Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The main task of any Ritual

The realization of the potentials of consciousness occurs as a result of establishing a correspondence between the elements of the psycho- and macrocosm, which occurs in the process of awareness. In this case, the transformation of the undifferentiated Force of life into the ordered Force of awareness occurs. However, the process of transformation of forces itself - awareness - requires a certain “push”, a spark, igniting energy in their mutual resonance

In other words, it is not enough to bring the energies into mutual correspondence; it is necessary to actualize this correspondence. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the barrier of perception - the force that holds consciousness in a “stable” position of the current description. In fact, Magic is a set of approaches aimed precisely at creating bridges through which the Force can enter consciousness, a set of approaches that allow one to increase the level of functioning of consciousness beyond the “usual”

And although any conscious action is “magical,” overcoming the barriers of consciousness from time to time requires actions that are not used in everyday life, since “everyday” existence requires only actions that ensure the survival and functioning of consciousness at a basic level. These approaches that promote consciousness are usually called Magic

Magic uses additional vortices and vectors to expand consciousness. Depending on which of the elements of the psychocosm requires support, both of these approaches can be applied sequentially or in parallel

However, from the point of view of the development of consciousness, the main task of any Ritual is not to obtain this or that effect, “external” realization, but to expand the boundaries of perception, increase the Power of awareness, that is, self-realization
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