Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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World Vortex

I am a person, which means I am able to feel, desire and think, thereby generating the movement of the world environment in the form of a vortex, which is aimed at the implementation of this volitional impulse

Moreover, the will is always dynamic, it is always active, always directed as a consequence of the binary gravitation of some potency of the Monad that must manifest itself and the corresponding unapproved potency of the world Environment, and the vortex receives a quasi-independent existence and moves through the World Environment according to the laws of attraction - to where it has the greatest affinity

For example, if one person likes another, then in the Telesmi aspect it looks like the first constantly emitting vortices moving towards the second, and designed to change the own structure of the second’s sphere of desires so that he reciprocates. At the same time, if the first is unpleasant to the second, then he, in turn, emits “driving away” whirlwinds

In addition, due to the complete passivity of the Medium, the vortex cannot disappear on its own, it can only be annihilated by another vortex, equal in strength and opposite in the nature of rotation, and still the imprint of this balancing will be forever imprinted in the fabric of the Medium, and the Totality of all vortices, or , which is the same, the entire Universe in the aspect of Telesmi, constitutes the World Vortex, or Baphomet
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