Mishack Madubandlela

August 10, 2000 - Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa
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Something about you

There's something about you
Something I haven't yet understood
Yet, I wish to kiss every ground upon which you've stood
I adore you
But do I bore you‽
All I want is you and I never get you all
When you're with others,
Makes me just want to kill 'em all
I'm now certain that I'm yours
Won't you wanna make me yours‽
Inevitably, it won't end well
I wanna hug you off your life
I wanna hug you over to mine
There's something about you...

Being with you should induce certain feelings
The only thing I feel with you is extreme love and care
The passion is gritty and unrelenting
I long for your presence each time I open my eyes
I long to smell your scent each time I breathe
I yearn for more of you yet...
I never get the slightest hint of lust
Confusing for me...
Is this real love?
Could this be...

I'm puzzled at your presence's aura around me
Could you wrap your arms around me...
Keep me warm and dry my tears
I cry each time I see you
But because I never felt like this for anyone
I never thought I could fall...
Like falling in love, Falling out of lust
I'm shocked, feels like I'm shot...
In the heart and it bleeds not
I feel in love without lust

There's something about you that erases all my usual sexual desires for a woman but makes me care more than I physically feel
You've got me so proud of meeting someone like you
You make me smile each time you do
I know it's contagious but this is toxic
Luckily, I love the danger you bring
Only thing is that...
I know you want me to persist and prove my love to you
Yet, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of a lot of things really
I've never felt like this before
So, I don't want to ruin it like before
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