Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Two types of relationships

Among people who have achieved an understanding of the Path, two types of relationships predominate: people of the first type do not trust anyone, are filled with accusations, indignation, have difficulty forgiving the mistakes of others, everyone else is “wrong by definition,” since there are only two opinions – “mine and the wrong.” This exaggerated criticism is most often a manifestation of insecurity in one’s own rightness and indicates incomplete trust in one’s own Path - this approach stems from fear of oneself

People of the second type, on the contrary, in every possible way emphasize their support and condescension towards the mistakes of others, but at the same time make it clear that they themselves never make mistakes. Such a look is also an attempt to hide one’s self-doubt, actively proclaiming the opposite: “I already know, and when you grow up, you will understand how right I was.” This approach is a consequence of social fear

Such approaches are just natural aspirations distorted by the Parasite of Awareness. Instead of defending and teaching others, you can gently help those who need it to find their own path, expressing their own point of view and giving everyone the right to find their own solution, develop their own view

In all other cases, any active intervention in someone else’s Path, no matter what the motives for it, risks being only an obstacle, and the one who creates obstacles on someone else’s Path is doomed to lose strength, since fighting the Path, the natural course of things, means go against the flow of force
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