Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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The ability to induce Force

Evolution is the course of development of any system, individual consciousness or the universe as a whole - and is described as the accumulation of Power, that is, the actualization and implementation of the potentials inherent in this system. Strength is not a substance or even an ability, but is a basic characteristic of any system, any creature. In fact, it is the level of Power that is the factor that determines the place of each element in the world system

The ability of the Force to expand, that is, to co-direction of flows, is called induction. If a system in which the process of evolution is intense interacts with a system in which development is weaker, then the second system accelerates in its advancement

Accordingly, developing itself, each consciousness inevitably induces the development of the beings around it, which underlies numerous religious statements about the paramount importance of “personal salvation”. Saints, boddhisattvas, masters of all religions, schools and lineages have always, first of all, preserved their own purity and integrity, understanding that it is their own consciousness that is the most important outpost guarding the Power and Light

It is the ability to induce Force that determines the value of any system. The teaching can be very logical and beautiful, the Ritual can give amazing results, and the “techniques” can be accompanied by enchanting effects, but the bottom line is that development can be zero, and the lack of development means degradation, since it contradicts global logic. Being a highly active being in the energetic sense, the magician always significantly influences his environment, either inducing development in it, or pushing it towards degradation. And the responsibility for these changes always lies with the magician, as a more conscious being
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