Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Magic is the art of being a winner

Magic does not distort nature, does not force it; on the contrary, it frees forces bound by inability, ignorance, and sometimes even evil intent. The “irrationality” of Magic is not its anti-rationality, it is its non-conditionality by stereotypes

The general law of the flow of Force is well known: Force flows through deep channels. This means that Power is most easily realized in those actions that are logical in a given situation. In other words, when choosing an action designed to fulfill any desire, it is always most rational to choose one that will attract to it a minimum of forces from other areas than the one where the result of the action lies: physical effort is better suited for changing dense materiality, willpower is better suited for action at the level of causes, the power of the mind is better suited for the formation of thought forms, and the power of desire is for changing the Passive Environment

And the condition for effective implementation is always the effectiveness of intention - the art of choosing appropriate methods for solving each of the problems that arise on the Path

A magician is one who is able to achieve effective implementation of his will - one who knows how to find solutions to problems that make him a winner - regardless of whether he wins or loses in a given battle. Once again: Magic is not the art of winning, but the art of being a winner
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