Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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To lightweight the soul

Everyone is well aware of the expressions “to lightweight the soul”, “make the soul feel lighter”, which reflect the ancient ideas that, although not material, the soul, nevertheless, can have weight, which is akin to the religious concept of “sin” and “righteousness” " - after all, according to religious ideas, righteous souls go “up”, that is, to “heaven”, and sinners go “down”, to “hell”

Taking as the only criterion of the “correctness” of life its correspondence to the individual Path of development of a given being, the Soul is considered “light” when its “material” component is most fully translated into “spiritual”, in other words, when those available in a particular In the incarnation, resources are used as fully as possible to expand awareness, and potencies are transferred to the actual state as fully as possible, while nothing connects the soul with the incarnation, and it freely and easily flows into the “soul of the soul” of its monad

What “complicates” the soul is not “sins”, nor violations of any norms or rules, but rather unfinished deeds, unspoken words, unpaid debts, unrecognized events, phenomena or objects - everything that the soul associates with incarnation, with “matter “binds. Since there are untapped resources called the "shadows" of the soul, and it is now clear why Hell is described by the visionaries as a collection of hungry predators - "heavy" souls have more food for them than "light" ones

Thus, the idea of ​​the “weight” of the soul deprives the Path of religious overtones, bringing its success into line with the degree of self-identity achieved in its course. The path is more successful not for the one who follows the rules more accurately and not for the one who knows or can do more, but for the one who remains himself to a greater extent, develops himself in accordance with his individuality
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