemburgse
|: Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, noodsituatie
Ziekten, transmissie, infectie
Dus het is normaal voor een man van Tachtig jaar tachtig om op TV van de
televisie: |
De US Open in het midden van geen crises
Raadselachtige onderscheidingen, passende
Is een vormverwisselaar uitvinding en wijste
Hey Mister O.P., kreeg straal noodgevallen
Zieken, quarantaine, telegrafie
Dus, het is normaal voor een man van tachtig worden in quarantaine jaar: |
Een werkzaam eindigt een O.P. met complicatie
De maag klokken bewerking naar sensatie
Extra kwartalen arts proclamaties
Betere structuur voor self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., x-ray, noodsituaties
Stenos, telegrafie, quarantaine
Dus, het is normaal dat een man als ademloos
266www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Astma splitst de vleugels van medaillon
Een dame die mends 'paviljoen'
Partijdige guerrilla te Hebron
Is militie in een gratis krant
Frequentie gemoduleerd
Mijn neef, de rentmeester wordt weergegeven
Ineens, tranen een regenjas
Steward omhoog, omlaag, Steward
Verboden citron medaillon
Terugwinning op neutraal scherm
Dat eindigt een passende Toon
Hey DJ, mixer un effort de l'échantillon
Ouest mise en page pour l'avoir amusant
Balustrade comme mid-andiron de l'échantillon
Hey DJ, mixer la porte en cours
Hey DJ, échantillon de chaudron
Scratch, spin, c' est tout un
Je vais montrer à vous, donc nous ne pouvons courir
Hey DJ, c'est un plaisir sud
|: Hey Mister O.P., rayons x, d'urgence
Stenos, télégraphie
Ainsi, il est normal pour homme de quatre-vingt ans, pour être en quarantaine: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., êtes-vous OK
Vous êtes fine, êtes-vous OK?
Une fusée de Scat d'abord à la crise nucléaire
Nous resterions from dusk till dawn
Clinique plein de verres que brisis
N'est pas une danse plus près de l'aube?
Salle d'opération, table d'opération
Médecins recherchés et capables
Un bouclier à la Russie, un bouclier en Amérique
267www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
C'est un moyen de défense; Prenez votre robe
'L'augure en hôpital
Les futurs médecins barboter sur la chaîne pour enfants
C'est une nuit étranger en clinique
Étrangères, arbitraire luxembourgeois
|: Hey Mister O.P., rayons x, des opérations d'urgence
Maladies, transmission, infection
Ainsi, il est normal pour un homme de quatre-vingts ans d'être à la télévision
télévision: |
L'US Open au milieu sans crises
Honneurs énigmatiques, appropriés
Est une invention de l'échange et plus sage
|: Hey Mister O.P., rayon obtenu d'urgence
Malades, quarantaine, télégraphie
Ainsi, il est normal pour un homme d'ans quatre-vingts pour être en quarantaine:
Un anesthésiste termine une O.P. avec complication
L'opération de cloches estomac vers sensation
Trimestres supplémentaires proclamations de médecin
Meilleure structure devant self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., rayons x, d'urgence
Stenos, télégraphie, quarantaine
Ainsi, il est normal pour un homme d'être hors d'haleine
L'asthme divise les ailes du médaillon
Une dame qui répare le « pavillon »
Guérilla partisane à Hébron
Est la milice dans un journal à titre gracieux
Modulée en fréquence
Mon neveu, l'intendant s'affiche
Tout d'un coup, un imperméable déchire
Steward vers le haut, Steward
Médaillon de cédrat interdite
Remise en état sur écran neutre
Cela met fin à un spectacle approprié
268www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hey DJ, mischen Sie eine Beispiel-Muster
Westliche Layout, es Spaß zu haben
Geländer als Beispiel mid-andiron
Hey DJ, mischen sie, das Tor geht
Hey DJ, Stichprobe von Kessel
Kratzer, Spin, die alle eins
Ich werde Ihnen zeigen, so dass wir nicht ausgeführt werden kann
Hey DJ, es macht Spaß, Süd
|: Hey Mister O.P., Röntgen, Notfall
Stenos, Telegraphie
Also, es ist normal für ein Mann im Alter von Achtzig Jahren in Quarantäne zu
sitzen: |
Intro: Hey Mister op sind Sie O.K
Ja nett, bist du OK?
Eine Scat-Rakete zu Beginn der Nuklearkrise
We stay up from Dusk till dawn
Klinik voller Gläser, brisis
Ist kein Tanz näher zu Beginn?
Operationsraum, Operationstisch
Ärzte wollte und in der Lage
Ein Schild nach Russland, ein Schild nach Amerika
Es ist eine Verteidigung; nehmen Sie Ihr Kleid
'In-augured Krankenhaus
Die künftigen Ärzte Dilettantismus auf dem Kinder-Kanal
Es ist ein ausländischer Nacht in Klinik
Außen- und willkürlichen luxemburgischen
|: Hey Mister O.P., Röntgen, Notfall
Krankheiten, Übertragung, Infektion
Also es ist normal für ein Mann im Alter von Achtzig Jahren fern zu sein: |
Die US Open in der Mitte keine Krisen
Rätselhafte Ehrungen, geeignete
Ist eine Erfindung der Wechselbalg und klügste
|: Hey Mister Op nahm Radius Notfall
Kranken, Quarantäne, Telegraphie
269www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Also, es ist normal für ein Mann im Alter von Achtzig Jahren in Quarantäne zu
sein: |
Ein Anesthetist endet eine O.P mit Komplikation
Die Magen-Glocken-Operation in Richtung Gefühl
Zusätzliche Viertel Arzt Proklamationen
Bessere Struktur vor self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., Röntgen, Notfall
Stenos, Telegrafie, Quarantäne
Daher ist es normal, dass ein Mann atemlos sein
Asthma teilt die Flügel Medaillon
Eine Dame, die flickt 'Pavillon'
Partisanen Guerilla zu Hebron
Ist Miliz in einer gratis Zeitung
Frequenz moduliert
Mein Neffe, erscheint der Verwalter
Plötzlich, reißt ein Regenmantel
Steward, Steward nach unten
Verbotene Citron Medaillon
Rekultivierung auf neutrale Bildschirm
Endet eine entsprechende Karte
Hey DJ, mescolare un sforzo mono campione
Layout occidentale ad avere divertente
Balaustra come mid-andiron campione
Hey DJ, mescolare il cancello in corso
Hey DJ, campione della caldaia
Graffio, spin, è tutto uno
Mostrerò a te, così non possiamo correre
Hey DJ, è divertente del sud
|: Hey Mister O.P., raggi x, emergenza
Stenos, telegrafia
Così, è normale per un uomo di età ottanta per essere in quarantena: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., sei OK
270www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sono bene, sei tu OK?
Un razzo Scat per iniziare la crisi nucleare
We stay up dal tramonto fino all'alba
Clinica completa di occhiali che brisis
Non è una danza più vicino all'alba?
Stanza di funzionamento, tabella di funzionamento
Medici ricercati e in grado
Uno scudo in Russia, uno scudo in America
È una difesa; Prendete il vostro abito
Il prologo in ospedale'
I futuri medici dilettarsi sul canale bambini
È una notte straniera in clinica
Lussemburghese straniero, arbitrario
|: Hey Mister O.P., raggi x, emergenza
Malattie, trasmissione, infezione
Così è normale per un uomo di età ottanta per essere in televisione TV: |
L'US Open nel mezzo di nessuna crisi
Onori enigmatici, appropriati
È un'invenzione di changeling e più saggia
|: Hey Mister O.P., raggio ottenuto d'emergenza
Malato, quarantena, telegrafia
Così, è normale per un uomo di età ottanta per essere in quarantena: |
Un anestesista termina un O.P. con complicazione
L'operazione di campane di stomaco verso la sensazione
Extra quarti medico proclamazioni
Migliore struttura davanti a self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., raggi x, emergenza
Stenos, telegrafia, quarantena
Così, è normale per un uomo di essere senza fiato
L'asma si divide le ali del medaglione
Una dama che ricuce 'padiglione'
Guerriglia partigiana a Hebron
È la milizia in un giornale gratis
Frequenza modulata
271www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Mio nipote, steward appare
Tutto ad un tratto, un impermeabile lacrime
Steward fino, Steward giù,
Medaglione di cedro proibito
Bonifica su schermo neutro
Che termina un appropriato Visualizza
Hey DJ, mezclar un esfuerzo mono muestra
Diseño occidental que él diversión
Barandilla como mid-andiron de la muestra
Hey DJ, mezclar la puerta sucediendo
Hey DJ, muestra de caldero
Scratch, spin, es toda una
Te voy a usted, por lo que no podemos correr
Hey DJ, es divertido sur
|: Hey Mister O.P., radiografía, emergencia
Stenos, telegrafía
Por lo tanto, es normal para un hombre de ochenta años 80 para estar en
cuarentena: |
Introducción: Hey Mister O.P., eres O.K.
¿Es usted muy bien, eres OK?
Un cohete de Scat para empezar la crisis nuclear
¿Estar desde el anochecer hasta el amanecer
Clínica llena de vidrios brisis
¿No es una danza más cerca al amanecer?
Sitio de la operación, operación de la tabla
Doctores buscados y capaces de
Un escudo a Rusia, un escudo para América
Es una defensa; tomar su vestido
'Auguró en hospital
Los futuros médicos incursionando en el canal de los niños
Es una noche extranjera en clínica
Extranjeros, arbitrario luxemburgués
272www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
|: Hey Mister O.P., rayos x, emergencia
Enfermedades, transmisión, infección
Por lo tanto es normal para un hombre de ochenta años para estar de la
El U.S. Open en medio sin crisis
Honores enigmáticos, apropiados
Es un invento de impostor y sabio
|: Hey Mister O.P., radio consiguió emergencia
Enfermos, cuarentena, telegrafía
Por lo tanto, es normal para un hombre de ochenta años para estar en
cuarentena: |
Un anestesista termina un O.P. con complicación
La operación de campanas del estómago hacia la sensación
Cuartos extras Doctor proclamaciones
Mejor estructura frente a self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., radiografía, emergencia
Stenos, telegrafía, cuarentena
Por lo tanto, es normal que un hombre que sin aliento
Asma divide las alas del medallón
Una dama que repara el 'Pabellón'
Guerrilla partisana en Hebrón
Es la milicia en un periódico gratis
Frecuencia modulada
Mi sobrino, el mayordomo aparece
De repente, un impermeable lágrimas
Steward para arriba, Steward
Medallón de citron prohibido
Recuperación en pantalla neutral
Termina un programa apropiado
Hey DJ, misturar um esforço de amostra
Layout ocidental ter divertido
Balaustrada como mid-andiron de amostra
273www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Hey DJ, misturar o portão acontecendo
Hey DJ, amostra do Caldeirão
Zero, rotação, é todo um
Eu vou mostrar para você, para nós não é possível executar
Hey DJ, é divertido Sul
|: Hey Mister O.P., raio x, emergência
Stenos, telegrafia
Assim, é normal para um homem com idade entre oitenta anos para ser em
quarentena: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., você está OK
São você muito bem, você está OK?
Um foguete de Scat, para começar a crise nuclear
Ficaríamos até from dusk Till dawn
Clínica completa de óculos que brisis
Não é uma dança mais perto ao amanhecer?
Sala de operação, mesa de operação
Médicos procurados e capazes
Um escudo para a Rússia, um escudo para a América
É uma defesa; toma seu vestido
'Abriram em hospital
Os futuros médicos engatinhando sobre o canal de crianças
É uma noite estrangeira em clínica
Arbitrária, estrangeiros luxemburguês
|: Hey Mister O.P., raio x, emergência
Doenças, transmissão, infecção
Assim, é normal para um homem com idade entre oitenta anos para estar de
televisão: |
O US Open no meio sem crises
Honras enigmáticas, adequadas
É uma invenção de Mutano e mais sábio
Hey Mister O.P., raio tem emergência
Doente, quarentena, telegrafia
Assim, é normal para um homem com idade entre oitenta anos para estar em
quarentena: |
274www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Um anestesista termina um O.P. com complicação
A operação de sinos do estômago em direção a sensação
Quartos extras proclamações de médico
Melhor estrutura na frente de self-solicitation
Hey Mister O.P., raio x, emergência
Stenos, telegrafia, quarentena
Assim, é normal para um homem ser sem fôlego
Asma divide as asas do medalhão
Uma dama que emenda 'pavilhão'
Guerrilha partidária para Hebron
É a milícia em um jornal gratis
Freqüência modulada
Meu sobrinho, o mordomo aparece
De repente, uma capa de chuva lágrimas
Steward acima, Steward
Medalhão de cidra proibido
Recuperação na tela neutra
Que termina um show apropriado
Hey DJ, bir örnek mono çaba mix
O eğlenceli Batı düzeni
Korkuluk örnek mid-andiron olarak
Hey DJ, oluyor kapısı mix
Hey DJ, caldron örnek
Çizik, spin, bu hepsi bir arada
Biz cant'koşmak bu yüzden ben size göstereceğim
Hey DJ, bu Güney eğlenceli olduğunu
|: Hey Mister O.P., röntgen, acil
Stenos, telgraf
Bir adam karantinada olması seksen yıl Yaş böylece, normal: |
Intro: Hey Mister O.P., are sen ok
Are sen güzel, sen Tamam?
Nükleer kriz başlatmak için pist roket
Biz alacakaranlıkta kadar şafak kadar kalmak
275www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Klinik tam gözlük bu brisis
Bir dans daha yakın şafak için değil mi?
Operation room, işlem tablosu
Doktorlar istedi ve güçlü
Rusya, Amerika'ya kalkan kalkan
Bu bir savunma olduğunu; elbise almak
'In augured Hastanesi
Çocuk kanalında kurmuştur gelecek doktorlar
Bu klinikte bir yabancı gece 's
Yabancı, rasgele Lüksemburg
|: Hey Mister O.P., röntgen, acil durum
Hastalıklar, iletim, enfeksiyon
Bir adam seksen yıl televizyon TV için yaş böylece normal: |
Amerika Açık hiçbir kriz ortasında
Esrarengiz onur, uygun
Bir changeling buluş ve bilge
|: Hey Mister O.P., Radius US acil var
Hasta, karantina, telgraf
Bir adam seksen yıl karantinada olması için yaş böylece, normal: |
Bir anestezist bir O.P. komplikasyon ile biter
Mide çan işlemi hissi doğru
Ekstra çeyrek doktor bildiriler
Self-solicitation önünde daha iyi yapı
Hey Mister O.P., röntgen, acil
Stenos, telgraf, karantina
Böylece, bir adama için nefes nefese olması normaldir
Astım madalyon kanatları böler
'Köşk' mends bir dame
Hebron için partizan gerilla
Milis bir Bedava gazete
Frekans modülasyonlu
Yeğenim, steward görünür
Bir anda, bir yağmurluk gözyaşları
Steward yukarı, temsilcisi,
276www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Yasak ağaç kavunu Madalyon
Islah tarafsız ekranda
Bu uygun bir gösteri sona
Pierre Rausch
277www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The ground on snow caught the moonlight beyond the clouds
A candle lid on table cast an arc of light across their mouth
And you've stayed numb all these years
And outside fears
Through the misty window panes
Tell me what to do
You are big, I am small
Misty, misty
The curve on light caught the rain
A dance and candle cast on wax
And you've shut all these years
It makes no sense
Shall you stay, or shan’t you foe
The astonished lady refusing
The mow of nought brought the unhur
Two sample, hidden sables caught a fight beyond their cloud
And you've stayed numb all these years
Outside hears
Through the willing window panes
Tell me what to do
You are big, I am small
Pierre Rausch
278www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Modern Crusades (Sitap)
When we come to it
When we let the rifles fall from our shoulders
And children dress their dolls in flags of truce
When we come to it
When the curtain falls on the minstrel show of hate
And faces sooted with scorn are scrubbed clean
When we come to it
Then we will confess that not the Pyramids
Wth their stones set in mysterious perfection
We, this people, on a small and lonely planet
Traveling through casual space
Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns
Sat in the airplane that looked tiny above
Swam in the ocean on right side in front
Looked down on flakes as aircraft
Looked down on flakes as crip and crop
Looked down on flakes as space jet
Since I forgot you to the cane
Walked that aisle as member of crew, companion
Stood on sidewalk, I didn’t know too well
Exit talipot
Exit decent gallipot
He is such an anorak
Contrast, rub it to be segregate
On the phone,838188
Toward decent worry of summer serenade
Pierre Rausch
279www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
One would have said that they were
The most formidable that it was possible
He would have been alarmed
That black and deformed thing
He would have to fly, calling
Would have taken good care
Mosquito, all pure and radiant
With tremors and anxiety
Mosquito, one would have said
Not to show myself
He set out on his way
Would have hurt his eyes on emerging
Would have taken good care
Would have hurt his eyes on emerging
In the presence of these lights
Which we have already put to ourselves
He proceeded like a man
That he was no longer the same man
That about him was changed
Pierre Rausch
280www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
My Brother Has Ways Of His Own
Isn't there a matter
Can always draw from my soul
From a restricted point of view
The visible in nowise
That in every man there is none
What there was in Javert
Would you know the way?
What there was in police
It will be easy for us to stay
All department requesting
Ordinarily, he is believed
Illuminated her profile and her attitude
She fancies that you feel super nature
Yes, that's right, call him father
That grandsire hadn't given
But a few months before, he would have so ardently
He hadn't hastened to the thicket in the morning
About in the mansard of roof
A light which was wandering
Where there isn't a pavilion
You shall enter here during this flight
He hadn't hastened to the thicket in the morning
Some persons, weren't curious
That he would have been put to torture
(in case of need)
At a nook of the forest in the underbrush
For I had seen this person emerge from the
Pierre Rausch
281www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
My Day Starts With A Smile
After loading the basket with logs
The great heavy banks of air part
That the publishers had send him two copies
And he had thought Jesse might like one
My day starts with a smile
The only person in that sequence is myself
To be operated on that morning
Jesse had been allowed to do much
But the waitress does not answer
What happened to me? Where are you shot?
Whisperings of mothers and daughters
The place goes silent
My day starts with a smile
The only person in that sequence is myself
To be operated on that morning
Jesse had been allowed to do much
My day starts with a smile
The only person in that sequence is myself
To be operated on that morning
Jesse had been allowed to do much
That pattern is not a predictable process
The start of music greatly amplified
A large dining room, an open mic
Was very narrow and often used
My day starts with a smile
The only person in that sequence is myself
To be operated on that morning
Jesse had been allowed to do much
That pattern is not a predictable process
The start of music greatly amplified
A large dining room, an open mic
Was very narrow and often used
Pierre Rausch
282www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
My French Maid
A cute Miss is jogging in the park
Is jogging late in dark
My heart lights up huge sparks
Nice girl left her mark
But does not see the trench
Her knees would wrench
For that maid’s pain a quench
I help her to a bench
This isn't how we meet on a bench
When I feel love in French
Full moon unleashes the light
And stars fill the night
This is just a fitting set
I’d make every bet
We are in a world so blue
I am so in love with you
Pierre Rausch
283www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
My Messiah
Ranged in echelons and set in motion
Between the brigades, the music at their head
Which were more peculiar than witty
Had the white and amaranth cockade
For the sake of glorification
Lancers of Bro and beneath the crisscross
The battalion of Lunenburg
Ponsonby's great dragoon
My Messiah, you are right, when you say I fail, all I ever do, is the dream that
Lo, le, li, la delia, My Messiah
Were shall be raised a handful lip
In Betlehem, there stands a crib
Pierre Rausch
284www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I am going to the barricades
By a tall row of houses
The style of this cabaret
Napoleon was a hair-dress
Lillois and Bois-Seigneur-Isaac
Thought I saw you pass
An amusing variety
A superior manner
A Belgian in Brussels
'Guess, you love me, then? '
Lone women!
