Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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the Gates of Power

Force flows only where there is a place for it - as soon as there is a place for force, readiness to accept it, as the Force should flow there, and such readiness can be rooted in the deep layers of existence, in the tasks and nodes of the current incarnation, about which consciousness can or not guess at all, or have only a vague idea

In addition, the very moment of the opening of a being for the flow of Power into it always occurs abruptly, and requires some kind of overcoming, a push to open the Gates of Power, and events can give an impetus for the entry of power, looking at them from the outside one cannot convince them of their exceptional significance, but most often after all, this push is given by someone who already has the Force

In this case, the continuity of the flow of power, coming into contact with the continuity of a person’s life and interacting with it, changes the nature of this continuity, merges with it, and the Force treacherously enters a person’s life

If a person with power sees another person ready to accept the Force, he is simply obliged to give a Push, knowing full well that by pushing a person towards the Force, he pushes him to dangers and difficulties that will place a burden of responsibility on himself , as the culprit of this change, but without giving such a push, this person makes a costly mistake, since the Force does not forgive cowardice and indecision
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