Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Overcoming boundaries

From a separate single process of awareness - thoughts, emotions, feelings, acts of will, to self-determination of the subpersonality, then - to self-awareness of the self, the extrapersonal presence of the Monad, and finally, to the absolute non-dual consciousness of the Great Spirit, the possibility of realizing unity in multiplicity is realized, and the realization of consciousness, its development and expansion is inevitably accompanied by constant exits beyond the current state: a separate mental act, going beyond its boundaries, merges into a single stream of personality, a complex of subpersonalities, merging and harmonizing, constitutes the flow of selfhood, the sequence of selves constitutes the field of manifestation of the monad, and the totality of monads is the comprehensive consciousness of the Absolute

All boundaries, all divisions that arise in these flows are very arbitrary and make sense only from the internal point of view of the individual flows themselves, but nevertheless from this relative point of view they are completely relevant and justified. Overcoming boundaries, expanding the scale of streams of consciousness, thus, is one of the tasks of the actual process of the universe, which means that any individual consciousness that successfully realizes itself must all the time, on the one hand, perceive its differential interactions, and on the other, integrate them, include into yourself and expand your field

In reality, maintaining such a balance between, on the one hand, attention to diversity, and on the other, rooting in unity, can be difficult. Consciousness is easily either carried away by multiplicity, mired in the infinity of differentiation and falling into an empty slide along the surface of existence, or, on the contrary, it begins to destroy all boundaries, dissolving in the potential emptiness of its space

The boundaries of any individual stream of consciousness are established by this stream itself and can only be destroyed by it. Recognizing freedom as the highest value means giving the right to each specific flow to determine its own boundaries. And if someone doesn’t like someone’s self-determination, he can simply not interact with this flow that is alien to himself, leave it alone, and not try with all his might to redirect it in a direction convenient for himself
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