Each individual monad realizes its manifestation, like the Spirit, by transferring its active consciousness from the center to the periphery and its reverse synthetic ascent. The purpose of this process is the dissection and actualization of potentials and their approval in a harmonious system of awareness. The instrument and primary source of this process is experience in the phenomenal world.
It is this process that constitutes the essence and content of life and is described as the Great Flow of Power - the transition of Power from an undifferentiated form of being (the Power of Life) into a differentiated form of Awareness. At the same time, a highly effective consciousness is a “thing in itself” - it is closed and self-sufficient, does not dissipate energy, and therefore is not attractive to parasites and predators that feed on the vital energy dissipated by other creatures
Therefore, these predators, and among them the world rulers of the Interworld - the Archons, and the Parasites of Awareness, teach consciousness to act ineffectively, and their most important strategy is the separation of the poles - being and consciousness. Such separation excludes the possibility of actualization, it leaves possibilities potential, and for a person, the state “I can” becomes a substitute for the state “I am”. The entire system of human actions is built on the idea of non-actualization of potentials: “I can” - and that’s all. In all these processes, one’s own inner being and content always and invariably remains separate from itself, and every whole here represents only a mechanical connection of parts, and not the revelation of internal affinity, internal harmony
At the same time, for a magician who is aware of this state of affairs, “I can” always means “I do,” and no ability goes unnoticed or undeveloped
This is summed up by the magical maxim: “To be is more important than to be able to”, from which such cornerstone ideas as the importance of being a magician, and not practicing Magic, the importance of controlling actions, and not the actions themselves, follow, since control brings into action an element of being - consciousness and actions interpenetrate each other, which means existence turns into life