An increase in conscious elements leads to a redistribution of accents - that is, “mass” in consciousness, which occurs similarly to “flow” - consciousness “flows” from one state to another. Since Force is a manifestation of the level of awareness, such regroupings of the Psychocosmos are called the “flow of Force”
If the flow of human consciousness lacks stability, then by interacting with a more stable, albeit lower level, flow of the Force, it increases this stability. That is, although a direct transfer of Force does not occur, there is a “tuning” of one flow of Force to another
The acquisition of Power requires a certain preparation, without which the Power either cannot be accepted, and direct contact with the Power is also necessary to acquire it: Power does not just flow where there is already a place for it, interaction with it is required, which underlies many magical actions – visiting Places of Power or summoning spirits
This concept is not just a convenient metaphor, it opens up a wide field for understanding patterns, and, like other similar concepts, is aimed at increasing the success of the magician on the Path of development and liberation of his consciousness