Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Types of interactions in Psychokomos

Since the Monads, as the supreme reality, are differential elements of the Absolute, it is clear that their entire complex is essentially organized and structured. In other words, the entire set of Monads is a complex organism with different levels of organization. Moreover, some Monads form subsets, “organs” of this Organism. Moreover, it turns out that in each such subset it is possible to distinguish even more closely related groups, which received the name “Family of Monads” in the Tradition. It turns out that each specific Monad is most closely connected with the Monads of its Family, less closely with neighboring, close families, and even less so with families that are distant in terms of the aspects of the Absolute illuminated by it

Beings who are incarnations of the Monads of the same Family are closely connected with each other, and this connection concerns not only the “consonance of souls,” that is, some internal kinship, it also concerns the interconnectedness of life paths, the complementarity of the incarnations of such creatures, in other words, in the case when The paths of beings united by the “kinship” of Monads are combined, the overall effect greatly exceeds simple summation. This is the merging on the Path that helps to reach the heights of Power

Another type of interaction in Psychokomos occurs when the Monad finds the possibility and necessity of simultaneous manifestation in several beings. This can arise when the situation that has developed over time is favorable for solving the tasks facing the Monad, and the possibilities of just one incarnation are not enough for this. It is in this case that it turns out that in one time, and sometimes also in one world, several beings live, which are incarnations of one Monad. Naturally, the interaction of such creatures is even deeper, and their mutual correspondence is even more complete. The meeting of such “parallel beings,” of course, can open up even more amazing prospects for their development

Thus, individual consciousness is surrounded by a whole spectrum of elements consonant with it: the Higher consciousnesses of the Guardians, consonant consciousnesses of one’s Family, and sometimes also the consciousnesses of parallel beings. Each of these types of interactions has its own prospects and must be taken into account by the Traveler going to the Force
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