Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Struggle for its development

Consciousness enters into a real struggle for its development only when it understands that it is not free: not free from the limitations of embodiment, not free from suffering, not free in its choice. Therefore, the primary goal of any development is precisely liberation, understood as broadly as possible - as minimizing, and ideally – complete overcoming of all limitations facing consciousness

No effective implementation is possible as long as the creature is a slave - a slave of illusions, a slave of detractors, a slave of predators and parasites. According to legend, Buddha said that in order to break out of the circle of rebirths, thousands of lives are needed, filled with intense work to overcome the limitations of consciousness. Sorcerers also have to admit that even after a lifetime of struggle, real liberation is relatively small, which means that many lifetimes of intense effort are needed in order to achieve freedom and full realization

Nevertheless, many Schools and Lineages have been able to develop ways, tricks and tricks with the help of which consciousness can approach significant freedom and realization in the course of one life, but the effort that must be expended in this case requires such a high intensity of existence that even never dreamed of by ordinary people

Only by completely immersing yourself in self-realization right here and now - no matter what Path this realization takes - in meditation or goetic operations, theurgy or simply in a conscious “everyday routine”, can you achieve success, reduce the degree of your slavery, and perhaps free yourself and to realize oneself by becoming what one should have been from the beginning of time - a creative mind
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