That you are moving so far
will not, as you say,
tear me apart; it is having
to part that tears at
my being, that takes part
of me with you against
all reason, against your will,
against mine; you have
every reason to go, but
that you are going, going
away so far, changes
the map: already I have
in mind the whole city,
not merely your building,
become a crater, a circle
surrounding nothing--
and cast out from it, from
the explosion, a shadow
lengthened into the actual
desert, time zones beyond
today's sunrise, where I
am already flying out
toward you, down to
that shadow's thin end,
down the map to where
you. not yet gone, have already
taken me with you, moved
as I am to find that you
are actually going, going
so far as to prove, beyond
all saying, that in this
irrefutable world it is not
love by which we're torn apart.