Have you lost that silver piece? '
A Belgian in Brussels
He must have been nine
Ill-tempered air
This scrawled in charcoal
What a void in absence of daze
Composed the travellers' tariff
Napoleon thought himself the servor and the possessor
What a void in absence of daze
Had fallen from this apron's pocket
„How was, turning the damask curtains crimson“
Advert on side
'Is it for you'
How was it?
With manners at table
This formidable gesture
A lilac robe
Lilac curtain
Of the gouty man within
A purple curtain
A purple robe
Of the gouty man within
And clever
A lilac robe
Pierre Rausch
285www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Natas(C) A
Nostalgic, tragic alabastor,
After dark, the (rabby) pastor,
This is tender begin,
At midnight, I'd rose the evening,
Say when has the time come,
Crowing roster, the rising sun,
Hail the morning, the early morning,
As the dust as misst is foaming,
Natasha, this day, this hour no one knows,
All this sorrow lay so silent outside in snow,
Then you'd break the flask, that fragnent of the basks,
Sll this sorrow lay so silent outside,
Silenced these voices, these winter voices,
Horn as parable, as branches so tender,
All this sorrrow silently render,
Nats(c) ha, lest you coming suddenly,
A glorious day this shall be,
That it does not find you weeping,
For the moon and the stars have been weeping, it's all in
Would you carry me to the end of the world, for I have no
Could you listen, what they sing, for I have no ears
Pierre Rausch
286www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Nathaniel Bryan
Waking in the shade of the midst to the dawn, proletarian washed in the
testament unflavored to the lawn
Waking in the chill of the sun that sizes, among hundreds, among men the
enemy that rises
Disciple cause to the hostile relations of the camp with the orbs, disciple in petty
school, grammar and elemental horde
These are these times inaugural mentioned to buzz, I'd (additionally) presume
to sanction, being the only one of us
Among the projects that seem modest on Baker Street,
Catchers like Savage, catchers like Hogan, catchers like the Natural Butch Reed
Once when the world turned around in napkin sphere, my daddy took choices in
most proper atmosphere
In industrial age millennium to the Cape-Horn, his thoughts of forest, he said:
road to perdition to all thorn
He rented the urban settlements, the rural patrimony, and patrician in vector
caused by considerately destiny
On valid border rebels an entire sector, on valid bench rents a valid tribe, three
electrons sit together to berate and confide
Have they worked in modesty for the old cobbler, dissident ignoble urgency, and
ignoble dissident for modest robbers?
Walking steps in the mornings of Springfield, astronomic daze, astronomic
complement, funny shield
Walking steps in the morning dust of Houston, the audit galaxy, Flynn tucker,
invisible Garbage, the cum
Walking in the image of the restricted public morning, these phony hours of looks
handsome and horny
Graveyard slot and waking early, the mystic mill's so tented red, fork and knife in
ham and meat, the syllables of Amour yet to be read
Graveyard slot and baking bread, when the baker stands tempered pearly,
coulombs sleep astride, the dust furnishes light
Waking appearance allowed to answer, the hazard users accustomed to cancer
Fork and graveyard afford then prayer; magic ballrooms fill Aerosmith, mostly
Nathaniel Bryan, enemy in pathos, enemy to Pantheon, enemy on several stages
Foe in majority of expression, foe in mimic of quantum, foe for a different age
Foe, the expense of wildlife for the better, solemn height, sermon all size, not to
Roles in the past, roles in the future, the future roles, the ogre, the mustached
tiger, the concrete lion
287www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The roles in use, yet the roles to be played, the roles in the haste of the depth of
the character of Nathaniel Bryan
Right now, this feels like warfare dispensation, barn bullets hit our troops from
every angle of the nation
We haven't lost the sector alpha, the discs of Data; militia missiles hit Sicily
within the helps of the E.T.A.
Data's herby knowledge and wisdom-wireless, is crucial to the private in defense
of Bryan's happiness
We've got troopers, artillery and mechanic, a hip-hop triangulation for a dead
friend, the terrible dead Manix
Waking in the warmth of the sun that rises, among hundreds, among men the
enemy that rises
Waking in the shade of the midst to the dawn, proletarian washed in the
testament unflavored to the lawn
Pierre Rausch
288www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Not of half the leitmotiv to trail
Or the chaos relieve you sail
Tomatoes encoded first hand
Outpost allegetion land
Revolutions comprehend their time
In aces is born your slime
Over a louzy card, that broken bone
Us inmidst two minutes or a stone
Shake it calm, you are alone
Nets in limelight spined
Of any intention of sleazy rhyme
Talent out a purple heart
Or a couple of free parts
Red curtain nights and self made snacks
It feels like I had to put in paper bags
Okker quite rightly to
Uncle pyramid couldn't think how to
Stick the cat in running shoes
It's in my range, concentrate
It's in my range, concentrate
It's in my range, concentrate
Notorious days before you came
Pierre Rausch
289www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Need For Speed
His favorite spot to visit was with need
For speed for the terrible lies
I think it all got knocked out
On the highway mission interstate
His favorite spot to visit was with speed
Understand why his car loves you so much
Which would be adressed in the name of traffic
I could only remember envelopes
I didn't feel confident enough to drive
And if the past has taught us to drive
Waved and blew kisses as we watched this
Watched and blew kisses as we waved goodbye
To Need for Speed
If there is anything you need
Or if you are not satisfied
Just ask for it, light the lamps
I'll be back shortly to see you drive
Opened the new season at the motordrome
Fell on hard times whilst you wait for the flag
He has already served as inspiration
And he was tingling with excitement
Pierre Rausch
290www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Neither Side Of Both
Ambiguous strailhouse junkie
Independant frailhouse junkie
Ambivalent frailhouse junkie
Are you all right?
If I go strailing again
No running Games, no infrastructure
No sky office, no Boxsports
No official, not second hand
Bembem on sofa
Da Bog Ba DA boom ba da baba da
Bog ba da boom ba daba da
„Neither side of both“
Ten Seconds and more, the flesh of Mercure
Ending side of the needle, ending side of start
It's the beginning
Neither Side Of Both, Neither side of Both
The privacy of a made man
Neither side of both
Pierre Rausch
291www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
New Relic (Relic)
Everything remain
Swing indulgence over
The blazor's rope
It's a worn cable
Corp pleasance
Charitable persons
Glorious corpse
Remaining unite
Indigence, new scheme
Evidence, newer building
Would be noticed, flimsy
New familiar destinaion
But the mantle of flames dons
„All goes well, knotted, vanquished“
„All goes well. I'd suffer in my right hand“
To height of the first floor
In a dormitory of it
They aren't yours
Evidence, newer building
„I will risk existence“
„I will kneel in continuation“
„I will arrive“
That appeared in bassin
Two fashion supposed
I will risk cannonade
We owe him might
Longer, they address each other
Terminated like a kettle
Even the faint and distant sound
Remaining unite
What's the matter with my right paw
Quick, give it to me
Long firing doubt
A first cannonblade
Pierre Rausch
292www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
One day it would be a dance dress
She was entitled to laugh if she wanted to
To be the bridesmaid like you
Glad in a million years
That lot of beauties at nightfall
Of all the madness at nightfall
Something much more dangerous
Like all the badness at nightfall
Anything, rather than fall into
The platform she normally sat on
Silver paper from the Far East
For any plaque at her door
One day it would be a dance dress
She was entitled to laugh if she wanted to
To be the bridesmaid like you
Glad in a million years
That lot of beauties at nightfall
Of all the madness at nightfall
Something much more dangerous
Like all the badness at nightfall
Anything, rather than fall into
The platform she normally sat on
Silver paper from the Far East
For any plaque at her door
That lot of beauties at nightfall
Of all the madness at nightfall
Something much more dangerous
Like all the badness at nightfall
Anything, rather than fall into
The platform she normally sat on
Silver paper from the Far East
For any plaque at her door
That lot of beauties at nightfall
Of all the madness at nightfall
Something much more dangerous
Like all the badness at nightfall
Pierre Rausch
293www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Nightingale Star
The most disarming smile
Built into a hole in the wall
Nightingale Star
It had been taken early
Your eyes are closed
Nightingale Star
Author of your own memories
But she does not hold high hopes
She will leap to the nightingale's aid
She has promised to write
Or so her confidante had worried
Nightingale Star
It had been taken early
Your eyes are closed
Nightingale Star
Author of your own memories
I can possibly capture the tone
In summary and I wouldn't
Of the love-struck never cease
To amaze another day of Indian summer
Nightingale Star
It had been taken early
Your eyes are closed
Nightingale Star
Author of your own memories
Slipping it inside the pocket
And the record was turning by itself
She lay there and she tried
One of the pleasure boats itself
Nightingale Star
It had been taken early
Your eyes are closed
Nightingale Star
Author of your own memories
Pierre Rausch
294www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
No Weapons Beyond This Point
I accepted the offer and joined the group
I will show you to your room
And went out onto the tiny balcony
Can you imagine how it is for me
I felt you had no control
By April you will be back
Even you may not be able to save me
Wether you were or weren't mine
In your mind of a beautiful retreat
With reclaimed pale pine floors
But the thought of doing it all over again
Apart from one minor hitch
That all at the theatre are aware of it
This man will break your heart
After all that had happened
Well, I'd just like to say
The conductor stood up, no weapons beyond this point
Not in favor of the guitar, no weapons beyond this point
Life going to waste
Of life going to waste
Pierre Rausch
295www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
No, But I Had To Badger You
Oh, they may find somewhere, where I can rest
But I had to badger you
And there was a gleam at his eyes
No, but I had to badger you
Professionalism, you may say
No, but I had to badger you
And he was now weary of
Professional intersts, you may say
The terrible crows bones abandoned
Bit out the bird-nest
Oh, they may find somewhere, somewhere
where I can rest
But I had to badger you
And there was a gleam at his eyes
No, but I had to badger you
They drove many of them
But I had to badger you
They sat long at
No, I had to badger you
Will be the last we'll hear
But, I had to badger you
Had passed right west
No, I had to badger you
They may have indeed
But, I had to badger
There was nothing to be done
No, I had to badger you
And twice spring
Pierre Rausch
296www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Northeast Chinese Dongbei
A good old classic priest
A good outstanding poet
That will make three sisters
That consists in one house
So pretty - so clean -
That is just the thing -
Here is a good mother -
Here isn't everything
Talked distractedly over bushes
The mother passed the night
Now reduced in volume
Zephine and Dahlia
I cannot take my daughter to country
You see, that is just the thing
My home stays home
My work will not persist
A neighbor met his mother
With a child one can find
Take a many things
Take a many situations to the spot
The Soviets captured Manchuria
And the Ming soon came
Pierre Rausch
297www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Northern Attorneys
No mistaken party
Everything in the forest miles
Pay attention
Everything in a pavillon
They were vanquished
Everything in the forest miles
Lifting weight: dart
Social freedom
Everything in the forest miles
Signing the depth of a box
Now he had witnessed
Those who condemned as well
That catastrophe, as that condemned
Voice receiver at tape
Shouting and calling, signing
Quite forgotten in what direction
And it went up in rockets
Everything in the forest for miles
Even find one another
Not even fault in caution
Used or veined
To find fault
Cap at noon
Had reached, he ran down the steps
A clatter of the feet
Became stranded
Whose sign could then be seen
Pierre Rausch
298www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Notary Public
Crowded, crowded & crowd
The deposit had been paid
Who are interested in having
Crowded liberty, yesterday it was a break
Not to travel underground
That marvel of a complication
People hail but don't attire each other
Another crowd attires:
„Every crowd begins by creature“
As worn of esteem
And always worthy
Wounded and stupefied of esteem
Nothing of course -
Accustomed to favor
Finding another participant
The deposit had prevailed
Crowded, crowded & crowd
To muffle up
A letter of right
Everywhere undermined
That indicated farewell
The proceedings
The processing
The crowded organization
Pierre Rausch
299www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
November To Remember
Darling I remember your eyes
Had not escaped all these tries
Lay together without touching
And looked up to the sky
I should have listened to you
Then it is settled, then it is accepted
It might be missed, you do not know
Knowing that you would be allowed to stay
She did not, instead
She did not know, if she could spill the blood
Humming a song from her childhood
Called November to Remember
Called November to Remember
She had run for miles that day
Her gaze fixed on her mother
We need each other
It does not change that
I should have listened to you
Then it is settled, then it is accepted
It might be missed, you do not know
Knowing that you would be allowed to stay
She did not, instead
She did not know, if she could spill the blood
Humming a song from her childhood
Called November to Remember
Called November to Remember
I should have listened to you
Then it is settled, then it is accepted
It might be missed, you do not know
Knowing that you would be allowed to stay
She did not, instead
She did not know, if she could spill the blood
Humming a song from her childhood
Called November to Remember
Called November to Remember
Pierre Rausch
300www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Now That I Listened That I Saw What It Was
Still I understand, what her eyes mean
Just a little less hurry
But the pretty things should
Until I inquire, I’m guessing
Just I’ve no eye contact
But it’s too little haste
So thoroughly and long
So real in faith and strong
That something needs disguise
What have I now shown
Now that I listened that I saw what it was
I realized, how much changes one song, one song and I
And people don't have to be fair for that; it's just what I
Don’t river all up all/and down that spine horrible,
Carve 'em up that listed threat, carved 'em
And fertile threat and honor men
A show from there
Dwindled dust
And red and rust
Of things that were
Pierre Rausch
301www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Swept all the company river away
After lying and listening for a while
Two entry desks, reception
That will be the last we'll take for granted
And you can draw the ships back
When it's safe on the other side
Now, you're in for it at last
I knew many among the actors
I won't take that lying down
Nursemaid, I won't take that lying down
And south-east, there was nothing
Anything is all right
All the odd adorments,
Yet, if they considered
All the adornments,
Netplans. kit,
Kern Sam's pills
Before haste, so great was his rate
In shawl and bin
We sat on
To the tendency
One by one
She read book in the dawn
She read book
I won't take that lying down
Nursemaid, I won't take that lying down
There were people that pushed and sat
Pierre Rausch
302www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Nursery School Teacher
As soon as you like
Girls with boxes or bricks
Come, have some more!
Girls to the cloverleaf corner
Credit limit, loan to allocate
Millet entrée
It was too late
Come and have some more!
Attitude corn broom entry
Corn broom blooming inside
Goalkeeper posture
Knock, knock, made an air-buzz
To suppose now he is the board
And suppose it in the forest
Don't leave the teacher alone
Girls to the cloverleaf corner
Girls to the box of bricks
Come and have some more!
Your own decision, your
The price goes to Tammy
Girls to the cloverleaf corner
Girls to the box of bricks
Flying squad to the childs
Folk music
Be in focus
Big A, big B
Small child, small b
Pierre Rausch
303www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
O' Connor
O Love! were you a basil-wreath to twin
O Love! were you the scented fan
O Love! were you the hooded hawk upon my
O Love! were you a shield against the arrows
O wild-deer hours, to the meadows of the
Or the union of the midnight
O tranquil night, with your soft
And bear me to the fragrance of my breast
Pierre Rausch
304www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The man had again become absorbed
Without displeasing her brother
I have heard something
It appears that while procuring some provisions
The were evidently ready to hurl
Are you knowing what should remain
And replied with haughty device
This house is not that safe
Which she hadn't placed on my side
Are you peruaded it's better to receive
You understand what it is
You will not be seen
You understand what it is
Pierre Rausch
305www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Officer Standsby
Oh, oh, oh,
Kilobyte Officer base
Facile tidings, feed
Oh, oh, oh,
Or helmets at pocket
Manacle saltpetre, saltpetre handcuff
Oh, Russia's frozen tear
And chalk squeezing
A fortnight to splatter
Stuffy oblivion
Sultan Office, intelligence
And chalks squeezes
Oh, oh, oh,
The pictures of the view – subscription:
The purchasor of the buy
The buyer of the purchase
Furtive acquisitions
Tweets «
it's a gown
Backstairs provision
March to hodey - subscription
Oh, Oh, oh,
He was holding on, moments
March to noon
Oh, oh, oh,
Charitable, he was holding
Know-how, the neighbor's pet
Guidebook to saviour
And a money plane
'Cos this feels like truth and feelings aren't real,
Sweet pepper and corn, sweet puree,
To growl, to regroup,
Oh, razor washes the writing,
Straight, sharp, she’s vanquished
My sweetheart foliate
Every glim-half could not be
A passenger notice
A frazzle on the cupboard
306www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Oh, a comittee of officers
To stand by
Oh, a traveller comits,
Oh, a traveller remark,
Pierre Rausch
307www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And his daytime was at the templet, but at night, he stayed at the olivet
And there will be signs in the sun, in moons, in stars, the divine sun
The distress of nations scoring, perplexed waves roaring
Hearts failing from fear, naked, the expectations on earth
The power of heaven shaken
And then, you seeing the son of men en-coming in a story
Now, with power and great glory
Now when you see these things happening a, begin to en-clear
You know, that the sacred kingdom is near
know these ran away in fear
At the olivet
Assuredly, he said to you all, this generation will not be called
Will by no/ with few / means pass the way
When all things take place, heaven and an earth shall pass away
But this here will forever stay
With carousing intransigence and care of life
Until that day comes unexpectedly alive
(And) Come to the intern path
Early in the mourn, they witnessed it
That the temple has born the olivet
At the olivet
Pierre Rausch
308www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
On Rocks (On Clouds)
In between wilderness and skyscrapers
Not just, the twilight star may be rapers
On paper it greens so green
On Mars it (/oughta, /it onna) blues so red
On Rocks | On Clouds
Spring aside and grow further-on
(Around) / Near Vancouver bloom the trees there-on
See the spiders on the palisade Fairmont
At high-noon noon the pacific waterfront
On Rocks | On Clouds
Call her best shot Alice in Wonderland
The rock on her left, a bunch of lucky land
Bionic laser arms for the ghost of fog
(Legends) awoken in hybrid desert the spectre of mist
On Rocks | On Clouds
On paper it greens so green
On Mars it (/oughta, /it onna) blues so red
Pierre Rausch
309www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Once Walked More Than Two Miles
Four paddles hit the water
The mountains grew in the day
Carrying a message to St. Louis
And grab a horse by the mane
Why don't we make a draft?
