Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The sobriety of a magician’s view

For a magician, the perfection of the human soul is a potential reality. That is, although the Monad is a unit of self-knowledge of the Absolute, its existence is potential, unidentified, and is not capable of generating energy and producing this very self-knowledge. Like the Great Spirit himself, the monad is above the concepts of being and non-being, it is beyond duality and beyond manifestation

And, although from her own point of view she is already complete, perfect and does not need any change (and cannot be changed), from the point of view of the relative process of her self-knowledge she is only potential; actual reality is possessed by a limited manifested being

Therefore, “searching for oneself” for a magician means not just “discovering one’s inner perfection,” but the search for a suitable Path on which, in battles and hunts, the eternal actualization of this perfection will take place. Magicians created Schools and Lines with their severe discipline due to the awareness of the fact that the world, although born in goodness and for good, is fairly spoiled by its inhabitants, and considerable efforts are required to melt it in the crucible of impeccability

The sobriety of a magician’s view of the situation around him lies in his adequate assessment of his capabilities and the forces that oppose him. And the awareness won by magicians in their battles gives them that feeling of authenticity, the relevance of their existence, which is unattainable for them in other ways
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