Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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the Search for the Path

Each of us is a way of self-knowledge of the Great Spirit, we exist exactly to the extent to which we are aware of our limitations, our individuality, which means it is necessary to realize our boundaries, understand that limitation is both the source of our suffering and the reason for our existence, highlight those essential aspects that must be implemented

All this is called the Search for the Path, which leads from one realization to another, leading through a series of accomplishments, wider and clearer “opening the eyes of consciousness” to the unified nature of reality in diversity

Until consciousness clearly outlines its boundaries, it will not be able to go beyond its limits, because in order to go beyond them, one must first clearly understand them. Although such individualization is absolutely necessary, it often turns out to be a trap, since many travelers, having discovered their uniqueness, fall into narcissism and narcissism, opposing themselves to a single universality

Another trap: often applicants who have received insights into Unity begin to focus on this Unity, without fully realizing the meaning of plurality, without outlining the boundaries of their individuality

Both traps - both getting stuck in opposition and imitation of unity - lead to unrealization, incompleteness of the tasks of manifested existence and getting stuck at a given level of manifestation
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