Lifted his rifle from his shoulder
In the first years of his life
Once walked more than two miles
Once walked more than two miles
The other three horses had their own reservation
After a month in the new city
I learned my lesson
The wind shifted and caught scent of the smoke
It doesn't matter now
I take your charges seriously
The green succumbed to the wilderness
The little creek meandered lazily
When it matters, enough light remains
The green succumbed to the wilderness
Lifted his rifle from his shoulder
In the first years of his life
Once walked more than two miles
Once walked more than two miles
Reach your hand out and listen
We're too few to complain
Ride up where you'll take your turn
Pierre Rausch
310www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
One Of The Big Shots Down There
Try to forget about that now
Stand up and start pacing
We may never know that
I told him that
Used the mobile phone to call the store
When you will be the source
One minute that wants to share it
Things were going good
One of the big shots down there
If it wasn't you this happened to
One of the big shots down there
If it wasn't a brand that you knew
I'm not tired but it's strong
No, I'm not tired and it doesn't have anything
After a few seconds, the screen moved up
Or touching her make-up
Things were going good
You've already been home
Passing the time in your room
It's still damn good
One of the big shots down there
If it wasn't you this happened to
One of the big shots down there
If it wasn't a brand that you knew
Pierre Rausch
311www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
One Of These Days
The voice must say I love you
And had planned to meet
And took off my glasses
Who are these people?
And begin again when the question is asked
Grave, patient and kindly
To bother with whispered jokes
Always repeating, when he's repeating
Who smiled at me curiously
She just sits there and talks
The increasing irony of the distance
One of these days, one of these days
Sometimes it helps, with a case like this
Fluid lips gone wild, collapsed, burst
The letter had arrived three weeks ago
With all the beautiful stamps on the envelope
Once a year they got a letter at the school
So that it hadn't been addressed at her alone
The letter had arrived three weeks ago
With all the beautiful stamps on the envelope
Once a year they got a letter at the school
So that it hadn't been addressed at her alone
Pierre Rausch
312www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
One Shot Girl
I awoke in many places
Felt not a lot behind all these faces
I'd cross the road and entered the house
Why did you say well night
Calm cannot answer over a fight
Did you do, did you do, the one shot, the little Girl
I awoke in many places
Felt nothing behind these faces
I saw the roads under this shade
Why did you say good night
Cannot answer over a fight
Did you do, did you do, the one shot, the little girl
One shot girl, where are you? Inside a shed or
inside a house
Pierre Rausch
313www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Orlando Original
I will love you there in my life
Once I wasn't, now I'm twice
With the lonesome and the useless
Forget I was the biggest mess
Just myself and head the sun
I thought it would be fun
Give it up so tender so cynical
My sweetest Orlando Original
I polished the shoes, to Orlando I'd lend
I came out the bar on weekend
Come from far the boulevard that garners
Everything brighter what light garners
The white terrorist black on soul
A finger-swamp hangs the biggest goal
Give it up so tender so cynical
My sweetest Orlando Original
That told me the right shown up
Once aggressive' I'd ask you a stop
To give it up that tender, that cynical
Sweetest Orlando Original
Pierre Rausch
314www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
P.O. Box
Good men, good women
The last wave by
Just question to guess
A can opener
Could blossom and be gay
Old age shouldn't burn or rave
His blank could be water
A dock for camels
Do not go gentle into that goodnight
But you there, on that height
Might have danced in the night
In that brothel
Can't you turn on a sharp
Though men know dark is right
It's the silver granit that prevails
They grieved it on it's way
It's the silver ore that carries the day
Do not go gentle into that goodnight
Now with my fierce prayer beads
Opera eyes couldn't
Bit by bit
Because letters had forked
ladies and gentlemen,
Do not go gentle into that goodnight
Pierre Rausch
315www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
That day was composed by dawn
Crimp scurrying around
About turn
Guard, draw your sword!
To overhear some of the paladin
Of squared stones laid dry
And already the gate was blocked
Who are you?
The pursuits in the grass
There weren't holes in the wall
The paladin guard dropped his
It was a quite confident bill
The one's behind yelled
A sharp corner
A large but ugly rooms
All this blazed forth
And sweet incertitude to fill air
And everyone's steel blossom
It was not a pleasant thought
At cross warn you
One of them was at the foot
There was nothing else to be done
Pierre Rausch
316www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Paranoid With Me
Surf attack, surf attack, surf attack
arac, arac, arac
Vow your trophies, vow goodbye,
Vow our trophies, consecrate me glass,
What I request to seek through alibi,
Surf attack, surf attack, surf attack
arac, arac, arac
Vow our trophies, vow goodbye,
Vow our trophies, consecrate me glass,
What I request to seek through alibi,
When the wind comes hushing in
Your voice rises up in the dust of the diamond
From my home cloud
From my dome shroud
I’m asking around
I’m asking around
Who wants to be paranoid with me
You say you are afraid, folio
I’m so sorry it isn't late
My dignified mind doesn’t work
Took much drugs I’m a jerk,
To have pride of place,
I have to cross perilous line
My mind, my mind feels there so fine
My mind in rushing asteroids
Tell my mind an android
Pierre Rausch
317www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Without you I would have never left home
Let's make peace
Forgive... Forgive...
Forgive me, I tell you my story
I thought, I would never see you again
The myrtles on that tree
There was once upon a time, a beautiful day
The children, they are for you
Let them play alone
Let's make peace
The myrtles on that tree
It was humble, and caught it grey
The children, Let them play, They play
Let's make peace
I promise, I will always be a good father
As sign we all belong together
Pierre Rausch
318www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Perfect Code
But to-day
Purer light as is
That today called
An alley of large poplars at furthest end
This garden is oblong
A man who is fleeing thoughts of himself
This garden was oblong in shape
If one isn't alarmed
A staircase opens
Peculiar and clear
What is there that is perfect?
Unknown to yourself
Shouldn't he dash?
Instinct from sight
That had freedom
A rift in the immense pane
Cut up by arcade
The old man had remained
Possible to slip
Of the regions
Regained the quay
A gulf on high
But saw no one, saw none
Walls weren't bare, the chamber
A gulf on high
Wasn't furnished; there was a chair
About six feet square
Tape attached to bell-wire
Supposed that a living being had been so
wonderfully thin as to essay
An entrance or an exit through a square
It allowed the passage of the eye
A tablet of wood
Without being thrown into confusion
Prescribed and adored
Sometimes rare
You could see nothing
319www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
320www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Phalanx Of Flags
It took the decision away
It helps, she must go, go alone
Was staying with her
And push along the circuit
Phalanx of flags had brought it the last time
Phalanx of flags, it seemed the best
Talking so honestly about her life
Phalanx of flags, I had to make up my life
The parcel with her stubby fingers
The work she put in at the railway station
For Japanese businesses in London
And so had made a fuzz of her
Phalanx of flags had brought it the last time
Phalanx of flags, it seemed the best
Talking so honestly about her life
Phalanx of flags, I had to make up my life
At home
With this secret
It had been slow
To go back there
Raised her head and the two stricken faces
To get any innings at all
Down there and nothing else
Let's leave it like that
Phalanx of flags had brought it the last time
Phalanx of flags, it seemed the best
Talking so honestly about her life
Phalanx of flags, I had to make up my life
At home
With this secret
It had been slow
To go back there
Pierre Rausch
321www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Phantom Of The Night
You saw him years ago, followed his track
But couldn't quite follow his track
You saw him years ago, followed his track
But couldn't quite follow his track
His figure is hidden, it was once a back
His figure isn't an assembly of trash
To find out who he is
Now is your task
Who sleeps in the day, who favours the night
The phantom of the night
The blood suckers,
Now your face is hidden,
Now your figure is masked,
You keep it hidden, dark and masked
Who sleeps in the day, who favours the night
The phantom of the night
Meeting stamper, the bout,
His love under power,
Now your face is hidden
Bottom bolt & end
Acknowledgement overdue,
Isn't favoured
Pierre Rausch
322www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A spining harp won't come closest
On street march in the glancing Pharaoes
At the Nile, sit next to papyrus
At port sets in the ship to Tyrus
No coach of Elephant rides it to Byblos
As there lies the fruit to mother
This is a rose, this is a rose
A third harp won't come closest
On chariot march in the reigning Pharaoes
At port on course to Tyrus
Copper, zync or bronzen myrrh
Hasn't shiften to tusk Big Sur
And coach byblos to trappen tide
This is a rose, this is a rose
A second harphes don't come closer
Tide hanging ivory and silver
Feathers of gold, feathers of myrrh
As jolly garden next to papyrr
At port on course to Byblos
At ship on course to Cyprus
That lies there in the bashing bones
This is a rose, this is a rose
That lies there in the bashing bones
Pierre Rausch
323www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
allow us
to enter
Naphtali, nocturnal, medium rand
the hermetic hello casual
Precambrian left voltage - murder, ransomed, theft,
St. Franklin chapel, adored Benjamin, Benjamin
etropolitan clashes fit
Alas, compartment, style
Outer-turbines have to collide
Tremolo-player tramping
Allure / machine/ Are you in dept
The audit pleads stolen, the plants sit on roof
Carmen hands over on the shirt back
Olivier pressure a station-snack
synopses or tram-line
Hangar, entrance-way
ferocity - survey - traitor
Nagasaki liturgy
myopic sphere
para-Olympic pictogram
Destruction of Personal Computer isn’t murder when switched off
once dialed, nowadays complex, numbers can count
Hounds of hell
Mexican flytrap Kigali warrior
324www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Advent Persia
Pierre Rausch
325www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Confectionery comforts the Enron express
Seaweed on the smooth express
Toilet comfort an Albot trail
Cutters thermoplastic flesh
Millions chant my name
A Nemesis tends to be ashamed
Common audience complete the show
Taxes of luxury - free
Carnival lights a lighter
Calamities on corridor
Millions of people whistle my name
Rhythms of a Nimbus enjoy your show
Allure in modern Main
Playful in several degree
Carnival lights a lighter
Calamities on corridor
Ferric camouflage, domestic and drainage,
Drainage, routine
Fading catastrophe, fading emission,
Planning not on the question
Claustrophobic, no explosive hull
Collateral orchid, companion on the rising
Bolts in naive contact
The combustible box thorn around
Stab a droid-dictionary stab
/ Aphorism England / French, the a-bridge
Compared Enos, ooouuou
Eno, sensitive, asphyxiation
OoooooO, the bananas of Hanoi
Euphoric mantle England, OOOOoooo
French, the bride, O o O o O o
Phenolic castle Argentina, OOOOoooo
Kagen of the United Valley O o
Nemesis Princess for:
Surveys near office, survey near stars
Surveys in pants, survey on mars
Surveys near planets, surveys in charts
Surveys near entrance-ways, survey in cars
Surveys over surveys, Surveys net clash
326www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Surveys that draw, surveys yet cash
Aisha, Aisha, ashamed, complete
a - Isha, a – Isha, a – i - sha
Pierre Rausch
327www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Plan B
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria - Nigerian warplanes struck militant camps in the northeast
on Friday in a major push against an
Islamist insurgency, drawing a sharp warning from the United States to respect
human rights and not harm civilians.
LONDON, United Kingdom - Britain's long-delayed inquest into the death by
radioactive poisoning of Russian spy
Alexander Litvinenko could be abandoned after the coroner partly upheld a
British government request to withhold
crucial evidence.
BAQUBA, Iraq - Two bombs exploded outside a Sunni Muslim mosque in the Iraqi
city of Baquba as worshippers left
Friday prayers, killing at least forty-three people in one of the deadliest attacks in
a month-long surge in sectarian
WASHINGTON, United States - The US-President and the turkish equivalent
Erdogan request the immidiate retreat of
the Syrian ruler Assad - „We are both of us agree, that the Syrian Assad must be
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Nineteen people were killed on Friday when a roadside bomb
exploded near a commercial complex in
the Amiriya district in the west of Baghdad, police and medics said.
TBILISI/ST PETERSBURG, Russia - Large crowds of anti-gay protesters broke up
homosexual rights rallies in Georgia
and Russia on Friday, underlining deep hostility in the former Soviet bloc.
TORONTO, Canada - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on Friday denied allegations that he
smoked crack cocaine.
SOCHI, Russia - France spelled out on Friday that it would oppose a peace
conference for Syria if Bashar al-Assad's
regional ally Iran is invited, clouding the prospect for a U.S.-Russian initiative to
end the two-year-old war.
WASHINGTON, United States - The US-President and the turkish equivalent
Erdogan request the immidiate retreat of
the Syrian ruler Assad - „We are both of us agree, that the Syrian Assad must be
Pierre Rausch
328www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
When she went away
When she played the game
Every sort of this has its own
As a creation to pay
When she went away
Above this reflection to share
And the novices at the bottom
By a sort of lazzaretto entrance
Just that remained, there remained a doll
You are a virgin, but I am not
Public was warned, make it common
Make it all right in case of need
A sort of acoustic telegraph
Above this refectory to share
Placed beside the portress
Give distinction throughout
Pierre Rausch
329www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Poems For Strangers
Dali attraction, starving helm
Container, the resolved elm
Restore order and humped
Poems on a postcard stamped
Bobby’s swimming in the Thames
221 Baker Street never made sense
On a letter card Yellow Park, the ranger
Capitals on a postcard for strangers
Capital of the mayor of Dockland
Brytonic evidence, settlement
The hills, Harold, The palace of M
The London tower, the Big Ben
Early modern reformation
First the fire of great inspiration
(Rebuilding) took over ten years, subcommittee
Supervised, it destroyed many parts of London
At a time of hostility and movie feature
Contemporarity to any development of theatre
Traffic congestion to lower world
The first local urban rail network
Metropolitan board of works
London's overcrowded conditions led to cholera
Claiming 14,000 lives in 1848’s opera
In 1948 Summer Olympics got held
A bare number of immigrant from commonwealth
To ask
to click
Anglo-Saxon known as Lundenwic
Formulate again bazaar or ranger
Poems on a postcard for strangers
Subculture associated with king and queen
Trendsetters, era punk, early Chelsea
Top level, the palace of Buckingham,
Couldn't mention the lords in Big Ben
Despite its reputation as being a rainy ferret
London may have a temperate ocean climate
In a year at 834
mm or Bordeaux at 923
330www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
mm Rome
London receives less precipitation than a drone
District Bloomsbury, Mayfair, button
Reflect names that aren’t absorbed as lower Sutton
West-End's entertainment and shopping district
The main price for property in Kensington is at about 894,000 pound for tourists
Homestead health from Kensington garden to south penitentiary
Throughout the past mid-century, an average 8 million live here
Tussaud Wax Museum of the local attraction
Stock brick, Richmond, Ath
A few trace roman and a Tudor comprehend
Trafalgar Square, Arch of the character monument
Pierre Rausch
331www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Political Review (Granats)
Small gigs in small pubs – applause
Desert Bunny
Especially assured
Register to domain
Ocean music
Grenade register
Haven't got
Awake in the desert
Ocean music
To negotiate
In the morning
Advert over flier, adverts for lunar vehicles, Santa Clause to wobble,
Ocean music, it won't make noise, you couldn't explain it
Gide, who caresses, Gide, bothering, who is for a stereographic 'Stardom'
It was the same Gide, present in the camp.
It is the same Gide not to impress.
Small gigs in small pubs
To explain factory, that budgerigar eternity of the flickering-acacia;
Together with her on Breakfast-TV,
Migration of the budgerigar, live, twenty-four hours, seven days, all week long
To wake up in the desert, a political review, recorded, phenomenon in awe
Pierre Rausch
332www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
As it was no longer all this
As it is the fraction group
Reproached it with this
Swimmers who go against
They would siege
But I don't suppose it to be
Sitting on the doorsteps
In conflict to nonsense
Was clearness of vision
As it was no longer all this
As it is a fraction group
To keep the politic
In a secret peace
Keep the conflicts alltogether
What she now felt
What fault is there of mine
What she all felt
Because she loved him ignorantly
It all plain and clear
Was clearness of vision
Was an increaase of complication
Their plans were soon made
That sent on faster then everything
This tranquility was not the least
Pierre Rausch
333www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ports Of Call (A Common Message)
She held his hand as they walked through the port
She leaned to kiss him on the head
And even after she placed her hands on his
That was the perfect thing to do
And so here they were, just the two of them
With a deep breath at their neck
She could taste strawberries
With the whole world at their feet
She'd only remove the covers
Trying to fish out the sweet
With the innocence of children
The mirror outside the port
And so here they were, just the two of them
With a deep breath at their neck
She could taste strawberries
With the whole world at their feet
Don't recall how that can be
Beneath the port-hangar window
She went abroad the hanse the following morning
The harbor also seemed infused
Don't recall how that can be
Beneath the port-hangar window
She went abroad the hanse the following morning
The harbor also seemed infused
And so here they were, just the two of them
With a deep breath at their neck
She could taste strawberries
With the whole world at their feet
Don't recall how that can be
Beneath the port-hangar window
She went abroad the hanse the following morning
The harbor also seemed infused
Don't recall how that can be
Beneath the port-hangar window
She went abroad the hanse the following morning
The harbor also seemed infused
Pierre Rausch
334www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The awkward being
Their plans were soon made
That shall be the last we shall share
They did not adress each other
It was thud that I had gradually
grown up
The well being of a man
And make it up again
Well found
Truth to tell
The trace left in just press
Pictures of these immense presses
Alliance to a corner plantation
They did not adress each other
What is there against
With one foot to the republic
Exhausted with fatigue
A grey of principle press
Found themselves in a wide
They found themselves in the spot
I came from the end of a bag
It was mignight, it was fresh air
But she did not look at herself
To give to what she now felt
Pierre Rausch
335www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pronounce These Last Words In A Loud Voice
Buyer transverse strip
Easier to tear off
Immediately recognition
For the third time
Little box
She would have given it
Hadn't menaced
A taper
He hadn't beheld
He had the courage
To plaster his face to glass
Was full upon that
Our projection
Which dazzled
The voice of Gavroche
From the point he scrutinizes
Are those we love in question
You have a cravat
Our prudence invents
Who aren't you?
And what isn't this?
