Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Task of Goethic

To the question "Is it possible to become a magician without ever being confronted with demons", the answer is an unequivocal "no". As soon as the magician begins to build up his strength, he becomes visible to larger predators than those who feed on the energy of ordinary people, and is not only noticeable, but begins to be of culinary interest to them. In other words, even if the magician is not interested in demons, the demons will certainly be interested in him. Therefore, every magician who wants to continue his path after a certain stage must fight demons, whatever he thinks about them and whatever he thinks - a part of his own psychocosmos, fallen angels or anything else

Therefore, for any magical companion, sooner or later, an obvious collision with predators becomes relevant. And the ability to come out relatively unscathed from such collisions is Goethic. Success in such a battle largely depends on the magician's awareness – it is always easier to fight with someone you have information about – as they say, "aware means armed", and it is much easier to find out the character of a demon in controlled evocation conditions than on an arbitrary battlefield

So, the first task of Goethic is to acquire knowledge about the character, strengths and weaknesses of demons. The second task of Goethic can be taken to be the development of the will, since each goetic operation is a competitive ritual in which the will and mind of a weak embodied being compete with the ancient and quirky will, the cunning mind of the Service Spirit. I must say that any attempts to find a common language with demons, to "negotiate" or, even more so, to conclude a pact, are absolutely unsuccessful, since a person has practically no chance of outsmarting a demon. Therefore, the only purpose of the Ritual in this sense is to remain more or less unharmed when confronted with a demon, and not to get any benefit from it

Finally, the third task of Goethic is to expand the magical horizons. Nothing develops confidence in the strength and inviolability of the everyday world like a collision with such a super-deadly danger as a demon. Nothing is more sobering than feeling almost completely powerless before the overwhelming power of the spirit. It is in such a collision that their shortcomings become obvious, since it is on them that the demon plays, it is in such contact that the darkness that was invisible in the depths of the magician's Psychocosm, and which he could not even guess, comes to the surface. By bringing the rotten parts of his consciousness to the surface, the magician gets the opportunity to eradicate them from his consciousness, or assimilate them into it, but in any case, he moves towards integrity and harmony
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