Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The emergence of desire

A path is a system of mutually agreed actions that has a vector that coincides with the general vector of development of a given individuality and a connection between all its elements. That is, to say that a person is on the Path means, firstly, that he is developing (that is, moving from a less conscious state to a more conscious one), and, secondly, it develops in its own individual way, that is, it goes through stages determined by the characteristics of its Monad, that is, its Orleg

Whenever certain potentialities of a being are actualized, new possibilities open up for him, which are determined by the very logic of the Path, which means that an attraction arises between actual and potential reality in his consciousness, which is called desire, which, although free, is not arbitrary

So, the emergence of desire is, in essence, a manifestation of gravity that potentially existed in the field of possibilities of a given Monad. However, since the Monad is an aspect of infinity, the number of its potentials is limitless, and what matters is not so much the possibility itself, but rather the order of implementation, the harmonious growth of consciousness, that is, the timeliness and appropriateness of each actualization at a given level. The same desire, arising at different stages, can be both constructive and destructive for a given system, since it triggers chains of long-term consequences of implementation

Accordingly, consciousness begins sustainable development only when it gains access to its fundamental principle, and begins, first only with single insights, and then - more and more clearly - to form its realizations. In fact, initiatory events are aimed precisely at the primary introduction of consciousness into its depths, paving the way from external levels to the World of Prototypes - Atzilut, where the Creator acts directly - the heights of the psychocosmos
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