Despite the fact that we were born with the sole purpose of cognizing, realizing the world and thus realizing ourselves as an other being of this world, on the path of this awareness lies our closedness, inner blindness to the world and its manifestations. Although our nature is pure consciousness, it is closed, confined within its own boundaries
In order for consciousness to become capable of free contact with energies that are subject to awareness, it must stop focusing on itself, it must tear its gaze away from itself and direct it to the world
Thus, Magical development naturally includes two elements - “training” and “initiation” - for the acceptance of Power, and the loan of Power that is given during initiation can be either a specially organized Ritual, Mystery, or simple interaction with a Teacher or Master, possessing the proper level of development and the necessary degree of consonance with the student
It is impossible to find the “most effective”, universal and suitable development method for everyone. There are as many paths as there are travelers. So even when different teachers seem to be saying the same thing, it doesn't mean you can learn from any of them. for each student there must be a teacher suitable for him personally - not the “wisest”, not the “most correct”, but his personal Teacher