Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The idea of ​​“your Path”

The idea of ​​“your Path” is the cornerstone of your outlook on life. Therefore, it is the search, and subsequently the following of this path, that is given maximum attention in the regulation of life, and the starting point is the idea of ​​​​the falsity, the falsity of the everyday world. This falsity has a completely trivial reason

We live in a world of descriptions NOT created by US. It was not we ourselves who found out what objects are and what they are for, they did it for us. Family, Street, press and television shape our description of the world. Usually this description is never questioned and is accepted as the primary and absolute reality

One of the provisions of the routine description of the world, which is called into question, is the idea of ​​​​the independence of the actions of people who commit inconsistent, contradictory actions, completely without noticing it. Such an observation suggests that, in addition to a person’s personality, there are other driving forces behind his activity. Psychology classifies these driving forces as manifestations of the subconscious; mythological thinking describes them in the form of so-called “Parasites of awareness”—creatures alien to a person’s personality, forcing him to act ineffectively

Consequently, as soon as we ourselves cease to control our lives, there are immediately a lot of others who want to control it, which means that an expanded view of the world and the desire to control ourselves and our lives are two key necessities for a full life
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