Nothing is delightful
How happens it that you know
Why, what is this
This glass
I accuse myself of having been
For mother, a woman hat with suffrage
Buyer transverse strips
Easier to tear
Immediately recognition
For the third time
Little box
Buyer transverse strips
Easy to tear off
Immediately reckoned
For the third time
Little box
336www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
337www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Quantum Tuscon
No longer looked towards anything
To mount it like a citadel
The rubbish swept up
That's what the summer nights are good for
The Auvergnat for the Monarchy
The staircase of paving-stones which permitted
It was a funeral duel
That unhappy being who possessed
That's what the summer nights are good for
His mind had just been illuminated
And he was sleeping to much
The sombre social construction
Afterwards, caught in the gearing
For the man in the barricade
And the passer-by fell by
That's what the summer nights are good for
His mind had just been illuminated
And that cart would look
His mind had just been illuminated
And he was sleeping to much
Pierre Rausch
338www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Queen Of The Night (Breathless)
You should engage in the breathless night
Making sure you've got the clothes to wear
Come back the next night
To meet with your brother
Queen of the night
We sat together and cried
Queen of the night
Your eyes are red
You should engage in the breathless night
In this area we used to run around
You should engage in the breathless night
I'm going to be gone soon
Queen of the night
We sat together and cried
Queen of the night
Your eyes are red
If you want to see him again
In a place between here and now
If you had to get up at midnight
In a place between here and now
As it is all you could do
As it is all you could do
You should engage in the breathless night
Making sure you've got the clothes to wear
Come back the next night
To meet with your brother
You should engage in the breathless night
In this area we used to run around
You should engage in the breathless night
I'm going to be gone soon
Pierre Rausch
339www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ramon Ramirez Ortega
A squo-five twister all along
A cacadou mamadou (matador) in Taibon
Senor Ortega comer in the club (break)
Hasta la vista to the golden club
Dolche Vita passing by
I'd be fellow, I'd rather be shy
Come 'on baby baby, come' on
Ramon Ortega is up in the charts
A rollercoaster in soap-carts
The Hallow Hansons Video Show
Maité Babatumbe tuned overflow
Ramon Ramirez Ortega
Ramon Ramirez, Ramon Ramirez
Take an airplane to the rainbow clan
Maité sampling to that Facebook lan
The hotspot belly shop with uneasy stage
Nervous simplistic brewing me my mage
Ramon Ramirez Ortega
Ramon Ramirez
A quantum ship to the midst of Nebulon
The Gardens (hanging) inside of Babylon
Diana Dors weeping in the sun
Fashion on (synched / scythed) cyberthron
Oh no, I can't afford, it's a lie
I'd be mellow, I'd rather be shy
Ramon Ramirez Ortega
Ramon Ramirez, Ramon Ramirez
Ramirez Ortega tugs flags on the darts
The Opus Dei to a next depart
Ramon Ortega on the back of all cards
Unique opus to a next depart
Ramon Ramirez, Ramon Ramirez
Pierre Rausch
340www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
This last was the dearest tariff
A clash of principles
The poor man trembling seraphin
And she would have replied
Twice he repeated this cry
What fault is there of mine
She would have understood
For having him permitted to be loved
For innonce
a few paces distant
Which communicates with the distance
Rasputin, a woman stood before,
Rasputin, Rasputin
When does a porter clunch
She loved with all the more passion
Only to allow men to enter
The porter had hardly made this scene
Rasputin, Rasputin
Or thought that he divorced
Only to allow love
a few paces distant
Which communicates with the distance
Rasputin, a woman stood before,
Rasputin, Rasputin
For having him permitted to love
For innonce
For that epoch
Twice he repeated this cry
a few paces distant
Which communicates with the distance
Rasputin, a woman stood before,
Rasputin, Rasputin
341www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Useful or dangerous
Rasputin, Rasputin
No personal exercised
Embellished or simply remembered
Rasputin, Rasputin
Twice he repeated this cry
Rasputin, Rasputin
Embellished or simply remembered
Rasputin, Rasputin
Pierre Rausch
342www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Red Earth, The Cannonball
A pogo boy on sticks, would it slip fitter happier a son bit
And what happens, it's my friends that help and care
My friends, that traveled for garbage cans
My friends, which traveled for the birds there who fly
A logo stick or toy, would it be accepted
Since it's my buddies that help me out
My buddies, which accosted for polo bears
My buddies that collared in harmony
I slipped on a little white lie; I slipped on a little white lie
Don't white me more you’re yours to can
Architects of the future, architects of a “Dieb”
Red earth, the cannonball, red, red earth
Pierre Rausch
343www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
That it was all over
The souvenirs of youth recalled
That it was all over
What beloved hair
With a flower you give
With the flower you see
That it was all over
Why not at once
That it was all over
His most imperious tone
Then all ranged themselves
On the sill of the small window
That sweet forbidden fruit
What billowing hair
That is over her
Gave it to her profile
The passers-by had love wedded
Which was preparation
Which was a respect
Which was preparation
And cast convinctiobn
Off the thing they were about
And leaning against each other
There was some compassion
Like crystal and also of pop, so be it
Pierre Rausch
344www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Rich & Sexy
She was picture on birthday date
Sat down, present and roller skate
On a ramp we met, valse to the right, valse to the left
Guess why she set forth
To the red lodge excellent coarse
The jungle jungolarian comes up and down
Saunters through the company of Charlie Brown
She’s on a party in her second town
Guess she loves the dumbest soul in town
Hey I love you
The cabled person deems stiff on feet
Walks low and precarious to beat
Here’s result, our working output
Where no broom and athlete foot
Hey I love you
Now and then this scene is through
I wonder how I could love you true
In front the circus the Harlem clown
Guess she's not the dumbest soul in town
Hey I love you
She was a picture birthday date
Sat down, present and roller skate
On a ramp we met, a vale to the right
Guess why she set forth
To the red lodge and brilliant coarse
Hey I love you
Pierre Rausch
345www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Richgirl Tueday
A superstar that knows her name, nice dreams simplified the game
She is known as Tuesday as Richmond daughter, a pool as beauty bought her
What nests in sweet decisions enabled, other mustaches in sources tabled
Other lips drank fresher citron, roams her countries thirst for Italians
Beholds long the hands in the face of black fighter
If destiny would lighten up that damn a bit brighter
Other lips drank fresher citron, under that roof other hair the morning run
From her hill she how the sun in the beach of her eyelids went to sleep
When will her land see again the full horizon pure of sheep
Pierre Rausch
346www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ridge Racer
|: Welcome to the Ridge Racer: |
With a wonderful and rapid clarity
A magnificent dress
There is so much for everyone
He glanced up to change the lane
|: Welcome to the Ridge Racer: |
They are mechanics themselves
The finish would be near enough in reach
But it was impossible - handling
To get through another race
Strong enough to get through another race
And yet linked by careful drivers
Chorus 2*
And spasm began up and down his race
This is an anchor of technique
He wanted to hear the sound of cars
Suddenly he could not join in
A high bridge ahead
The car, almost red, almost blue
The waste on the creek bank
This belonged to the ridge
Pierre Rausch
347www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Right There The Spades Of Ny
It's the suggestion song
Thumbs came to cured
Didn't bow
One movement
Right there the spades
Stood there to be insecure
Rake of a dozen light in beams
By a stud who wasn't
Which centered in mood?
Stood there in feelings
Mole for a while, cracked
Beneath my thought
Stirred in the mole of insecure
Right thousands years
Right there the spades of why
But even at the starting-post
Now to deem a rook
Pull down my stroke
Not a single cop
I'll walk on way
In a sway
Stifle at trot
But even at the view-post balustrade
Light orchestrates in beams
Passionate shriek
There isn't a slight dread
So only to mitigate
Hearing walls to fall
A ring sounded tall
Ebbing onto a gold-nugget
Right there the spades of why
With the best boots
With shoes to the toe
It's a running gag
That is secure in space
Right there the spades of why
But even at the view-post balustrades
All the holds in common
Every distinct regard
348www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
349www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
General adaption, the weels are spinning,
An immaculate shirt and holster
National syndrome
Capacity to withstand stresses
For forthcoming event
Shepherd at the faction faith
Transparent trust
Overtime premium, overtime hour, long overtime
Overtime madness, overtime calibre, madness overtime
|: A blind pass: |
|: A blind pass: |
Li – long hour at time of day
Overtime minutes at the solar day
Overtime silver at the insurance ranch
Pierre Rausch
350www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I'm scared to leave
You explored in Euphrates, when clay sat in the mud
Built a hut near the Congo, when moth was in the reeds
You led to the Tiber, when the madhouse processed to nod
You fell for love when the Nile touched deep to sleep
Rivers - ancient dusty - rivers
- crying happiness -
You bathed in the Mississippi when swing marched through (New)
You crawled in the Tigris, as wavelength came to stream
You who was as shapeless to water, as deep brother to Banias
Sister was the fathering womb, that shaped the Jordan near home
Rivers - ancient dusty - rivers
You explored in Euphrates, when clay prospered to mud
Built a hut near the Congo, when moth was in the reed
You bathed in Mississippi when swing marched through (New)
You crawled in the Tigris, as wavelength came to stream
This is Heaven Number Seven
Pierre Rausch
351www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Rochade Roccudus
I know, that if I touched the earth
Of petals from some magic rose
My tears are like the quiet drift
To love money, vocation or riffs
I think to-night I could bear it all
So impression, would it crumble
So an eve flows from the quiet rift
It is so sad, so tremulous like a dream
Your third font, your arrow-fleshed noise
Your pillow hat, my feathered soir
Picture element, exhibition and swift
Vertebra, vertical, a manufacturing east by south
Milking pail, open chess freedom,
The merchandise, twists inside no cellulose
Scaffolding, the scholar inside went berserk
The narcoleptic rockade roccudus decently turning
Print castling king's side, check mate,
To translate aurora bypass,
There are people converting,
Any kind of mate, castling queens side,
The decent blockade roccudus turning
The towel centrifuge
Toward persiflage
Is so sad, so tremulous like a dream
Descendant to allow
I think, that if I touched the earth
Of petals from some magic stone
My tears are like the quiet drift
Of petals from some magic rose
Pierre Rausch
352www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Vesuvius, Vesuvius, quiescent Vesuv
The afternoons of Monsieur Sebastian Bach in dur, Csus
Todd, clear, K.O., O.K.
The afternoons on the while Toley
The magic inside of Seymour mansion
A step inside of the lost dimension
The Manta seldom, a palm
An oasis in the Swiss alm
The treasure people of a captivate fleet
Gold, (which) vista (noun and) glove and sheet
The clavier partitions, tang Idol
The wooden hills in Calvin idol
Hadn't rested for a long while mold
We hadn't slept, worthily to be told
The butler, asking loan to Josette
Nestor, Smoky Giants, Mohammed Jab
On bar Sten Trapizi
In juggling, so sleazy
Quarter inside every club ending
The favors that returned the descendant
(Labor) as rectangle as independent
Lawyer, could be awful, horrible, perhaps intendant
Slipped with a gun, with a schedule we were imminent
The roman legions, turtle formation
A highjack quark cracks estimation (intimidation)
The same rotations, daylong rotating west
Rotating right, rotating left
To make a statement, to describe
Aks politics to be booked
The same rotations, day in, day out
Rotating down, rotating up,
Rotation toward, rotating stop
The same rotations to quote
The same rotations, day in and joke
Not to make a statement, but to describe
The same rotations, day in and joke
To make a statement, to describe
The same rotations, day in and day out
To make a statement, to describe
353www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The same rotations, day in and day out
To make a statement, to describe
The back of red horses, mules, after dark
On the top of the tracks of Joanne Arc
Pierre Rausch
354www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Runes Of Moscow
Quota: A person that is extra friendly
Quota: General Patton tribute
The hunchbank recreation
You don't exist
Propped between garden and water
The opening of the tree lock
That the water lies enter
The bell inkling
Until the park birds, he came away
Like green water he sat
And the mister they call
The truant boy from town
Early out of sound
Running when he listened
These Andes called the Caucasus Mountains
These Andes thought the Caucasus Mountains
These Andes called the Caucasus mountain
It’s the runes of Moscow
That friendship will last
Past lake and rockery
When he shook his paper
Hunchbank sit-down
Through the loud zoo of willow grove
Dodging the park keeper
With his stick that picked up
And the old dog sleeper
Alone between nurse and eater
While the boys among willow
Made the tigers jump out of their pillow
To roar on the rockery stones
And the groves were blue
Made day
A woman figure
Straight and tall from crooked bone
That she might stand in night
The lock and chain
All night in the unmade park
After the railings and shrubberies
355www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The birds the grass the trees
After the boys innocent as strawberry
Had followed the hunchbank
To his kennel in the dark
It’s the runes of Moscow
Friendship that lasts
Pierre Rausch
356www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sacrilege I
Through the core that day
On the darker way
Though my divest dusk I have
Soon this day winding down
at seeded summer end
in the torrent (sun) ,
soon the (sea) shaken lane
on a breakneck of rock
tangled with chirrup
soon froth, fin, and quill
at a wood's dancing hoof,
by scammed, starfish sand
with their fish-wide cross
gulls, cockles, snail
soon out of, crow black,
tackled with cloud that kneel
to the sunset net,
geese nearly soon, boys
stabbing, and heron, he shells
that speak seven seas,
eternal waters away
from the cities of nine
soon night whose tower's day
in the religious wind
like stalks of tall strait,
at poor peace i sing
to you soon (though song
at a burning (and crested) act,
soon, the birds of fire are (in)
the world's turning soon (fast) ,
for my summon, splay sounds) ,
out of these thumbed leaves
that won't fly and fall
like leaves as soon as
as crumbled and untied
into the hog-ward / dodged night
Who are you
Who is born
357www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In the next room
Pierre Rausch
358www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sacrilege Ii
Toward seldom, the sun slips,
And the dunn(dumb) dark drools blue
my dabbed bay's dusk, as i hack
(this rumpus of shapes)
who for to know
how I am
Tory also this (
star=the bird)
roared, sea born, man torn
hard: we crumpet this
from dish to jumping hill! Look:
Who build the bellowing ark
To whom the best
As the flood
Out of
Rage read, fear alive,
Molten (and mountainous to) stream
How over (the wound a) sleep
Sheep white hollow arms
To wake in an arms.
Hoof, in castle keep
The moonbeam owl
(The flickering) runs and dives
The dingle furred deer (dead!)
Hello, on brims
(O my ruffled) who ring dove
(In the shooting,) who nearly dark
(With Welsh and) reverent rook,
Crooning, (the woods') 'praise,
who morns her (blue) notes
Down to the curlew/fuzz herd!
Who, (ballooning)
Agape, with woe
In your beaks / the gabbing beaks!
High, on horseback jack
Whisking hare! who
(My flood ship
Hears / Clangor (as I hew and smite)
A clash of anvils for my
359www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
(Who's) so loud to his own
(That) he can hear nothing
Who opens the run
Who, over the (ghost and the dropped) wont fuzz
Pierre Rausch
360www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sacrilege Iii
On a tongued pinball
(Hubbub and fiddle,) tangled this tune
Animate (thick) as thieves
Rough tumbling ground
(Hail to His beast hood!) .
But beasts that sleep (good and thin)
Heist, the stacked hay
Hollow stall in throng
But of waters cluck and cling
And byre roofs cockcrow war!
But the king of neighbors
Fell our eiderdown patch
(Work) ark and the moonshine
(Thinking Nash of the bay,)
With pelt (and scale) and fleece:
But only the drowned keep
Forth and of bell
as the sun sets
And dark shoals (every holy field) .
but out alone,
But stars of Wales,
Cry, (multitudes of arks!) Across
(But) the water lidded lands,
Manned with the loves they'll move
Like lone islands, hill to hill.
But my prowled dove (with a flute!)
Ahoy, old, sea-legged fox,
Thai tit and Daisy mouse
But my ark sings into
At seeded summer's end
But the flood flower now
Who, behind (the wall thin as a wren's bone?)
In birth bloody, unknown
To the turning wont
Pierre Rausch
361www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sad Eyes
Your villa, more than any other group
Such the situation was
Had other cause to tremble
To crown all, his love had returned
Difficult to take up again
An amount of fresh vapor isn't good
Fills in your gaps here and there
What if you were to try
What if I were to go through
Nobody sees the sad eyes, no one sees what is broken
You can't see the light, your eyes face the ground
No one sees the sad eyes, an habit which is easy to geet rid
You hide your sorry sight, you hide it in the sound
Oh, Sad Eyes are falling to doubt
Oh, Sad Eyes are fading to doubt
The army was mined at that time
All had vanished, save love
I still aspired this, but no longer expect it
This flame which burns us light
And nothing new presented itself
Fantastic, amusing, magnificent,
When you have ascended the Rue Saint-Jacques, left the barrier on one
side and followed
The old inner boulevard for some distance, you reach the Rue de la Sante
Pierre Rausch
362www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Salsa Blue
I often wonder how it could be
When you walk two or three steps
Not to embrace, hold tree
Be careful, we haven't got much
Valid execution, grease
She doesn't like dragsters
She goes to bed a bit tipsy
And all the temptation
That last glass of whine
Different size, same grade
They would answer and promise
Viable, execution... err... well founded
That last glass of whine
Parrots in sleep, don’t drink
Execute me
Acquaintance cyan
Domino - two or three steps
Gargantuan Lottery
She’ll promise the cascades
She goes to bed a bit tipsy
When you walk two or three steps
Not to embrace, hold them
Be careful, wait at pour
(she’s) never sure in this
To sigh and cuddle
Passage & cashier
Different size, same grade
Pierre Rausch
363www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And after a pause he added
And if love means a holy sin
It still feels better slither jackpot
It stills feels better with a sin
Oh scarlet, scarlet dark red
Scarlet rediscovered
On entering all the sentiments
And after a pause he added
Any trace of anything
And if love means a holy sin
She was obliged to disrepute
I was furious and I informed
It is all the same to me
In Paris, at least, no one knows
Until it pleased the mayor
It is all the same to me
With eyes cast down
Any trace of anything - Scarlet
Pierre Rausch
364www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I don't feel like
She didn't sit down
Feels like letting go
I don't feel like
the conversation of prayer isn't just about to be send
by a child outgoing to bed
the conversation of prayer is about to be send
to dying not carrying in a stair
that she will be
That which hath been with scorn
your intuition
That serves to say this countenance
Ashamed, unashamed
your intuition
my intuition
your intuition
It feel like Harold
Feels like you
I feel you
The conversation of prayer is said
Zij zitten niet
Voelt als het loslaten
I don't feel like
Pierre Rausch
365www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sea Of Galilee
They saw his sign
To combine these rhyme
The oil mountain, a disciple of fountain
Everyone may have a little while in these eyes
Where shall be found the juice to these tries
John should carry out to any
But who are they among so many
Make these people sit down
On the grass in each and every town
And give loaves to thank
As much as they have to rank
Gather (up) the fragments remain
So nothing is lost aside/except /for pain
In the Sea of Galilee
So that Rome may show his pride
Walking one the Sea of Galilee
Are you lock to the key
Each loaf of each tree
In some Sea of Galilee
Pierre Rausch
366www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I'd rather kill myself, than you - ooooho
All times have been watching
All lifelong from morning from evening
When you tore the house down
In the house therefore a single town
Your room there burns the fie-candles
And you're not there to sample
Your gay gowns step into to the front
The flames swing in the dirty hunt
Crinoline, silence the wall, bring chews in overalls
You fell down and with you fell young million
Tor these flags these fled hood (in) these peons
That kills myself than questions your pride, an elegy on them polish tribe
They split up the butterflies dreamcolors what landscapes allied
Out of firewalls and thunderstruck
Struck the wet, stick the linen when we suck
Pierre Rausch
367www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Second Time
And he himself - was he actually the same man?
Held fast to the rock – leaning
How many times he had risen
And see him in the eyes -
What was he to do?
He should ascend again
That charming existence - He gazed intently at the sphinx
But emerging from melancholy
A conflict, nevertheless
From the prayer prior
Under all its aspects
And if he let go his hold
To do with his happiness
That charming existence - He gazed intently at the sphinx
A bizou upon that brow whereon
You're going to tell
She does not know what it is
That charming existence - He gazed intently at the sphin
Pierre Rausch
368www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The smallest children carried buckets full of water
To sprinkle on each layer of the woolen faces
After the fleeces had been trashed into softness
Why did you help me?
