Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Objects of Power

A number of states of being, differing in the degree of identification of individual elements from a common unified structure, are called plans of being. The plan on which objects are isolated from each other as much as possible, but not to the point of complete separation, is traditionally called a physical, or dense, plan. In other words, the physical plane is a picture that is born in consciousness when it maximally splits up a single whole to such an extent that objects are connected to each other only to the minimum extent necessary in order to still be able to talk about the integrity of the universe

At the same time, each object of the dense plan can be considered from two points of view: firstly, it is the result of the actualization of a certain group of energies, and on the other - precisely as a result of active realization, it is the support of the corresponding vortex arising in the World's passive environment. Knowing the position of objects in the general structure, it is possible to find special, strategically important objects, manipulations with which have far-reaching consequences. The peculiarity of the dense plan lies precisely in the fact that its objects, by themselves possessing insignificant potential due to their differential nature, are nevertheless able to serve as a kind of "acupuncture points", the impact on which leads to the redirection of flows of colossal power

All magical "Objects of Power" are precisely such objects, occupying strategically important positions, the impact of which leads to large-scale restructuring of world flows. For a long time, people have noticed the amazing properties of some objects. "Wonderful" stones, trees, etc., "magic" coins and rings, and many other natural and man-made objects were empirically selected for their ability to cause certain effects. The search and creation of objects of power is a key magical art, and, perhaps, only someone who knows how to select the right points of support for their realizations can be called a magician

But no matter how important the objects of power are, the magician must understand that excessive fascination with them is one of the forms of unfreedom. It is here that the destructor lies in wait for him – for many magicians, the possession of such objects has become the meaning of their lives and led them astray. The magician must clearly understand that he is manipulating the reference points, and not allow the reference points to manipulate him
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