Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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True Desire

Those desires that arise in an embodied being may not coincide or even be opposite to the desires of the “higher self”, however, it is the desires of this supra-personality that are considered “true”, and it is they, in theory, that should be realized, which means the goal of the True Desire is infinitely removed, or, in other words, it does not exist, because this is the call of infinity

Psychocosmos is understood as a whole ensemble of personalities, infra- and supra-personalities, located at different stages of development, and crowned by the total (but existing potentially) Consciousness of the Monad; this entire complex has only a relative, dynamically balanced existence, and this means that “the path to yourself" is a movement whose goal lies in the potential world, the world of Dreams, in other words, you can “search for your higher self” as much as you like, endlessly approach it, but it is impossible to achieve it through evolutionary means

The contradiction is resolved logically simply: it is believed that a person gets exactly what he “really” wants, however, needs or whims are often confused with desire, and if Need is understood as the force of attraction that arises between an object and the bearer of consciousness (body), then Whimsy is the force of attraction that arises between the object and the Parasite of consciousness, which attracts external objects, the inclusion of which in the field of consciousness makes it less stable, and therefore makes it lose strength, however, the Parasite usually disguises whims as desires or needs in order to give them greater weight and priority in performance

True Desire is a deep driving and goal-setting force, identical to the true meaning of life of a given individual and characterizing his unique essence, but at the same time, initially in complete harmony with the Universe, because true desire is a piece of the Divine that is present in the soul of every person
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