Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Strange word "Magic"

Strange word "Magic". It scares some, causes aggression in others, and attracts others. And among those who are attracted, there are also very different people. The essence of all definitions of magic was briefly and succinctly summarized by A. Crowley: “magic is the science and art of bringing reality into conformity with the will of the operator”...

Will is a potential vector of the world process. That is, this is a description of the direction of movement of the world process, which has not yet happened, and may happen, or may remain imaginary. The transfer of this vector from a potential state to an actual state is the realization of the will. Since the world process is affected by many wills of varying strength, it represents a constant struggle of potentials trying to manifest themselves

The effectiveness of any action is determined by the ratio of the forces spent on its implementation and the result achieved in it. So, ordinary methods of realizing the will, although magical in the broad sense of the word, allow you to achieve results only by expending an inadmissibly large amount of effort. In other words, the more effectively the will is realized, the more magical its implementation. Since in our lives we continuously move from the realization of one desire to the realization of another, at each specific moment in time the effectiveness of actions, and therefore their magic, changes. This means that you cannot “practice” magic, you can only be a magician

So, the more effectively a person acts, the more magical his life is. Over the course of thousands of years, many ways have been developed to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of one's will. It is precisely this set of methods, often without strict systematization, that is usually called magic. As a completely practical field, magic is not always interested in the ideological foundations and mechanisms of its approaches; the main thing for it is their success
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