You come running as fast as you can
Remain bound even when you discovered he ran
While the flies had buzzed around to scare
In the deep snow, it's secret and flies are not there
And I think you could be right
And you found nothing to complain
Slowly and deliberately
Was supposed to be a one time hit
You come running as fast as you can
Remain bound even when you discovered he ran
While the flies had buzzed around to scare
In the deep snow, it's secret and flies are not there
If you'd take a moment to listen
And make sure there are some secrets
As playful objects in that mistery
And consider a return up to that mistery
You come running as fast as you can
Remain bound even when you discovered he ran
While the flies had buzzed around to scare
In the deep snow, it's secret and flies are not there
Pierre Rausch
369www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
A picture of crackles to find
A debris of color to guess
Follow the jaw, to the exit at right
Follow no hunt, no overwhelming limit
You were in the glasses, when you sink to the ground,
You were in the glasses, when I grew around,
Saw a man cracking his hot tea
Don't dare this to be – (alinea)
Crisp crackers or cartons
It makes no fun, no use to seem
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
She won't leave you
She stays at your door
If you're the one who wants (it to be)
You were in the glasses, swift as weave, when you sink to the ground,
You were in the glasses, when I grew around
Don't dare this to happen,
Means this to be aligned,
Don't dare this, it's a field I can't describe,
You were in the glasses, it's a field I can't describe,
You were in the glasses, it makes no fun to seem,
Police control – Identification Card
Control Officer - badge
You were in the glasses, when I grew around,
You were in the glasses, when I hit the ground,
Poppins, about a path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
Poppins, dare this path to find
Spaces crackles to guess
I believe something
Turning to the grass to find
This to be found
Pierre Rausch
370www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Be precarious in every particular
Take care in every prevention
Be precarious - reference
Seek advise in every particular
Precautions of particulars
No specific group
Don't seek damage in prevention
Be precarious in consult
Safe with care
Paroxysms for a parson
The representative gloats,
Clarification, prototype
„They broke the lock“
„Scratched the face, the broken mirror“
Clarification, prototype
The shadow without a mask,
They lied about
Without a shadow
They lied about linseed oil
That's bad for my health,
And an extensive damage to care
Pierre Rausch
371www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Shadows Of Your Pride
The shadows of your pride
The shadows of your pride
You did live extreme
You did live extreme
By living out your screams
By living out your screams
You did live supreme
You did live supreme
By living of your dreams
By living of your dreams
There is no one on your side
There is no one on your side
And nowhere you could hide
And nowhere you could hide
When in nightmares recent fast
When in nightmares recent fast
It’s the playtime for your past
It’s the playtime for your past
When in nightmares long and wide
When in nightmares long and wide
Ghosts curse your pride
Ghosts curse your pride
When the demons let collide
When the demons let collide
The shadows of your pride
The shadows of your pride
You were like the pest
You were like the pest
Your cause was to bless
Your cause was to bless
You did live to contest
You did live to contest
Your ground was to contest
Your ground was to contest
Pierre Rausch
372www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
An obscure sadness, obscurity of
which she did not know a secret
Her epaults hiding her great coat
Was that the charioteer of destiny
And he intrusted this task to be fiasco
No longer a tradition, no longer a
He idolized him
Target and posture
With acclamation, video
Severely regarded by others
Saluted by some
We think to pose
We owe to fight
Hasn't arrived yet
When daylight becomes a danger
The state of some case
His frog-green epaulets
We owe to fight
The school uniform of Brienne
We think to pose
Under weak points
Under a three-cornered hat
(Of being the chief person there)
Pierre Rausch
373www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ships In Relation
The devil was casted into the lake of brimstone
Among the proest and prophet's bone
He used vain words ass edens do
The measure used will be used back to you
By soul
By patience
Such captain of ships in relation
Such pep who waited in patience
Who said do not worry about
Look at the birds, the lilies of valleys
By patience
By soul
We were disputing
With her eyes fixed on heaven
To be amusing
See it, halt and take care
Radiant rows touched each other
The baragain to conclude another
This is the surprise
We have made you happy
It's a pretty farce P.S.
Pierre Rausch
374www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Should Lanterns Shine
Should lanterns shine,
the arid ghoul
an octagon of unnaccustomed light,
No wither up, no hope of shape
No look before he grows to grace
The features in privacy
From his lids, no faded pigment willow
Not formed, let the (false) day come
Should lanterns shine, should I guide you through
I have been told to reason by heart
And hope like heart, leads to pulse
I have been told to reason by pulse
When it quickens, to be tight
Paddock, meadow lie loose
So fast to move defying
Even the rich guy, even so the millionaire
Whose wind wags in me
So fast he heard telling, so fast he heard my feeling
And tellings see a chance
(Stomper, thrown in - So fast I love the quiet genleman)
Should I guide you trough
Should I guide you trough
The ball has reached the ground
Should I guide you trough
Pierre Rausch
375www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You recognized instantly that familiar song
What did concern you was your throat
The blanket had been reduced, step by step
You know you should sleep
You know you should eat
In the fleeting moment of contentment
Beginning today, hope you're on the right
side of the river, just like before
You know you should sleep
You know you should eat
You galloped down the ravine
With grit and determination
You pushed yourself toward the surface
As you turned back to shore
You know you should sleep
You know you should eat
No easy source to simulate
A bit of random luck
No easy source to simulate
That left a strong impression
Pierre Rausch
376www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Klaxon - school
Klaxon - ground
Klaxon - expectations
Klaxon – anxiety
Said unto him
Give me heat
For the battle was there
Klaxon - hallow ramp
Klaxon - thumbtacks
Klaxon - nail post
Klaxon – pullover
Ought to be done
A certain man
The earth upon the Lord
Narrow; trained temper
Narrow, truth
narrow, sigh
Do not force me
I knew what it was
Sirens - summary
Sirens - faint resumé
Sirens – inland growth
Sirens – the ballet's (negligé)
Siren - nestles
Siren - torpedo
Siren - display
Siren - rapid coach
Hollywood Klaxon, broken Klaxon
Narrow, truth
That we should bring the minister in
Narrow; temper
Into a curse, and into an oath
siren - light
narrow, sigh
siren light
flour, egg, and the teacher's cut, gender's
377www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
378www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Smoker's Pole
That she saw her daily, alive and well
Sing sometimes in a faraway voice
Having made it to the dancefloor
Calling out the first thing that came to mind
At least not so anyone could hear
There was no hint on her face
That her lips were touching the dust
Yes, she felt silent again
She'd spent a new not of admiration
You want to go to the second floor
She had a sudden pressing of leaving
Rather than fixing matters between you
At least not so anyone could hear
There was no hint on her face
That her lips were touching the dust
Yes, she felt silent again
The house was quiet and darker
And the dust notes hung motionless
The lovely voice she'd had as a girl
That was forthcoming from her consort
The house was quiet and darker
And the dust notes hung motionless
The lovely voice she'd had as a girl
That was forthcoming from her consort
It was a smooth run down the motorway
Oh now, isn't that the fellow across the street
It wasn't merely the fact of being spoken
And a feeling of great hardship on her voice
Pierre Rausch
379www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The mash blind(s) twilight ferry cake
That cream from shops in the cup of vales
Gliding windless through the molden flake
Plates of breath in stealthy pale
Isn't it dangerous: curious, frontier, dangerous
Black, Baseball, curious
Isn't it dangerous: Curious, frontier, dangerous
Frontier, Baseball, curious
A faith pure as heat,
As the mood and flame scrolls, the United
These biscuit turn for scroll
Alone, thorn, thorn, alone in a closet unfold
Isn't it dangerous: curious, frontier, dangerous
Black, Baseball, curious
Isn't it dangerous: Curious, frontier, dangerous
Frontier, Baseball, curious
The blade-walk, balsam, though fight
Cut and cut in the shade
That's a muffled house, that's muffles, quick
At checkpoint love, forsaken and afraid
It's a coffee for once per year
It's a soldier for every single year
Coffee for every single year
A coffee for once per year
It's a coffee for once per year
It's a soldier for every single year
Coffee for every single year
A coffee for once per year
Pierre Rausch
380www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Something Special
In Mark’s Chapter five
(The) girls arise
To their feet to beg
Come and lay hands on
She may live
For our love, daughter
We ask a gift
What she heard about
When she saw him in the crowd
That they fall to their feet and beg
Any concern could run up these legs
For if they shall only touch his cloth
And care the oath
That believes keep alive
In a place where girls arise
Daughter your faith makes you well
Go in peace
Be cast with your own spell
Of protection and affection
A shock some lollypops
The best out of candy shops
That believes keep alive
In a place where girls arise
Pierre Rausch
381www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Southampton Irregular
Southampton Irregular
Hallow thee name be
Oh let England come
Hallow thee name be
Oh let England come
Hallowed thee name be
Hear us by all tear
Hear us beneath
In the daily skies
Welsh sailors riot
With love (like mine)
Torturous (like thine)
All saints march with car
The Irish ring from far
P&O approaches with no scar
All rescue boats have line-a-star
All sirens ring from far
P&O approaches with no scar
Rescue boats have line(n) a star
The saints walk with marching cars
Cankerous oily gap
The iceboat crack in dept
One wood' legging trap
Tankers cruise in labs
The tankers cruise to snap
Cankerous oily gap
One wood's legging trap
The iceboats crack to dept
The weather shifts in mood
Port workers prepare for flood
Sailors ship the goods
Poor workers pretty hood
The tankers cruise at lab
P&O approaches with no scar
Young prospect tartar
Southampton regulars seem to be
No Control in case of fear
Passport control on oden peer
Signals ring from far
382www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A ferry visitor sips for tea
Open gates for you, open gates for me
Passenger on reeling sight to sea
Pierre Rausch
383www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
On the burned dune
Under the village
The surge is barely sown
And sleepless pierce
And prophets loud
There is something left
Round her trailed twist
Breathes and goes
Tears of another polestar
The incendiary eve
With every rain
And load the cry
They shouted and called
Scree flashed across
Barley frames
They looked west and there was it
Silencer souvenirs, launderette souvenirs
One, who knows well
Up the swallow thronged loft
In the sleep that is rising
Oh as I was young and easy
This live I know
While I'm waiting
Though in chains
Nor the lord-flies acre
Nor sorrow to move away
Half convention and full lie
They looked west and there was it
Silencer souvenirs, launderette souvenirs
One, who knows well
Up the swallow thronged loft
In the sleep that is rising
Pierre Rausch
384www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Spanyards at your barn, to throw to harm,
A kennel of spaniels at your barn, spanyards, the protective ear
How could you react?
A kennel of spaniels at a barn, the ear-protection
Spanyards at my barn, a kennel of spaniel
How could you react?
Spanyards at a barn, épée, the protective ear
A kennel of spaniels at your barn, spanyards the protection
How would you react?
Crabbed and sallow
Late and soon
A kennel of spaniels at your van, entertainment,
Spanyards at your van, a kennel of spaniels entertain,
How could you react?
Spanyards s at my van, entertainment,
A kennel of spaniel at my van, spanyards entertain,
How am I supposed to react?
Pierre Rausch
385www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Special You
Your face, your face
Your pretty face
Your lips, your lips
Your loving lips
Your eyes, your eyes
Your compliant eyes
Your nose, your nose
Your gentle nose
Your skin, your skin
Your freckled skin
Your cheeks, your cheeks
Your pamphlet cheeks
My cheeks, my cheeks
My scanned cheek
Your arms, your arms
Your burst arms
Come you, special you, only you special you
Come you, special you, only you special you
Your hair, your hair,
Your household hair
Your hair, your hair,
Your curly hair
Your ears, your ears
Your fuzz ears
Your arms, your arms
Your mildest arms
Only you
Pierre Rausch
386www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I wish I had time to tell
On the knock webbed outside
Where a boy
Well, here we are
In the wood farway under
To overhear guards
The size of snails
And a snarl-up
(It smote into)
That second
At the (fifteenth) century end,
Over the white crâne,
To set foot
He'll came to say,
The vanished mist,
Long gallery, murder,
Special unit
Profond charm,
That second
At (sixteenth) century end
(A pall of cupola)
Woke to my hearing
And the knock to my net
Pierre Rausch
387www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Stampede (Favorite Songs)
Well, she welcomes you, the lune ravels at wayward sky
Promise me an atmosphere
In the latest, the newest
Contentment to conciliate
In the latest, the newest
I soar on frost
Don't bother me
In the latest, the newest
Don't do that, on queue
Combed on queue, towards
In the latest, the newest
That would call a push-up
On snow, frozen on ice, crystal-clear
In the latest, the newest
While showman organize lizard
Addendum, praiseworthy
It explains brooch and whisk
Wave the edifice over, it's that brush
Love-fair on the river
On ice, on snow, crystal-clear
There's a trade over the river
Spot and painted magazine
Cricket soft and push-up
Mattress and throwing edifice
Pierre Rausch
388www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Star Of Asia
To see her comfortably through the next weeks
About anything - everything - effortless
And how it had felt natural
To know it is she who sings so well
Hi my love, I'm calling on the satellite
It's been so good to meet you
Now let us sally forth and present
Ourselves close enough that it suits you well
At least more spacious and airy
There was a big taking on the Star of Asia
There isn't just a whole lot of negation
Let it work out the generations
But she can't do it here
In case she ever wanted to
She does not approach you
How enchanting she looks tonight
At least more spacious and airy
There was a big taking on the Star of Asia
There isn't just a whole lot of negation
Let it work out the generations
Ah, nothing to hide, nothing to lose, ah, ah, ah
At least more spacious and airy
There was a big taking on the Star of Asia
There isn't just a whole lot of negation
Let it work out the generations
Ah, nothing to hide, nothing to lose, ah, ah, ah
Pierre Rausch
389www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Startling To The Observer
There was a man up there
Who spoke - These words
As he came to the starring side
Of anything that could be outstanding
At the startling side, it doesn't matter
Which way you come
Wither it is the startling to the observer
Shuffado comiea, shuffado loa
Shuffado weise aea shuffado enlebeat(an coach)
Jasminolo pouches, grievous switch
Ebora's freedom, djou thus switch
Ust servus, ebora itched dinner
Ust crème, brush, tooth thus thinner
Tetraclyne, djou-djou on tirlamanti busier
D'jou-d'jou, (your) base-hangar ust on vizier
Impractible (mission) to resume
The learners / Learjet’s fallen down in Kibuz
|: she will be with you: |
Hawthorn boy, hawthorn girl, carry gogo-ethic
(Computer-) simulation, (video-) cassette nonstrategic
D'jou Nebraska roof, ust formula virage
Ust under the trekker, to the ebora sage
Pierre Rausch
390www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Status Quo
Status quo in this life, the same lavender, the same barn
The cricket sider, why she’s there
Status quo in o way, the same contenders, the same bay
The cricket sider isn’t there
Gentle sider in a snipe, gentle move to Fahrenheit
Through sides, oh let me
Temper my loneliest day
Send me away, I’ve got nothing to heat, and tell me
I can come back if I’ve got nothing to heat
Whale, barren typus, shark,
The same skip bark,
Desert hats that care,
Send me away, I’ve got nothing to heat, and tell me
I can come back if I’ve got nothing to heat
Seen it in the basement,
Status quo in this life, the same mention, the same cop
The rig side neigh to share
Status quo in no way, the same intention, the same sky
The rig side isn’t rug
Status quo in this life, the same barn, the same adoration
Pierre Rausch
391www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Steve Madden
The gesture was so direct, that she almost spit it
She did not want to think about it
She did not have the time to type it out
The pavement is cracking with the fever
Exhausted and stared straight ahead of her
Into the lavatory and read it there
Near the shoulder and she ran
Through the thinning crowd
Steve Madden glowing pale colors
And a variety of styles
She can't use the radio or anything
And so she blocked off the channels
Insomniacs share a certain mystique
I have a feeling about her, that left eye
She scrubbed and dressed and felt reassured
With a certain dusky, unhealthy palor
Pierre Rausch
392www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Still Up In The Air
I hear you, I swear to you
Why are you worried?
Like a post office book
Will you stop that
When the baby came back
The child had arrived so early
Setting out a further plates of sandwiches
The land of eternal summer
Still up in the air
After all listening enthralled
Still up in the air
into anything and everything
Still up in the air
We're both coming back
Still up in the air
Still up in the air
Was it all sudden? Was it all cruel?
One hand's turn of housework
It was announced as being something
Through the gates with pride
Still up in the air
After all listening enthralled
Still up in the air
into anything and everything
Still up in the air
We're both coming back
Still up in the air
Still up in the air
Still up in the air
After all listening enthralled
Still up in the air
into anything and everything
Still up in the air
We're both coming back
Still up in the air
Still up in the air
She wondered why they weren't going in
393www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Try to get audiences and hearings
Wit white shutters
There were flowers tumbling all over the walls
Still up in the air
After all listening enthralled
Still up in the air
into anything and everything
Still up in the air
We're both coming back
Still up in the air
Still up in the air
Pierre Rausch
394www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Stock Exchange Market
Stock exchange market
Got send by single files - stock exchange -
Some threw themselves down
And the money? Inquired a woman
Twenty stocks per attic
Turned to the left and diabetic
The four cellphones
Stock exchange market -
That is the neighbor which is monarch
Twenty stocks per nugget
Without that tisserand
I heard the beating of the arteries
Twenty stocks per attic
In the stock shining, with a redish glow
Glacial spraking – he sprang across
I heard the beating of the arterie
Stock exchange market -
That is the neighbor which is monarch
Prodigious brute – what do you want
Market price – market brute
Pierre Rausch
395www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Strangers Again
/ U.S. Troops in Paris /
Folks, just forget the funeral procession
Thinks about where we want to be
Rather than where you may be
I've been out here for so long
In forgotten all around here
|: We are strangers again! We are strangers! : |
I don’t like this
We’d stop supper in a modern way
Excellent service further south
Divided into little lots
We’ve got to be careful
Not to kick up the needles
Or dust flies up over everything
|: We are strangers again! We are strangers! : |
Pierre Rausch
396www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Strategy Of The Hostile General
That is what confers (to relax)
That there is a certain instant
The beginning of retreat
The front hid
By the shells
Into the bottom
We'd stand good
That he had
A stove isn't needed
He paused, and seemed to be talking
He paused, and you're here
What should he choose?
What if I felt hungry only for water?
a dull splash
If you'd grant me shelter for this night
You don't recognize me
What should be choosen?
A terrible situation
Unforeseen presence
It was he, the intruder, who interrogated
I heard him declare
You’d better leave
Because the slightest
Not to leave
Where was the inconvenience in waiting?
Have you seen him steal?
He didn't steal. I gave him the office
Are you oafish?
You aren't oafish?
