For a magician, the world is not just one at the core of its existence, it is a process, a flow in which its individual parts continuously and consistently acquire independent existence and also dissolve again in its integrity. For a magician, the world is not an object, but a process, just as he himself is a process, a flow of being/awareness
We continuously and endlessly create ourselves and the world with our consciousness, and this does not mean that the world is just an illusion, it means that the existence of the world and its awareness are two sides of a single, essentially, process
Only that which is realized exists, and the process of awareness itself is identical to the process of creation. Awareness from this point of view is the selection from an infinite potential, homogeneous and indistinguishable field of possibilities of a specific manifestation, and the transfer of this manifestation from the area of possibilities to the area of concrete actions and interactions
Expansion of the spectrum of interpenetration of being and awareness, their integration and mutual realization can occur from two sides - from the side of awareness and from the side of being, which is reflected in two global currents of development - Eastern and Western
For a magician, the ideas of the interdependence of the world are specific indications on the Path of his development. A magician is a flow among flows, a glance among glances, a process among processes. And his self-identification and self-realization is a simultaneously ongoing psychocosmic and macrocosmic process, the path of formation and self-knowledge of the universality of reality, which is higher than the very idea of reality