Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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parallel Universes

The Great Spirit can be considered both absolute emptiness and at the same time complete realization, because it is completely homogeneous, it has already known itself, and has never begun to do so, it is both one and multiplicity, it is beyond existence and non-existence, and it is free from necessity to be united, and therefore, one of the infinite number of forms of his self-awareness is the perception of himself as a collection of individual views - monads - carrying out self-knowledge in a chain of actual manifestations

Since all possibilities of self-knowledge must be realized, and the category of time is relative and exists only within its specific cause-and-effect chain, the world can be represented as a set of countless states, each of which is internally regular and closed, but at the same time is only one of the options for an infinite number of probabilities of the state of manifestation, thus the “actual” reality turns out to be a certain set of processes and figures, connected by their cause-and-effect connections, and all other probable states remain potential for a given flow

Due to the separateness of awareness, there is also a separateness of worlds, and the flows of probabilities pass from one state to another not spontaneously, but under the influence of impulses of desires, forces that do not follow directly from this system itself, but are rooted in absolute completeness, and, since the realized must be every impulse, three fundamental moves of such implementation are possible: 1) the impulse is realized within the given cause-and-effect chain, which continues its “smooth” course - such a situation is the evolution of manifestation; 2) the implementation of the impulse leads to a significant change in the flow of manifestation, changes the properties of this flow, and transfers it to a new cause-and-effect situation - a revolutionary change in the flow of probabilities occurs; 3) the impulse cannot be realized within the current flow, and goes into “virtual” reality

Thus, the streams of probabilities, “parallel universes” are separated from each other not by some “walls”, but by barriers of perception, the property of individuality (manifested in the self) of the awarenesses that perceive them
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