Pierre Rausch
397www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Stronger Together
Can imagine you have any admirers
Since you are beautiful too
And to congratulate you even more
To make you hide away ever since
Stronger together, there's nothing else I want
Stronger together the curtain comes down for
|: Chatting excitedly about success: |
To tell it housed the settle there
Tell their one piece of furniture
Tell it had been arranged there
Amongst those high-nosed city folks
I don't wish to be here any longer
What a heartbreaker you are
Now I must leave for good
Can you be here any longer
Give me a sign, make a wish
When you opened up and indeed
Pierre Rausch
398www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
; Suburbs of Ireland;
I won't go where you stand
I've seen black torpedos insecure
< Ire (Aiar) – Au eia >
Which frequency to purpose
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
A, A, A & O
A & A, O & A
A & A, A & A
What frequency
Zero point sixty-two
What frequency
Zero point eight
O by A
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
The veils that darken the delicate moon
By appointment to the royal court
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
Bombshells lie in front
By pointing to Irish stands
Gone, grocery, gone
Hundred by twenty
Steed, sumptuous
Cube, cube, cube
By engagement to the splendid court
Love, love, love - scrambled, squashed
Pierre Rausch
399www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Styles Parquet
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
Are you going to write a story about it
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
There's a couple people with that name
On the floor, in front of the chair
Near the wall, behind the window
I turned and started away
At Mulholland Drive, drove away from the Hotel
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
Are you going to write a story about it
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
There's a couple people with that name
You passed out on the couch
Who took the tickets from the children
It's not done with it yet
Now we can talk, as they say
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
Are you going to write a story about it
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
There's a couple people with that name
Power lines and a stand at the end of a trailer par
The first trailer had a sign on the door
All right, you have an arrangment, then
So don't show up for this camera
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
Are you going to write a story about it
Say Hello to the Styles Parquet
There's a couple people with that name
Pierre Rausch
400www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Suburbs Of Ireland
; Suburbs of Ireland;
I won't go where you stand
I've seen black torpedos insecure
< Ire (Aiar) – Au eia >
Which frequency to purpose
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
A, A, A & O
A & A, O & A
A & A, A & A
What frequency
Zero point sixty-two
What frequency
Zero point eight
O by A
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
The veils that darken the delicate moon
By appointment to the royal court
Change, change, change - Sidelong change
Bombshells lie in front
By pointing to Irish stands
Gone, grocery, gone
Hundred by twenty
Steed, sumptuous
Cube, cube, cube
By engagement to the splendid court
Love, love, love - scrambled, squashed
Pierre Rausch
401www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Summer Has Passed
And all the fluttering in jasmine bloom
At this my fear was somewhat quieted
Put it where you first begin
Banners of the night
In visions of the dark night
Maybe because you always have appeared
There is a change- and I am poor
Stunned by the world, I reached an age
Summer has passed
Passed at three month
As curious as it is
They're the same
Sweet dreams form a shade
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
I’m all alone in this world, she said
Whose woods these are I think I know
Summer has passed
Passed at three month
Balloon we stole
You stand in the entrance - Sown
- Open immediately the door -
Summer has passed, by the shallow river
They're all the same
At first autumn, stolen part,
First spring, autumn didn't grow,
Black eyes is an occupation
Ash eyes swallow, forbidden lids burst
I marvel how nature could ever find space
Pierre Rausch
402www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Halted a few paces to the rear
What has taken place
Almost of discipline
To abrupt changes
Whose contents drove her to despair
The scene is set your night begins
In Summertime freedom begins
Whose contents drove her to despair
And when smile harms
How does one get on it?
A sort of mendicant musician
Her cap had fallen on her knees.
Or around to enjoy a mystery
Your sunglasses
On emerging to suppose
How does one get on it?
Or around to mystery
The scene is set your knight begins
In Maritime, it's your set to begin
Who has always been patient
Your sunglasses
Pierre Rausch
403www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Accustomed, idealized hyperspace
Life itself compared to some kind of pace
Pedantic, antisocial hypocrites
Life itself filled up with wit
Superheroes can fly
Superheroes can specify
In the meantime
This mediocre play
And the mind after producing
That once conceded
In all things the word find
You have the prudence
Must be written
Must be excercized
Must be a limit
Pierre Rausch
404www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Swan Of Brightest Light
No tongue involved, no envelope
No low-pitched sound, no break
With the brunch girl, With the French girl
To a drop register, kind of Halle Berry Sister
To a lob minister, kind of Pally-Hally Mister
Swan of brightest, Swan of Brightest, swan of brightest,
Swan of most brightest light
Ohh, you've got a lot
Nothen charged, no clank
It wasn’t flipped, it was no drone
Throughout the night
You were'nt through
Swan of brightest, Swan of Brightest, swan of brightest,
Swan of most brightest light
Ohh, you've got a lot
And the ways flow in branched throbs
On savage sand
Pierre Rausch
405www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Sweet Lady Sunshine
Sweet lady sunshine
Your eyes on chime
The morning rhyme
Midnight star-line
Confessing in confession
Common and dry
The moonlight rhyme
You nature compassion
Shading quid pro quo
My sweetest lady sunshine,
Your eyes do shine
The misses, the servant,
Thought: you bleed mine
Every stroke, a trite sense
Everyday we do
Live to men
An end to bullet
Jona Baez in largo
The day seems true
Pierre Rausch
406www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Baba's shoe won't stand in pence
Ska Kleyton's won't it hear drop
Around the weather
Fuzing globe Kasa's fuel
Say your farewells next to mine
Hang these days around the end
Tastature, curse anything worse
In a haunted mansion I got
Gesture truffles style
Clumsy prints, you're harmed with
Arobazed protocol
Aggression, it's good you're with
I heard a dollar sign shuffle
In the orphan tillen
Tending to Guinevre's horses
Gate golden oil bridges
|: Kyoto leather,
Tastature, Tastature: |
It's morose David described
In fused orifice
Kentucky household
Now petrified, closed
Arrogate Audrey in the magazine
Eloquent, forecast
He will be vacating his post next year
Validate, vagrant ink
Say your farewells next to mine
Hang these days around the end
Tastature, curse anything worse
In a haunted mansion I got
Pierre Rausch
407www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Television, the Orangerie and
Exiled closed shops friend
Leggins three or four years old
Ether negatively said nor told
Versus an emission emitted
In the prisoners emitted
Sunday afternoon, Tuesday night
Invisible man for freedom fight
Old thee in the street of Burma
No Tibetian priests or Karma
Legoland in Denmark never got
East by northwind overflood
Under the bridges stood aside
In the eye the stranger euclide
Shall we meet up the Summertime
Inside no one commits a crime
The gargoyle bets on the roof,
Nesting with you to proof
Television is a medium among others
Radio, newspaper other
Lobbyists on decision floor
Headline the amexican floor
Upper class driving
Bended airplanes, city jams
Sybil wonders South
As ignorance's under my mouth
There’s nothing going on
I'm a catastrophe
You aren't through
Pierre Rausch
408www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pauper - Who was only a soldier – sport's bag
Moreover, is the strangest encounter at pauper's
In that lay his merit
That at the battle of rummy
And the solid has been empurpled
Where you'd refuse eyes close
Of the Testament since it expired
To an expiration
And all the junkfood and all the lights of earth
A shaft sprang from earth
Go this way, but not that
Where the chest was at
Had taken place at the preceeding day
Had taken pauper
These novelties, a little ashamed
Who sieged in Warsaw
The calculation has been a pact
The device non pluribus impar - hahaahaha
Pauper's grave
Blessing on the wall, as he has been bestoved
Since eyes closed
Pierre Rausch
409www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Art Of Rolling
I'm the mood, I wanna scroll' my turn cow low
I'm in the mood, wanna roll my traffic
Sometimes I'm in the mood I wanna wrap a jam
But then again I said oh oh oh
|: The Art of Rolling in contest: |
An implement unimpressed
|: From the sot's prayer no good can e’er ensue: |
Unless the facts guard over excess
The fiend, that had to chose drunkenness
The Art of Rolling as entr’acte
E'er, that thou always strength may obtain,
Monstrous the prevent sin;
From all excess, throughout thy life, refrain
|: The Art of Rolling in strange delight: |
Without help, can ever leave lavatories:
The stallion, that in a boggy slough has
So neither lavatory, that's ever loaded
But still respect thee, by naught
Hallow thyself to daze,
Bought and then, thought to be brought
An antler shot, brow antler
A shot gun, call call down
Furtive book inlay; Recurrent urge
A Quartz - Pics of horror
A hundred and ten years old
Core image on flat-screen
That mounts another lorry pet
SWAT, the closure call
It's clearance and anything tendency
Pierre Rausch
410www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Beauty Of Life
Your distaste of knive
To share with a wife
In the beauty of life
And it's a broken toy
Must come home boy
To the doors in a poem
Words serve Jona
In the beauty of life
Dust falls down on dew
These tears sink just you
To a singing bird
Forgotten in the crown of a lurch
In the beauty of life
“Oh brother in water”
Hearts cut slaughter
“Fears are ranged”
Lions nor bunnies tamed
“This sphere named”
Project: “rifle ashamed”
Confessing, I heat your aim
Pierre Rausch
411www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Children Of The Fog
They wondered if they could be broken
Of golden chains dotted with small pearls
For a man of pur science
Then arrange to take the test
Sternly the children of the fog were looking
As if with a fresh surge of blood
Sternly the children of the fog were looking
Walking quickly, almost wanting help
Never mind! They keep on going
With it's plastic bells, the movie house
At the door to the auditorium
Critical of things in store windows
That their mind had gone dead
Went to the window and looked down
Always heard of their brilliance and goodheartedness
In a welcome room, in the parlor funeral
Yes they had been close to her
It took several people to hold them down
That was too short for the fashions
The children of the fog
Pierre Rausch
412www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Curtain Of Silence
There is daylight, could tell that much
Without moving, the small touch
But the tinder caught, the dry grass
The curtain of silence, the whit soldiers pass
There is peace in our home
There is peace in our cities
There is peace in our countries
The world is full of peace
At Las Vegas again, sideways
Presented another stark contrast
When a wind blew a blur from his side
Instincts told it to squeeze
There is peace in our home
There is peace in our cities
There is peace in our countries
The world is full of peace
If it lacked the splendor of a true curtain
Readers may wonder about this
The accuracy of the events in this
A true curtain may speak in silence
And the length that one man will go
There is peace in our home
There is peace in our cities
The countries are full of peace
The world is full of peace
There is peace in our home
There is peace in our cities
There is peace in our countries
The world is full of peace
Pierre Rausch
413www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Face
She opens it to the perforrmance door,
Her hair lets crisp the wind,
Shadow divides her face, the face
She stands there in the open door,
She'd greet the gipsy wind,
Her wind is the hair, the hair,
Colors plaint red-stick scarlet
Make-up paints this starlet
The Media flush it
Clowns have got it, worn on bitter floor
Gravity receipts or fake cats
Acrobats sieve dog bats
Fingerprinted into amulet
Guash garnered outlet
In the debts of your more
Fragile plants on score
Shadow parts her face, the face
Born again from your rhythm
Summertime verve got bidden
Gravity receipts, acrobats
Plastic dogs or fake cats
Relocates in laude
Fantastic auditor L. Aude
Clowns on bitter floor
Twitter autumn
Fragile plants on score
In the debug of a moor
The face, the face
Pierre Rausch
414www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Last Rites
And a phoenix ascends out of glimmers
To look her in those eyes
Settle and a green lark in an hearse
Register amendment to grade
Our attempt
She'd catch fire again
Banished, she trades wool, burn what got banished
To spin wool again
Give me the story of a perfume girl
It's treated
Wait for this with a lone girl
It isn't treated
|: The last salvation to connect
The last rites - the same old story
“Attention please”
“No Attention please”: |
At the circuit commonplace circus
She makes it up
“Shambled, transpired”
It's a loyal circuit – simply agreed
Believe wisdom and bound
Knitted thatch, when she thaws and shudders
Cane explicit expires
To cash in
In that shame of a sheet
Blown in a hazard of gaze
She looked in those hands
My pores prospered to eve
And the story says it grooves
To whisper; young, naive
It groans and moans
Dorian filthy paragraph
415www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
To scheme will see
You regret that day
Who'd come to see
Bring me the story of a lone girl”
Couldn't it be stronger
You give me the story of a lonesome girl
It couldn't be stronger
You give me the story of a lonesome girl
It couldn't be stronger
You give me the story of a lonesome girl
It could be stronger
Pierre Rausch
416www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Peace Of Paradise
A piece of Paradise stays here
In these sphere
In these sphere
Nobody stays near
Nobody stays near
Just Darling’ reckoned fears
Just Darling’ reckoned fears
You lost your heart
You lost your heart
To run it away in the dark
To run it away in the dark
This is not the first time behaved
This is not the first time behaved
To sit on the holy paves
To sit on the holy paves
Hit me, hit me, lady hit me
Hit me, hit me, lady hit me
Hit me with your cherry smile
Hit me with your cherry smile
Hit me, the sun still needs
Hit me, the sun still needs
Forbidden are these games we play
Forbidden are these games we play
Chew a bit around and any way
Chew a bit around and any way
Come around these towns and lands
Come around these towns and lands
To fill them up and hold your hand
To fill them up and hold your hand
And some honey makes you understand
And some honey makes you understand
No one else’s sacrifice
No one else’s sacrifice
When you just to bloom straight into the Christ
When you just to bloom straight into the Christ
And give him the peace of paradise
And give him the peace of paradise
Give him the peace of paradise
Give him the peace of paradise
417www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wake me with your voice
Wake me with your voice
You are so great I’d grow up
You are so great I’d grow up
If I could be with you once more again
If I could be with you once more again
For once do it a bit better
For once do it a bit better
I would carry you in a loving letter
I would carry you in a loving letter
To march straight into the Christ
To march straight into the Christ
And give him the peace of paradise
And give him the peace of paradise-
Pierre Rausch
418www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Perspective Of Trust
Her entire body trembled with nerves
I came to a recital of yours once
Well, it was a long time ago
Her entire body trembled with nerves
Portraits and landscape paintings jostled for attention
She came to a concert last week
And told me it was all my fault
That her life had gone off the tracks
I long to be with you
In the perspective of trust
And you must understand that
I long to be with you
I long to be with you
In the perspective of trust
And you must understand that
I long to be with you
It's a gallery for emergencies
If that's what made her go off the rails
Surely you can be like that again
However, good your intentions are
Right before we get on the train to Southampton
All too aware of the perspective
Opened the case that contained her flute
Are you ready to move on to trust
I long to be with you
In the perspective of trust
And you must understand that
I long to be with you
I long to be with you
In the perspective of trust
And you must understand that
I long to be with you
It's a gallery for emergencies
If that's what made her go off the rails
Surely you can be like that again
However, good your intentions are
It's a gallery for emergencies
If that's what made her go off the rails
Surely you can be like that again
419www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
However, good your intentions are
Pierre Rausch
420www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Poor And The Rich
You'd explain a feud within catastrophe - two
Crayon and gomme
Three families were a subject of dispute
The shade's argued
Vasavi havi Kreitzdetanabir
Bring each to the poor
Tangle tongue in the exam poors
It is a squared runoff
The tangle duet, the ball game
Charlatan to the poor
I've been pale, you've been approaching
Masquerade as skin – touched the subscribed
Fingers spread – arms angle-wide – held too long
on to shame
By neighbor-door thieve
Untrained Marshall – marginal sector
A1c1, Mc-square,
Torrid A1c1 and CA1
By my neighbor-door thieve
Courtyard draughts – baby parfait
Villain families, voisin door
The first poor, the second rich
Don't be itchy, the sellotape slave
Don't be the third party to elective master
Two families, neighbor doors
The first famine, the first dispute
Two families, neighbor doors
The first poor, the second rich
Pierre Rausch
421www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Prayers That Had Once Been For Salvation
He woke each morning very early
With a sense of wonderment, a sense of being
He would be left ironic after hours of work
We will make a ritual of it
The prayers that had once been for salvation
Least personal, and out of the older man
He could not have explained it better
The prayers that had once been for salvation
But the work he does, the believers he sees
His opinion has nothing to do with the future
His silence, his melancholy, his comic complaints
It was not sacred, it was touchable
Chorus 2*
Sometimes I felt a sense of apprehension
And how much worse it would be
With the rythmic whirl of his words
Oh it's not forgotten - the big crazy car
Chorus 2*
Pierre Rausch
422www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Ruin Of The Crown
(Huguenot) attitude
Which turns towards all that belongs
Which knows where it pleases
All of a sudden
When he'll rejoin, he gave me the coffer
And to carry
A galllant affair
It is understood that it is employed
And doesn't extend to class
Well, I am going to lodge there to-night
A regular chandelier
In the attic, a calendabrum
His ideas went a change
Other boards have mothers
The detonation makes him freeze
In order that his son might be happy
Not amused!
At an epoch when I was young
To suite her
To support
The Dicks sentinel
Antechamber with a chain
He got sick!
To absolute perfection
Ah! you are conversation
A rococo(-jesuit)
On the veil
Pierre Rausch
423www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Shapes
Well, if you really want advice
I should say, we can do nothing
Hammock, plaid green
The arrow rapid, the gate strong
At the fortnight finish
On a stony wining downward
The flight ended just in time
That it will get in terms
And even to be on friendly lan
Now fifteen of you
So he went on;
Ah, there you go
No fight in the dark
Well, you get advice, at lollo place
“You're back home”
We constantly seek and find
Anything groovy
There’s no sunlight inside a pizza slice
There’s no milk inside light
At lollo laze, there shapes a restaurant
We constantly seek and find
Anything groovy
There’s no sunlight inside a pizza slice
There’s no milk inside light
At lollo laze, there shapes a restaurant
The love to law obey to any rule
The law of rules obey to any love
The rules of love obey to any law
At lollo laze, there shapes a restaurant
424www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
425www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Start
Birthday and smooth
Tidy, yet new
Life with a gun
Modern Korea
Polite and burnished
A first life
Big birthdays
The orient sun
The myths, the experience pierces
Refreshments of value, to be worn
His arrival is soon, the start is right now
He comes around high noon, to set the pieces right
Dressing candles and shows you the light
You're piece of the part and earth to the hole
One day you'd come back and fight for your role
At gift, at cadeau
He knocks on every door, and asks for folio
His arrival is close, for what do you require
His arrival is dosed, the start has been inspired
He comes around every door, he knocks on every door
The barrier, the cordon, an agreement
The start is right now, he gets into you (he gets it into your
He starts (off) somehow, he finds for you the place
Where he voids for vortex
Where he finds the vulpine, void for it
Wolves to volunteer of your own free volition; on oath of
vouch for volume, vow
we will be all together, a yes to the day of birth, a yes to life
The solar can always shine
Pierre Rausch
426www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Still More Baffled
So lifelike, so intense, so I can't stop a feel
Command remote stretched country-land
Sound other occasion
Reen = rune-like, reel off
Two or four rite on the mist of chap
Re(en) flap in the central flake
(The rustling of the wind invasion)
Now, it proven poor, shadow-light bright forth
The sky-countryside on way
Graduate dissipate sney
As this dance forth
And role-plays anything of sort
And the curtain for mine
And the still more baffled
And the curtain for mine
And the still more baffled
Pierre Rausch
427www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Sun
The congregation of the sun
Privatization, unleaded hoc
Drive slowly while you sleep
Since I finger on the loose
Branches that corrode
Tonight I will free you from the sun
Loose limped, an event
Tonight I would free you
Loose limped, loose fingered
The privation from the sun
In a slaughter, a sunbed
Supple, lithe, agile
When I'd finger
Branches that corrode
Branches that trigger
The branches that in the wound that trigger
Tonight I will free you from the sun
Loose limped, an event
Are you welcome, are you free, an alternatvie use
The underworld assured and legal matters
Pierre Rausch
428www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Sun Beat Down
The sun beat down from a cloudless sky
She brushed dust off her skirt
Was usually a good affair
Are you sure you're all right
Out on the lake, all with delight
Shall we walk, would you prefer to sit
Really want to explain, I understand
And you really see my mind
Stare over the lake
If you mean to face it
Get back to where you belong
And look around
It is your day off
I have a feeling you'd be there
That is the point where
You can put everything behind
If you mean to face it twice
You know I'm sorry
And whisper something to you
You'll take my word for it
I'm not disturbing you
I think you've just seen
Pierre Rausch
429www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Tulips Are In Bloom
She remained where she was
Careful not to move too quickly
Her pleasure and her dignity
But something else beside
The tulips are in bloom
She'd stop talking
All evidence goes against assertion
Go straight to the desk
But she didn't think of it in time
Followed by bright flash
Staring at the vivid tulips
That emotion had got the better of her
The tulips are in bloom
She'd stop talking
All evidence goes against assertion
Go straight to the desk
It was dimly lid inside
Immediatly from the other side
Where the flowers grew in the courtyard
Where the flowers grew in the courtyard
The tulips are in bloom
She'd stop talking
All evidence goes against assertion
Go straight to the desk
Like the pot of tulips in the book
But she must have done something wrong
She meant to impress with a photo of the flowers
That could offer her the very best
Pierre Rausch
430www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Wooden House
That Wooden House
Audience in public
From what today
And that whacked the entrance
I am the mansion thorn
I am that there are
The sense of master
You’re cole and left
Haven’t you got a rug
Not the hypocrisis to gateways
The sense of master
A Saxophone's tones guillotined
Developed by an eye on Springfield
Movie Stars that you love and hate
To another home, that wooden kate
That wooden house and a lob
Bring the jewelry to the railway cops
Turtles, Busters in China
A refugee on angina
Donald Amy, Set Whinfield
The guards described, the guards that yield
Coconut, Tetris and raft
A hustler smokes what is left
The director has enough to read
Write miseries on sheet
That wooden house and a lob
Bring the jewelry to the railway cops
It’s the entering thief
That wooden house and a lob
Bring the jewelry to the railway cops
Pierre Rausch
431www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The Woods (Balthasar Wood And Wagon Threepwood)
Down the first floor to the station, south the frequency, the
rails, south to station, the ground,
plattered steel, down the radios to the headquarter,
Against the unsolved fog of the conquest. someone isn't
Against the hermestatic comprehension
Love grows then rots away
It’s the 21st century
You'd play a hand
A shade came down.
