Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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the creation of „Me“

In each object, one can distinguish its “unchangeable part”, without which it will cease to be itself, and the “variable” part, which is perceived in a certain way only as a result of a relatively arbitrary agreement between perceiving individuals, and the “unchangeable” part of the object is usually called the “matrix” of this subject, the Gnostics called it “logos”, an absolute model, the principle of form (more precisely, a specific embodiment of the logos - an idea, eidos), and the ancient Sumerians called such a matrix “Me”

It was believed that any phenomenon in life or thing corresponds to an idea (or word) that is in the power of the Gods, an object or action acquires significance, and therefore becomes real, only because they are in one way or another involved in transcendental reality, and if “Logos" is understood as the general principle of form, and "Eidos" is the ideal image of a specific thing, then "Me" is a set of internal laws that make an object what it is

A master making a statue of a god had to first imagine in his heart an ideal model of a thing, „Me“, and only then proceed to the material embodiment of his idea, and when the statue was ready, a ritual was performed to separate the masters from their product, and each master had to to say that he did not make this statue, but it was created by the gods in heaven, that is, it was considered the source of existence of each object

Only the creation of „Me“ is creativity in the true and absolute meaning of the word, so we can say that me is a description of the system of relationships between energies in the block that is perceived as an object and this system of relationships in metaphysical space lies immeasurably higher than those phenomena that it connects, because knowledge of „Me“ acquires special significance, since it not only gives power over an object, showing what is essential in it and what is arbitrary, but also sheds light on the essential nature of existence, which means it helps to know “the Gods and the Universe”
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