Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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the power of Pride

With the development of civilization in the life of mankind, the power of pride began to play an increasingly important role, controlled and implemented by the most unusual of demonic figures - the figure of the Logos of the Qlippoth - Lucifer

Unlike “ordinary” demons, Lucifer, who carries the Light of Kether within himself, does not need any energy from incarnated beings, and his influence on incarnated worlds is not limited to predatory destabilization, like most other demons, it is more sophisticated and aimed at changing the very idea of ​​the universe, at transforming the world from an instrument of knowledge of the Great Spirit into an instrument of endless differentiation of this Spirit and, ultimately, its disappearance in the abyss of its own private manifestations

This dividing force manifests itself in two aspects - the force of mutual repulsion, Nahash, and the illusion of self-sufficiency, and the very awareness of one’s self already requires a certain reflective ability, that is, it puts the creature under the influence of Lucifer, but at the same time, it is very important that this awareness accompanied by a feeling of world harmony

Lucifer is multiplicity taken to its final limit, it is multiplicity that actively resists unity and elevates itself to the absolute
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