Balthasar Wood & Wagon Threepwood
South to the floor, it will be a tunnel, it was a hat
Desolation: Archives of Coal
Balthasar Wood & Wagon Threepwood
Down the glasswind, the hail that to be rain, down the
sounds & cloud to the underpath
Finding logistic, tramping nowhere
Balthasar Wood & Wagon Threepwood
Balthasar Wood & Wagon Threepwood
If you're in the forest, I'll give you at wood
With a car to grandmother, phoned into the seat, tolls on
trucks, the screens broke on vitesse,
With bambussticks, the brother step instead
Trembling, I am the brick that speaks, electrobeat, the
Wagon Threepwood
Balthasar Wood
We are districts, we're in the neighborhood
If you're in the forest, I'll give you at wood
Rufius & Orleander
Kate & Clyde
Pierre Rausch
432www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
These One's
These one's, oh Lady, these one's
These one’s are fond and warm
These’ ones go through God one's harm
These one’s leigh to an equal
These one’s are prequels to the sequels
These one’s the way everyone goes
Seems like the wind still blows
Rime in little this, rime it like
These one’s are questions
These one’s reply anyone
These one’s are teaser with
These one’s on the way sparkle
These one’s for the fifth
In little this, rime it like
And a look they can't garble
These one’s the destiny
In predicament
Walk in this
In little this, rime it like
In little this, rime it like
Pierre Rausch
433www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Thunder And Lightening
In a night made by truth
In a night made by youth
This rainy, rainy weather
We have come, we have come together
To admire nature's wonder
Surprising and lighting
See the world go under
A night full of thunder and lightening
At the site of truth
In the sight of youth
This show with this weather
We will, we will live together
To admire native wonder
Surprising and frightening
Habitual world go under
A night of thunder and lightening
Under side
Under sight of youth
This show with this weather
Won't we live together
Inspire a poet's wonder
Rising a tightening
Leave out ugly blunder
A night full of thunder and lightening
You shift, the storm begins (stark verstellt,
dunkel - Blaubart)
We dedicate us in
Under native wings
Under swing
When you feel this world
ain't yours no more
When you wanna fade out in lines some more
In moments with no hope left no more
When you feel you don’t fit no more
Then you need the thunder – surprising and
Then you need that lightening – surprising
434www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
and frightening
Pierre Rausch
435www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Tiebreak (Mobile Chase)
“Theme: Traffic signs, reglementation”
“Bridge: table manners”
Rush hour:
She sits in the car, turns to the right, picks up the phone
In the right hand, in the left hand
Nine o'clock in the morning
Brenham wips in
Rush hour:
Her sight in her sleeve because she knows everything
That it could be a long affair
When phones bell in her right hand
oh, |: when the pockets are made: | oh, when the pockets are made
How many breaks she's going to have
As she crossed the second square
Casting her eyes
She has a lot courage
When the shelter blew
If you send us a tiebreak (today) - She'd be one
Breaks aren't falling - Tiebreaks are worn
The attempts she hears, they aren't worn
Will fit the line in your hand, it fits
Nodding approvingly, herself defending
Promise us, on behalf of everyone
There is enough for everyone
Here are other to thank
That twenty-five had taken
Seemed as if the only one who should
You've said the verity
Promise, on behalf of everyone
Anything about
It would matter what they said
Promise, on behalf of everyone
Pierre Rausch
436www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Titbits & Refreshment
And here he is
He was personally concerned
“It is well, ' said the inspector
Contented with saying
In all such grants
Watched the masterpiece
Your charter point-blank
Can't we fear when we leave?
A little of the substance
As though the informer drew to himself
Disquieting to the feelings
We do not know
Send me away, I've got nothing to heat
And tell me, I can come back, when I've got something to heat
Send me away, I've got nothing to heat
And tell me, I can come back, when I've got something to heat
Pierre Rausch
437www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
To Block It Up
She wasn't moved
And she wasn't the parade
And she hasn't moved away
And even if she knows,
Can never rise to sense
Whether he would be of any service or not
Quickly furniture away
There is no light
Quickly and astonished
She was quickly astonished
Did not stir from the wineshop
Did not look from the bookstore;
This range of analyse
And to block it up
As humor b
y her side
No instant in junk
Those who were standing
Is it a case?
I don't stand, I don't watch
Thistles in eye
„No time now“
Feet in front
An interest in this affair
Flabby brow, wrinkled cheeks
And it calls to block up
It calls to block it up
The light of heaven fills those who are with the light of
Isn't a plan-o-cide
Here we are to stay
Some months before this
As exactness is kindness,
He was exact
As kindness is exactness
He was kind
It could be a long affair
She was moved
438www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The use of peaches
And she hasn't moved away
All the morning she was melancholic
Lovely behave with her to stray
To block it ever up
To drop it ever on
As exactness is kindness,
He was exact
As kindness is exactness
He was kind
Pierre Rausch
439www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
To Eavesdrop
My dressmaker is late
The kept platform
The news-presenter of the day
Make-up attire
The dress to dressed
(Precautions) these aren't snob
The news-presenter of channel five:
Give me Sullivan
On the phone
This is useful work
You dare you mention this on TV
To eavesdrop, to toddle awake
To eavesdrop, to wipe and sway, to the last built car
To eavesdrop, nonsense and claptrap, to be reserved, to eavesdrop
To one side and listen
That no one wants to hear
Get me an image consult
Emily is a thirty-two year-old cosmetician. A cosmetician
well known in town
Lush is a brunet, thirty-year stylist. A stylist who creates
of his own
Newsflash, posed, sleepless
Out-spoken, today's edition endangered, we'll close
To eavesdrop, to toddle awake
To eavesdrop, to twiddle and tweak, team turmoil
“There was a short-circuit that brought the community (/building)
An electric damage; the garage didn't open up, I couldn't handle it
and called the cops”
And the ticker wakes with solitaire
And the truth is shared
The presenter is a lean,40-year-old guy of the entertainment print
“Please, leave a message, I'm unavailable right now”
A statesman experienced with advert, graphic art and print press
Plan of innocence, message-board and maypole
To eavesdrop, to toddle awake
440www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
To eavesdrop, to twiddle and tweak, it can be turmoil
Report the message to the correspondent in the wardrobe
cloakroom, wow,
To correspond eating herbicide
Pierre Rausch
441www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
More then ten years ago
I'd like you better as a lover
More then ten years ago
Rue Plumet
With twenty petticoats
A young man like you
Should be in love
Nothing of that could bear
Any reference
I ask nothing more of you
As in the presence of his sweetness
On another occasion
in order not to attract
Nothing of that could bear
Any reference
In this, he made a mistake
Here it does not rain
Had the appearance of dreaming happily
„I'm going“
He extended his hands
Pierre Rausch
442www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow around me in the courtyard
The sun will be well up then tommorrow
The flies are out and about tommorrow
We are all at the station tommorrow
Eager to get home tommorrow
It isn't easy, it's completely out of touch
You'r picking up your phone, you're calling your mom
And the number has changed, you'll exchange it tommorrow for a crown
Tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow
Tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow
Tommorrow, you'll wave your arms in the air
With your mother humming allong
Tommorrow, , the whole alley is packed
Saying that you are wrongly accused
It isn't easy, it's completely out of touch
You'r picking up your phone, you're calling your mom
And the number has changed, you'll exchange it tommorrow for a crown
Tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow
Tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow, tommorrow
Singing about the wonderful life we have tommorrow
You could exchange your certificate tommorrow
So many revolutionary singing tommorrow
No longer needed people (diapers) tommorrow
Pierre Rausch
443www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Never let it go, tonight's storming blow
And it's a forcing known, a rolling moans
Open up to mess and it's a fine press
It's time for shift, to open up for gifts
Voices live in you, tears anger, berry blue
Look in the mirror and smile,
Walk the cities for ten miles
Hands in pocket, thought of rocket
A silver bucket, just thinks
Mom called dad „Galahad“
Tonight, tonight
I say: “cats play with mouses”
Before these want their stomach as houses
Let them sleep in the valley „dove“
Before guns shoot along
Sing one short song
You know it breaks her heart
To fill scientific art
I ventured through France, England and Spain
My drunk sweetheart in the vein
And my heart asked, why, why, oh my
My drunk sweetheart is denied
Tonight, tonight
Pierre Rausch
444www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Doors open, aliens close the edge
Leave another day or a journey to catch
The midst of the empire,
The center of power
Their fashion and labels
Their perfume and shower
It's closed, it's midnight
Another moonlight
Almost stops your heart
You start to sell
The air of breath, light speed, Top models
You and I cuffed together
That is the moment, the thriller
Other planet, other manner
But they've got pampers as well
Nothing that shares progressive difference
Just the male universe in perverse
Is what seems nervous?
Just another tree house sentence
Attempting' dinner with friends, candlelight
That the air resemblance of wineglasses
Now I've lost everything to you
A lot of nice things turned bad out there
You and I cuffed together
Pierre Rausch
445www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Candid, frank, spoken,
Febrile Stronghold, a caddy race,
Ostrum, stage, daïs,
Encroarranged, no trespass,
Infringed, intruded, pin,
Now you're here, more then ever,
Kodak, the safety alien, in the secret corner,
In position order, butterflies' dispute
Shekel, nimble sterling, molar
The hoi polloi escort
Movement, advantage, passage
The common people, the lower cargo,
Who'd understand
Am stronger then you
Kodak, the safety alien, in the secret corner,
In position order, butterflies' dispute
Mistaken, incorrect, in error,
False, off beam, voi,
Bung, cork, stopple,
Never take care of love,
Kodak, the safety alien, in the secret corner,
In position order, butterflies' dispute
Spectral, wraith-like, spooky
Pale, wishy-washy,
Species, strain, style,
Solitaire twice, no bungalow
Kodak, the safety alien, in the secret corner,
In position order, butterflies' dispute
Take of a Hebrew regime to intercept your fleet
Take to shine, the mysteries of mandrake
(Twenty hours in the mysteries of mandrake)
den de harmonic
Kodak, the safety alien, in the secret corner,
In position order, butterflies' dispute
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Ducat, Sterling, halfpence
446www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Shone for curse-destiny the necessaire
Shan't we dip a notice, we dip our need
Shall we celebrate, shall we hopefullly celebrate
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Never take care, love
Pierre Rausch
447www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Nor the Master was sorry
Let them go
But Master
You must claim your own
Bade them farewell
Then for the first time
In his trousers pocket
Winds are cold
Then, the next month
Leaves were falling cold
A sudden flurry of smoke
A third lower floor
I thought there is a top and a bottom -
Beneath the construction
Beneath the construction I sometimes need
Nor the Master was sorry
I thought he didn't – there lies late light -
The dark lantern illuminated from below
Tool cadet – he did not wake up
The Master was sorry – or thought he did - way beneath -
This tragic boulevards – beneath way
Pierre Rausch
448www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Their professors explained
He treated himself to it
That that merry obstacle
A shower, a rain
Were engaged in discussing
The difference that exists
It would be very queer
Who has been annoying
If I were
Me so long
As she was setting out
I have just seen a woman dying
So that it was to rend your heart
It would be very queer
To rend your heart
As she was setting
These beings belonged to me
These beings there
These beings rested there
The generous impulse - Their professors explained
The honest order - Their professors explained
It would be very queer
If I were
These beings rested there
Pierre Rausch
449www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Turn The Tide
On a price for some meadow work
This serious work she was saying
She twists, she cries, she is hot
The flour is no fault of ours
We would be pleased to turn the tide
We would be pleased to turn the tide
Who was seated at table
It does no harm to have
Dew is a good thing. Cut is better
She has more the air of a bat than of a lark
We would be pleased to turn the tide
We would be pleased to turn the tide
They had thrown their doll on the ground
Like the splendor of the butterfly's wing
Vanishes when one essays to fix it fast
We would be pleased to turn the tide
With that touching childhood
We would be pleased to turn the tide
Appeared to be preoccupied. He replied
We would be pleased to turn the tide
An accent in beetween
Who has never known anything
We would be embarrassed to turn the tide
Pierre Rausch
450www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Two Calls
And who are busied with the brief
What these women believe
Mingled with vague
And that consoles her
Afternoons cling this
Do what you will
Afternoons cling this
He is very uneasy
Afternoons cling this
Except when he rose and retired
In main prison
Libido, freedom
At first – squirr
Corridor – blues
Crawl it out
Afternoons cling this
Could crawl out
No one what to say
Bars cling this afternoon to end
Guys scream
Guys cling this bar
His phone beeps, his phone beeps
Toxin, in Metropolis, ceiling
His phone rings, his phone rings
Born to be held to reeling
To consult phone machines
Who would not be sick of jail
Memories of am I, what am I
A number, a cell
And I am slave of two calls
Memories of am I, what am I
A number, a cell
And I am slave of two calls
A number, a cell
Pierre Rausch
451www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Ultimo Negro
Caravan never passing, here you are, it's without you,
Although no one of them is
The adjacent, the spy;
“To happen before”
It's a camel of caravans
King Zog-Z to the keymark airbase
A little beyond barricades
They walk
And yet the reality it's got
This is a set of fact that we have
It's drifting and it doesn't really come back
It's a caravan for biscuits
King Zog-Z to the elite caricature
A caricature with a chap – Negro
Were standing in the hassock – Ultimo Negro
In those days, I wasn't four or five feet high – Negro
I can't feel the black sergeant – Negro
Had raised herself – Ultimo Negro
He had been seen – Negro
It was about four or five feet high
It had not occurred to him
Like yelling in the journal
When he got drown
It's a caravan for biscuits
King Zog-Z on the Andromeda
Famous hallmark, surgeon
Drivel about nonsense
That he had been seen
A poster caught it up
It's impossible
Zog-Z to the hangar basketry
It's impossible
Pierre Rausch
452www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
In the monolith field
But mash the pen from fold
Increase, she'd
A drop is mou' water
Suddenly without
She had a look at the grass
Multiple choice connection
The burning league
Suddenly without
Astonishly, a trek to surf
A fish on galop
A customized portail: horn
We saw the hemisphere glide
Over this turning tuft
The glow-worm that glimmers
A pocket house (A call in the bellhouse)
She saw the bell glide
Nor sorrow on plan
With a starboard aside
Landing among friends
Without to condamn
(A Unicorn)
Who gave their contour
Now make it as you'd made
Pierre Rausch
453www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
United Deluxe
The U to the N
The N to I
The I to T
The T to E
The E to D
The U to N
The N to I
The I to T
The T to E
The E to the D
The U to N
The N to I
The I to T
The T to E
The E to D
U to N
I to E
I to E
E to U
U to D
N to E
U to E
N to T
N to D
N to N
I to E
N to I
I to T
U to T
T to E
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to T
The T to the E
The E to D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to T
The T to E
454www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The E to D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to the E
The E to the D
N to U
E to U
I to U
N to U
U to E
N to U
E to I
D to E
N to D
U to E
D to N
I to D
(Oh, I can't let go this feeling)
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to E
The E to D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to E
The E to the D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to E
The E to the D
D to U
N to U
E to D
U to D
N to D
D to E
D to U
E to U
455www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
E to D
T to E
U to T
T to T
(Oh, I can't let go this feeling)
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to the E
The E to the D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to the E
The E to the D
The U to the N
The N to the I
The I to the T
The T to the E
The E to the D
Pierre Rausch
456www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Various Positions (And Likely To Strike Again)
This is how they got away with it
Again and again
Words are used to describe a behavior
Again and again
And assert his innocence
And likely to strike again
Go public with it
To capitalize on such an opportunity
Again and again
That these issues become more prevalent
Which is often relegated to the margins
And likely to strike again
One need only to go back
To see how diverse it once was
And likely to strike again
To present the concentration and sources
To provide fair and accurate information
And likely to strike again
One need only to go back
To see how diverse it once was
And likely to strike again
To present the concentration and sources
To provide fair and accurate information
And likely to strike again
And likely to strike again
And likely to strike again
Pierre Rausch
457www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Virus (in memory of M Scott Johnson)
Fumble's like a belbuoy over gum
Without being forced over gun
But this stalward statue
The fern lay seed on the black bill
Wildshake of muffle-toed tap
After all ceremony, mule bray
Grave's foot, blinds toward down lids
In maillot
Everyone swathed up in fur
Migid tap happily of the backlot
You see the bride if you stoop down?
