Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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What is Merkavah

What is Merkavah if not the totality of Involution and Evolution, understood both in a cosmic and individual sense, which means Merkavah means the forces of manifestation of the Creator in the created world, the very process of constant creativity in which the universe resides, moreover, the movement of Merkavah is in close connection with the ratios of the Primary Elements, designated by the symbolic Animals described by the prophet Ezekiel

Knowledge of Merkava was the goal of many Mages and mystics, because knowledge of this Stream actually means knowledge of the process by which the world moves, and therefore the management of this world. To understand the structure of the Chariot means to understand how the Almighty decides the destinies of the universe, since the Chariot covers the entire Universe with the power of creative influence

The idea of ​​Merkavah as an Rising Whirlwind gave impetus to the search for ways to move from one level of the universe to the next, higher one. Not only in mystical ecstasy, but also through the performance of special magical practices, the Magician changed his evolutionary status from lower to higher, opening new horizons of power for yourself

At the same time, such an ascent is dangerous due to the possibility of disembodiment as a result of going beyond the boundaries of human existence, which, in fact, is a private death, although it is described in magical literature as the “kiss of God,” a kiss leading to the destruction of the physical body, which can lead to failure to complete tasks incarnation and a new fall into dense worlds
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