Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Four main types of energy

The Universe as a whole and in its parts can be perceived from three positions: as a set of forms, called the dense plane; as a set of energies, is called the astral plane; as a set of formative principles, is called the mental plane, with Human consciousness acting on all three planes, creating forms, flows of energy and ideas, moreover, angels and demons appear only on the “mental” and “astral” planes, without having direct physical manifestation, and elementals that appear only in the world of forms can be called “single-plane” beings

In each of the planes, beings exchange matter, energy and information, entering into two types of interactions: direct and indirect, when intermediaries are used for interaction, which are traditionally called entities

A human being emits four main types of energy - 1) vital energy, 2) sexual energy, 3) the energy of influences, transformations and 4) the energy of interactions, and the Entities taking part in indirect interactions in this aspect are traditionally called “larvas”, and the interactions themselves can be 1) “vampiric”, when the purpose of forming a larva is to “take away” the energy of one being from another, for example, “stealing” sexual energy with the help of so-called “incubi” and “succubi”; 2) “donor”, ​​when one being wants to “forcibly” add its energy to another; and 3) “modification”, when the purpose of forming a larva is to change the nature of the actions of one creature under the influence of the desires of another

Any stream of attention of any creature generates a stream of more or less stable larvae, and any of them needs energy both for its emergence and for its further existence, and it is the constant exchange of larvae that binds the universe at the level of the body into that tight knot, from which it is so difficult to get out any creature
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