You entread now
From the quivering of her shoulders
There had been anything but love
Agencies in which he kept Pharao secrets
That village of the Trafalgar hound
When we lay nude on the dissecting table
What you are is fifty percent
Come, let us examine ourselves among abandoned children
What you have is fifty percent
That breaks judgement to the judgment
You stand up, alone in cloud
Though this, for her, is a blind image
The parched worlds
Though this, for her, is an image blinded
Ashine of her broken toy, virtue to disease
It was probably only a resemblance
Virtue to service that her tongued disease
Threadbare, need to druids
Pierre Rausch
458www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Neither Side of the Pistols aim seems worth
Always you, always you
Push the gun home, that divine servant
I really could not do this again
In seconds to red
Seconds that ignite that high water lie
Always friendly, always you
On the red ridge of turf, of viva
Viva, Viva
Either side of the Pistol /Aim/ seem(s) worth
Always you, always you
Push the gun home, that divine servant
I really could not do this again
Pierre Rausch
459www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wanda, where I am
Fishes maiden clan
Now some tear and joy
Dear corpus, Roy
As the glory wonders
Wafers, a step safer
After dark, hopeless art
Naked statue, councils too
Dateless as sweet as your kiss
As I cry out, what's this about
Wanda, feel my breath
A fish called class
Now, if only at start
Deep art, the who is who
At age just twenty-two
Adjourned a proceeding and said
A decision on your case
Some was nice, but the rest you’d create
You were disappointed, wanted more
Wanda doesn’t quit, walks the eyelids
Pierre Rausch
460www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
These countries soon forgot love
On days tanks entered and a storm fought above
Broken windows in front of shops
Glass held behind these snobs
Kern C. Glaze C. Affirmation
“You haven't defended operettas”
“She pleaded for him, what joy”
Crystalline works clearly - trophy
Crystalline works clearly – under
Have you ever read the paper
Pro-action against
Hexagon, hexagon, metro-allophones
Lingering around the meter and that urban drone,
Silo lingering in the wicker, hollow giant
“Lasso chain, lasso chain”
Coat of arms
“Hollow lasso, hollow lasso”
Masses: “Yell
on stain” - emblem
This country soon forgot love
On a day tanks entered and a storm fought above
Pierre Rausch
461www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Astonishment fell upon them all
And before the cloth knew what was happening
She sprang off the bed
That is all the advice I can give
Washing can't reproduce
When I think of my daughter's foot
An expression can reproduce the significance of the word
Washbasin can wear it all up
Why, in the foot took place – who can't be
With the look that signifies a lavatory
Them, at their appointed landing place
And see how he agrees to a wash
Washing salon of a vast topcoat
The silver is running from gold
But I expect that they share mountains to the horse
And thither now – a long last stage
He swept back from the lavatory
The sheltered valley pleasant in the days
They don't look dangerous – they just seem to agree
By a sort instinct
In the washbasin
In a lavatory
Pierre Rausch
462www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
And iron to fire
Made house tremble
There are certain traces
Recognizable, which mark the site of poor
Will you open, yes or no?
That cannot be, gentlemen
It is probable that the inhabitants were
Flanked it with an abrupt angle
Sad isn't the soul, when it is sad through
Effect produced, bam, bam,
Two decrepit leaves which were
Such as boles of burned trees
On the battle-field
That great wood-cutter
She tried to turn away
A notebook of paper under hand
Sad isn't, when it is sad through me!
A police agent's card was found on Le Cabuc
Gato, which comes from cat;
How was that
Letter to that old blockhead signed
Ah! you mysterious old devil, I've got you
Beneath the obscure roof
Appears like the inside
She'd lay down the book
On battle-field
The French, who are masters
On the point
Let us knock
She sank down as though, (gato)
Alikeon, pigeon!
Pigeon, alikeon!
Straightening up
Whose force she felt the mob
She laid down the book
|: „Let us break in“: | the door
There are (at this day) certain traces
463www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Recognizable, such as old boles of burned
Which mark the site of these
To distinguish the vague forms (surrounding)
Caught up a pen and exclaimed
Surmounted by
A pointed gable
That this Vichy was of the sort
Perhaps that was the one
Monsieur Vichy
Two Paris reporters
The downright fire
What the subordinate are called
Ascended to the first floor
Outside spectacle as a parish inn
The alarm shirt as thing
Let us say at once that later on
Did go ashtray
The profound still on earth
Fifteen squadrons army
Steadily at war
Holding and guarding
Men overthrown
Pierre Rausch
464www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Waterloo (Consequences)
Grief, mourning,
And the army began
His end had been (all shadows)
His life was night
Will add, which is strange
Directing his steps towards the densest part
Blacked by the soot of the incendiary
But probably well founded
Mad grief, longer conscious of
War World I
The shops were open there
The gas was burning under
The arcades
Near there, there were 'assemblages'
The shops were open again
On the road to anywhere
If we are to believe a tradition
As for the Bourbons,1823
A comrade of the galley
The flour is no fault of ours
On the road to somewhere
Seafaring as consequence
And the army began
It's repercussions
Didn't go into Politic
On the road to anywhere
The Emperor had been the first
Entering the field of battle
To reconstruct our church
West, pack
On the road to anywhere
For force and for adventure
A cockade
A grape must be gathered
No tumult in Paris
On the road to anywhere
Mourning, grief
The village, he had studied
That coffer was too small to contain
465www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
That he had simply studied in Holland
On the road to anywhere
No one was watching her
Army began
The happiness of playing with a doll
On the restaurant places
Pointing to the Megaera
No one had seen her, except the traveller
On the main place
'Let me alone! '
40 Dollar graph
On the road to anywhere
In the ecstasies of possession
Pierre Rausch
466www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
What A Cruel World
Adventure Tribute
People are leaving
Half-way, dress someone
Guess, they could...
Among the fairies
Admiring something
Keep out
Admiring the loop
So many people are in the sixth
On the mantle of a bambo, the furniture
Admiring something
So many stylist built cowl of stables
Guess it should be able
Admiring the loop
Thought I saw you in the city
From the tree-trailed moving in pity
Admiring the sky
(Bought a rose) To conduct the mundane spectacle
Bought a rose to escort the flowers of your poem
Bought a rose of the scarf to the spot of a sonnet
Admiring the sky
(Fought in the war down the trench)
|: Against the Admiral with the duty from the ranch: |
Admiring the sky
So many times we stood at ease
Followed the utterance, where we’ve
Admiring the sky
Pierre Rausch
467www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
White Dove Island
Adventure factor
Plant reactor
Island, Co
Pheasant, homepages, five behavior
Mandrel bridge, marsh wedding, nut-cakes
Mellow bridges
|: I'll promise you boiler account: |
I'll promise reconnaissance, real estate and assurance
Five filaments went to see
De de te de de ten de te «
» R.A.F.-Stanzmusik
Paraboloid malignity
» De de te de de ten de te
Oligarchy under vanity
Pheasant, homepages, five behavior
I'll promise you mandrel bridge, marsh wedding, nut-cakes
Mellow bridges
Nut-cracker - all by yourself
Harsh advent - all by yourself
Aunt, mandarin - all by yourself
Manege, havoline - all by yourself
Adventure factor
Plant reactor
Junior, reserve us a suite
Cricket: Carolina
Croquet: Carolina
Cricket: Carolina
Of whom you must think.
That you feel yourselves elected
He said nothing
Would wish you for X-mas, I'll wish you for place
A herd is a kitchen without a trace
Adventure factor
Plant reactor
468www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
469www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wide Dove Trader
In shower ol top –
Island and carat, midweek flop
Perfect's satyr
Allow us a biscuit none to later
Minute of the white dove trader
We haven't got much
Twist doubloon
We haven't got much
A cocktail schablone
Why we part ways
Precise in trust
Precise freedom
Why we duplicate
In the rum bay of Martinique
Rumors sweet in the air
Drunken sailors
In the bay of Martinique
In the rum bay of Martinique
Rumor sweat in the air
Xenia's in the shirt boutique
In the rum bay of Martinique
Allow us a cocktail gauge
Minute of the white dove trader
Allow us a later biscuit
Minute of the white dove trader
Allow us a biscuit none to later
Minute of the trader
Pierre Rausch
470www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wide Open
Who is walking with the rain, who is talking by the river
I troubled my girl, my flowers seem to wither
What is wrong, what gives her
I know what seems to shiver
Wide, wide open - you can't leave me now
Wide, wide open – we'll do somehow
Who is thinking about chances, about these he wasted
I think desire broke the passion
Who has weak points, has no point plus
Who's changes a bit, that (new) start for us
So, she's gonna go; she's gonna (+)
She's facing my fear, gonna (U.R.L.)
Whaever happens
What she makes of me
Nibble the bunk, hold it t6 k-dribble
And then he walks, and then he talks, three or four
Where you are
It's either that cool guy to the complement
Connection to the goof
Who has hidden attributes
Bid to connection (and berth)
Pierre Rausch
471www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Wish To Win It
Shake it to the heel
This is classic territory,
As of late (I) see you replaced (lately)
Jones (Now) forever and Joe says it wasn't right
The classic days, the chilly nights
Where I'd say: don't believe the different stories,
(For me) , that's just a scratch to far
|: I wanna wish you peace and I the war: |
wish to win it, I ought to sit back and relax
Combine the things once more for me
(I got what I thought) To be reasonable
To meet some potatoes
|: I wanna wish you peaca and I('m) the war: |
wish to win it, I ought to sit back and relax
Gasping some sort of air
But still there inner changes shines
|: I wanna wish you peaca and I the war: |
wish to win it, I ought to sit back
Pierre Rausch
472www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pale, wet leaves of lily of the valley
Wishes beside these in the dawn
The storm wrecks, the mouth to some
Glitter eyes with long white fingers
Glitter fountain meet the road
Staring eyes, with long white fingers
Mumbles in a corner of crust
Next year’s grass will cover us
Can’t stand me and laugh
Next year was a year ago
We weren't younger nor elder before
We were helpless, we were odd
Betting on slow horses, nowhere to go
Ghost riders by the mid hour
Sleepwalkers, nice, nice toys – the knight with the carrot
An insulted desolate boy
Next year’s grass will cover us,
Can’t rise me and laugh
Last year was a year ago
We weren't elder nor younger before
Pierre Rausch
473www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
With The Makings Of A Fire
Clearly the voyagers meant no harm
For once hundred dollars each
The new equipment increased
That bit in the back of his neck
That looked down at the knife in his hand
Your complete confidence in the syndicate
How do you confide something that comes from inside
Your complete confidence in the syndicate
They certainly wouldn't expect you to come back
Stunned silence filled the room
Around the hill and toward the southern bank
Can you identify any flush marks?
It means there is no one
Many of my friends and family
And a couple of kind strangers
Made this generous gift that issued back
Across the bays of mainland
Across a mirror that caught the morning light
When they embarked at dawn
When they go light the lanyard from the fire
Your complete confidence in the syndicate
How do you confide something that comes from inside
Your complete confidence in the syndicate
They certainly wouldn't expect you to come back
Pierre Rausch
474www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Air-reed warning
Wombats flit in subdue glow
Towards evening dark clouds gather
(Loving) wombats arrive at Townsend urban area
Belgium getaway puppie
Ordinate, the wombat slouches in aviation
Neat suspended clobber property office
Landing (ticket) to a grand piano terminal flight
Wombat was shot at and winged,
The wombat flutters in despondent blaze
The wombat hovers in woebegone light
Keep your boarding pass please
Wombats flap in (for) lorn glare
Flight attendant wolf makes sure
The bait in accordance with
Usual, the wombat throws the destination evenly
Belgium getaway puppie
Wombats don't suck at lineal
Terminal tickets for airline drafts
Wombats departure, your seat is an upright position
The wombat flutters in despondent blaze
The wombat hovers in woebegone light
Keep your boarding pass please
Pierre Rausch
475www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Would You Do That
It’s up to you if red wine remains
Give’s to you, wants to taste the same
“Make people forget”
“Close if you let”
That’s a great and affective door: it’s wrong
That I forgot how good is the song
Would you do that, a girl like her
Until it comes, it's not her
Can I dance for you; let it be done for you
Leave your heart out on the avenue
Would you do that, if she tells you the world is flat?
And that corrupt, can twinkle with two eyes
The mysteries of girls are shy
Would you do that could prove trust
And dance for you; hold your head a mine
For I don't wish to see you at time
It may be, that the memorie remain
In your arms and I may tame
The winter at you, that may send
On journey's wherever (I've friends)
She knows a man, who lost one thing,
Crazy and continuing,
Immovable, almost abounding
Pierre Rausch
476www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Yammee, Yammee
Pride day without, n
o bigger than a raid
He gazed for what seemed a dawn
Made a cross with her tongue
Temple steel without
Was perceived, was taken away
As we shall see in the end
Clear order, clear path
Made a cross with her tongue
And suspiciously looking
In a three crown restaurant
Hang out in first or second class,
Collector's CD
Colored satchel, crocodile colored satchel
Leave collection
That no one made
Sat down there
No one made his appearance thereafter
And the idea got accomplished
No one made his appearance thereafter
And all that at once
Everything whirls and whirls
You feel queer
And everything whirls
Lanny queer marquee
Whenever you choose
Without breaking the quiet
Paid rather for all the little things
Of doing what you ask
Or fields before daybreak
Pierre Rausch
477www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
At that moment
It is sure
At that moment
It is certain
Ticking, You'll never know
Bristling, t
he lofty trees
Firebrand, you're up,
because it had there
At staircase floor,
with the obscurity
Funny how to find
Torches, up the support
Reception desk
meet face to face
On pitch, the jockey ran,
She ran out on money,
A hold without,
She came back to the jockey,
At first, I wasn't scared,
In private, either you or me
More & Better
Cos' he wants more
Better & More
It's how to say
I feel better
Why don't you borrow it
Why don't you give me a gun
Where it stopped
Receive through it
Assure you are mistaken
On pitch, she's no ball
The officer did not persist
In squad, we're used it
More & Better
478www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Pierre Rausch
479www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
As people loose their ways, loose friends, loose luck
The real hero loves milk
The real heroe takes never drugs
Show it the other, give it another
The real hero directly defies clause
Find the soul-mate, before it's too late
You can change the world with your own two
As people find their ways, find friends, find luck
The real hero proves himself in daily live
Show you are mature, treat each as nature,
The real hero never attacks
Find the soul-mate, the one you are relate
You can change the world with your own two
Pierre Rausch
480www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Feel Me Out
You used to pass my store
Where I was born
You would come in and chat with me
Asking me about my life
After you arrive, my mind is opened
I have nothing to cling to
You planned a way to escape
Or simply burying it down inside
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
I am a victim of the same reports
I don't know if it was from newspapers
I'm not lost
Do you feel lost
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
I am a victim of the same reports
I don't know if it was from newspapers
I'm not lost
Do you feel lost
You know my whereabouts
While I was locked up in prison
You waited at the expected spot
Meeting and then to another spot
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
You feel me out
You know my whereabouts
While I was locked up in prison
You waited at the expected spot
Meeting and then to another spot
Pierre Rausch
481www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Frighten Me
If twisted around for years
Kneeling in front of fallen hair
Hovering just above
Your vessel, your brown mole
You frighten me
The voice of children
Turn around, say
If ya legs are fallen
Legs and legs turn
You frighten me
If the roads
Fit a great ox
If the turnarounds of a shifting
O you could not
The playgrounds beside
There was glory to hear
You always wear: you frighten me
Pierre Rausch
482www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Pardon Me
A shoe of coarsest description
Yields in front of the iron Co.
It's to shriek inscription
Would have never occurred
Her glance, her slightest gesture
Admitting of no variation
Fumbling in the possible fob
She wasn't the same
From, from, from
Occupied in gazing which is the star that is blazing
Occupied in gazing which is the star at arrival
She hid it quickly in her pocket
Comprehended what he had to heal
Then why not make myself known?
Clear and firm report
'What she demonstrates'
To what was watching her
Confused through her glass
If he got rid of his sin?
From, from, from
Bed a straw pallet so full
When that kid was a maiden
Should not wish to lose weight
Which stood open near pallet
I can only give the child up
Amid all her amazement
A theatre worthy of talent
Every new-comer who entered
I can only give the child up
At that moment brought
Occupied in gazing which is the star that is blazing
Occupied in gazing which is the star at arrival
The 'good man' enter social life
Every form begins to be
There is sense in it!
That the moment had arrived
Is there sense in it?
I haven't considered
That the moment arrives
483www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
A good fellow
Who knew the society
Who is well acquainted
To bring to surface
That the moment arrives
Pierre Rausch
484www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Shiver Again
What is all this uproar in the shrubs
One-leg, two-leg
Gideon from the canvas whale
There seems a dim sheet
A sectional shore
He films your sobriety
Grumbled like kennels
In a sleepy village
No battle with the gong
I've made you an offer
That is proudly lessened
“Very well! We'd see”
Dip your front
Grandsons of the mountain
It mashed spread instance
Vast woke
Leather beat and with that
That genuinely clips
Circuitous thought, not up to mischief
Pillar and stilt
Is it a crime to wander in your realm
First she thought of column
Oh they where laughing at their sleeve
Her reels and mystery
Though all the adornments were mouldered and destroyed
When the cats drew a party, when she sat
A celebrator given vehicle
Her image did not break before
It was not a pleasant thought
But without, we shan't remain
The passage was roughly made
Daisies tangled froth
You shiver again
Where was that?
Please, don't interrupt
This lane and labyrinth
The wicker song
Twine in a lone shell
485www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Daisies tangled froth
You shiver again
And with a parabola
Weathers don’t fault
Law some sort to see
As long as you are within a hundred miles
Nothing magnificent
You've transpired dull lips
Her notes from her wale
Marvelous gazed
Where are you going?
(season ticket, enrolled gems)
Pierre Rausch
486www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Tremble Tonight
One day spread through the town
It would have agitated him less
The fathomless abstraction
Infinite to cause blaze
The exterior of mysterious
His own mind with them
You tremble tonight
And who cherished in his own soul
Then gravely, and moving his lips
Was simply a man who took note
You tremble tonight
Meditating, conteplating
You tremble tonight
Was simply a man who took note
Was preaching on occasion
Was one else who had this
Which they call fruitieres
Watch factories on a long scales
Which wasn't in my room
After bidding your sister good night
You tremble tonight
They had recurred to him
Almost intolerable
Should not have happened
Pierre Rausch
487www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You Wanted That More Than Anything
Said nothing of value
At one point, I thought I could hear voices
I lived in New York and Paris
You know, you didn't call ahead on this
You wanted that more than anything
That goes far all cases, when I was done
You wanted that more than anything
Said nothing of value
The travel-size toothpaste tube
The bathrooms in old hotel rooms
Well, can we leave for a moment
There's got to be a someplace around
You wanted that more than anything
That goes far all cases, when I was done
You wanted that more than anything
Said nothing of value
The first two stops were dead ends
I wanted to order room service
And then lie in a comfortable bed
It took me an hour to fall asleep
Maybe made you nervous
If someday someone comes along
I fumbled with the cap
And finally managed to open up
So let's not start this now
Monday morning and I'll buy the coffe
Pierre Rausch
488www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You've Grown Away
That's great, I've the hang of it
So we thought we might start out
You were playing the game too
There would be no point
No I suppose, you've grown away
Too busy plotting the morrow
The skater in the classroom had to be
Anything, rather then falling into
A glance and a smile as she had on the
Now you're just feeding me lines
Knowing the family secret before I did
With the light on the floor
Chorus 2*
The evening was a surprising success
Two lads making their own way
Like me making eyes like a sheep
Blinking happily into the carriages
Pierre Rausch
489www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
You've Seen It Happen Before
Watching everyone say goodbye
What it said on the telegram
The moonlit sky, and the air
Was the last thing I saw
Can't live in the past
Have lived so young
How do you know
Can't live in the past
Why are you running away
Looking for someone
You probably already have plans
I can make my own way back
Can't live in the past
Have lived so young
How do you know
Can't live in the past
It has happened before
Yes, but it was right to be afraid
As you disappeared back to your room
You've seen it happen before
Pierre Rausch
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