Individual experience gained in trance or dream states, and not in any way verified not only for objectivity, but even for safety, is considered the only reliable source, and often overshadows the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years by hundreds of generations of magicians. The study of this knowledge becomes almost shameful and is branded as a perversion
By opening the consciousness to the perception of something that is not fixed in socially established norms, a person at the same time opens up to illusions and becomes extremely vulnerable to self-deception
Therefore, any personal experience must be checked from the standpoint of Tradition, and if there is a discrepancy, not Traditions must be angrily rejected, but personal experience must be carefully and scrupulously rechecked, which has always been a prerequisite for acquiring multiplying and developing concepts
Everyone chooses for themselves - what is closer to them - however, in any case, it’s not worth drooling and aggressively rejecting serious “work on mistakes”