Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The idea of a spell

The basis of “reality” is a set of differential energies – “dharmas”, which represent the field of self-knowledge of the great spirit in the totality of its aspects, and individual energies can interact with each other due to internal affinity stemming from their very nature as parts of the whole. These interactions form separate blocks of energies, each of which is supported by its own logos - from the smallest interactions to the Macrocosm as a whole. Differential logoi accessible to human consciousness are called ideas, or Me

Any Logos can be described by the consciousness of the appropriate level and presented in the form of its “representative” in the Psychocosmos, and also expressed in symbolic form. Since ancient times, the symbolic expression of logos has created human language as a way of comparing macrocosmic and psychocosmic reality, while this comparison is based on the Law of Analogies, which marks the “sections” of the logos by each of the planes of reality. Pronouncing a whole phrase from correctly selected and correctly pronounced words means the emergence of a whole process - magical creativity. This is how the idea of a spell is born

Moreover, any effective spell must include logos of two levels - Names, that is - the objectification of active figures (gods, spirits, angels or demons) of the process being launched and the field - the expression of those aspects of the process to which the activity should be directed, in addition, the more accurately compared names and fields, the more fully expressed, of course, is the total Logos of the spell, which means the more effective it is.

In the process of pronouncing, the formative force of the voice, supported by consciousness, reason and feelings, tears out the formed words and phrases from the homogeneous "white noise", and the will relies on this action, actualizing the corresponding logos from a homogeneous field of energies, bodies. Any magical act occurs simultaneously at the level of the psychocosmos and macrocosmos, being and consciousness, and the effectiveness of this synchrony largely determines the success of the implementation itself. Moreover, life itself, considered as a magical realization (and it is), is effective to the extent that the "internal" and "external" processes are synchronized, and Magic is a powerful sub-factor in increasing the effectiveness of this realization
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