Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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To avoid the inevitable

Magic begins when a person realizes his mortality and begins to look for ways to avoid the inevitable, and no matter what they say about “evolution” and “development,” but the only real force that forces a being to move along the Path of Magic is precisely the desire to get out of the cycle of incarnations, tearing the fabric of individuality, and move into Eternity - a state anticipated by every embodied being as its destiny, the “promised land”

One of the most famous methods of such escape is the ancient custom of mummification of bodies, because any influence on the decomposition of the physical body affects the process of disembodiment, for example, cremation accelerates this process (although makes it painful for the soul), and mummification delays it for a long time a being (with consciousness in an “ethereal” body) in the Interworld, the sad experience of “vampires” is also well known, hoping by absorbing the Life Force carried by blood to prolong their embodied state, by analogy with elemental vampires who act in the same way

One of the established methods of delaying reincarnation used by magicians was delay in this world by lowering one’s evolutionary status, and the most radical way of such an extension was the transition to a Life Wave of a lower level, in which the accumulated power was enough for many hundreds, or even thousands, years of life. Sorcerers extended their lives by transferring consciousness to the animal, plant or even mineral levels of existence, retaining the remnants of self-awareness and hoping to find a solution in the time they thus gained

Which path to choose - return to gilgul, linger in the elements, enter stone or tree - is decided by every magician on the threshold of his Last Battle, and this choice in any case deserves respect - respect for the spirit of a warrior
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