Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Magical description of the world

The manifested world is conceived as the result of the influence of a differentiating principle (consciousness) on a potential field (environment). It is in this sense that the world is “illusory”, since its manifestation is determined by the activity of the subject - consciousness

At the same time, consciousness, “cognizing” the world, constantly moves from the general to the particular, and from the particular to the general, and logoi can be understood as ideas of a high level of abstraction and syntheticity, outlining the general laws of cognition/creation

Describing the manifestation of a given logos in a set of specific conditions, consciousness is in the area of ​​ideas, eidos - a “specific section” of logos, and trying to understand the “internal laws” of a given object, consciousness finds itself in the area of ​​“models” - Me - the rules and laws by which it is built this object, and on which its interaction with other objects is based

Magicians discovered that consciousness, having interacted with the environment, leaves its “imprint” in it, a trace of its influence, a kind of potential matrix, a “memory” of the interaction that took place. Thus, the environment exists as a collection of such Reshimot, each of which can quickly and easily be actualized upon repeated contact with consciousness. Therefore, objects that are not in the field of consciousness do not disappear, but exist as a Reshimot, the possibility of existence, which occupies an important place both in the search for ways to influence objects and in the search for ways of liberation from unwanted influences

Such a card allows the magician to effectively build his functioning on the path to his goal - complete self-realization and liberation
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