You cannot love me,
for I have not shown you my morbid soul beyond the quips and the smiles.
for I have not told you of the nauseatingly vile thoughts inside my sordid mind.
for I have not let you see the insects that crawl the festering rot of my broken spirit.
I cannot love you,
for I have an indifferent heart, lubbing and dubbing my carrion blood.
for I am a disgusting wretch too mutilated to deserve even a glimpse of you.
for I cannot set you free, I have made my skin into a web of scars hoping they scare you away
flee! little angel,
for I have become a monster worse than your most petrifying nightmares.
for I have sniffed a scent of your sweet rosy breath and sighted your cotton soft hair
for I have heard the perfection of your voice and have been struck by your goddess eyes