The growth of consciousness is described not simply as “ascension”, “expansion” or “development”, but as a battle, because the process of transformation of the Forces does not occur easily and smoothly, but with numerous and active resistances.
Moreover, this character of development is inherent not only in the Psychocosmos; it also permeates the Macrocosmos. The battle that takes place in every soul and in every atom of the manifested world is a battle between the forces striving to ensure the existence of consciousness and the environment for its development, and the forces striving to consume the resources of this consciousness
The forces that shape the environment of existence are traditionally called Gods, and the forces that support this environment are called angels. The forces that deprive the environment of the possibility of evolution and take away its resources are called demons. Individual consciousness, especially one that has set foot on the Path of development, encounters forces of all kinds - gods, angels, demons, spirits and geniuses
And none of these forces are at all inclined to “help” the very expansion of consciousness. The gods are busy with macrocosmic creativity and “management”, for angels developing consciousness is a thorn that destabilizes the world, for demons it is a source of food, for geniuses it is a threat to balance, for spirits it is a competitor for resources
In addition, the developing consciousness, no matter how much it wants, cannot maintain “neutrality.” The very fact of its development requires an imbalance, a difference in potential, and therefore participation in the Battle. The magician selflessly and tirelessly fights in his battles not because of his belligerence, but on the contrary - realizing that this is the only way to end the war