Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Tuning to your egregore

All education and training from the cradle to the maturity of the mind, that is, the ability to compare differences of opinion, is only an attunement to the frequency of the egregor
For most, the entire process is unnoticed, but when a turning point occurs - a sudden illness, a shock, or perhaps hard work as an ascetic - then a gift can awaken or in a mystical way - initiation into the Sacrament of Unity
There is no such thing as complete freedom - there is only choice, depending on maturity or karma
But the worst option is that you have not found tuning to your egregore, then something tears your soul and you cannot understand what you want and why you live, and trying to tune in to the frequency of the foreign egregore is a direct path to madness
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