Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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the Will and the environment

The Passive Environment is the totality of all possible potencies; it is different from consciousness in the very way of this generalization of individual potencies, because the Monad, as an aspect of the Absolute, is a potential synthesis that contains everything in Itself; being initially united and homogeneous, it itself generates separate relative aspects through differentiation, self-limitation, affirmation of its self-awareness in some relative plane - a particular embodiment

The cosmic environment, in contrast to consciousness, is not a synthesis, but only a totality; all its individual potencies do not have the activity of manifestation, acting as a passive repository of forms, aspects and tones and giving form to any existence, it freely allows consciousness to draw from its womb those elements of it that it requires, being indifferent to this in its whole

If at the same time the will, consciousness, encounters any difficulties, then this is only a consequence of its own ineffectiveness and inability to remove from the cosmic repository what it needs without affecting or aimlessly disturbing the peace of other things

Thus, the will and the environment are polar to each other - the will without the environment has no field of activity, the environment without the will of the will is deprived of the ability to move
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