Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The driving force for any development

The driving force for any development, and indeed any movement of consciousness, is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s current position, a feeling that a more harmonious state is possible - consciousness experiences discomfort when it encounters any restrictions, restrictions on its movement

The fundamental principle of reality is understood as a universal category, completely free from restrictions, which means the absence of any manifestations and forms. To describe the transition to actual reality, the idea of ​​“differentiation” is used: the transition to “creativity”, to “being” begins with the appearance of the First duality: God/world, Father/Mother, Being/consciousness. This absolute distinction also turns out to be “absolute suffering”, which is expressed as the “sacrifice” underlying the universe

The Great Spirit experiences “absolute limitation,” which is the absolute source of dissatisfaction, and the entire further process is aimed at restoring unity and, accordingly, ending suffering from limitation

In order to avoid suffering, Consciousness can either simply declare: “I am God,” “Atman is Brahman,” and close its eyes to the world’s diversity. The question that remains open is precisely the original “suffering” of a divided reality

If at the initial stages of development the motive is to reduce personal dissatisfaction with one’s limitations, then as development progresses this goal becomes more global, and one’s own development turns into an instrument for changing the world - the creature understands that by reducing one’s own limitations, increasing one’s own fulfillment, it also contributes to a decrease suffering in the world as such
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