Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Organization of the flow of Force

If a creature wants to go beyond the permitted low-effective way of functioning, that is, to take the path of Magic, the path of Freedom, he is faced with the acute problem of lack of strength in order to take at least the first step in this direction

Tradition solves this problem by organizing the flow of Power into so-called Magical chains, originating in the Spring of Power - the gods or Enlightened teachers, and transmitting the primary excess of Power necessary to break the shackles of the world of consumption from one link to the next. At the same time, maintaining the Chain is of great importance - the Force received from the outside, but not transmitted further, can turn from help into shackles, and neglecting the Source of strength, breaking the connection with it, deprives the force of free flow, that is, in order for the Force to flow freely through the Chain, without limiting their carriers, each participant must be its transparent guide, remembering where he received the power from and where he should give it

Even if the magician progresses far enough along the path and learns to generate energy independently, he must under no circumstances forget where the source of his power was. And it's not just about teachers. We talk about places that can give strength, about books or films that served as an impetus for progress, about some significant events that helped move forward on the path to realization. Of course, this movement cannot do without detractors, and it would be strange if everything were so good and easy

Finding the line separating integration into the Chain from integration into the Egregor is actually quite difficult. At the same time, the first gives freedom, the second makes a slave, although it gives security. An egregor always requires dogma, “trusting one’s word” and unverifiable axioms. Magic, on the contrary, relies, first of all, on the voice of the heart and the verification of all one’s ideas and concepts by personal experience

Thus, by remembering his sources, accumulating and transmitting power along the chain, and at the same time avoiding its vampirization by anyone, the magician has a chance to get “between two fires” to a genuine and effective existence
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