Michael Rufman

December, 26, 1958 - Berlin
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Feeling of limitation

The driving force for any development, and indeed any movement of consciousness, is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s current position, a feeling that a more harmonious, more comfortable state is possible, that is, a state of greater balance, and the reason for this dissatisfaction is the limited existence - consciousness experiences discomfort when it encounters any restrictions or restrictions on its movement

This feeling of limitation is subjectively perceived as an unpleasant state, and consciousness, in response to this feeling, can either try to “come to terms” with it, and even receive a kind of masochistic pleasure from suffering, or try to change the situation so that the number of restrictions, and therefore suffering has decreased, and this is the basis of development

In fact, every developed consciousness faces this dilemma: what to do with the suffering of all beings? – you can either say with a smile that their suffering is just an “illusion”, a delusion, and it does not concern me, or – still try to actively sympathize. The more consciousness feels its inseparability from the world’s completeness, the less separateness remains in it, the more acutely it perceives the total suffering of the world

And if at the initial stages of development the motive is to reduce personal dissatisfaction with one’s limitations, then as development progresses this goal becomes more global, and one’s own development turns into an instrument for changing the world - the creature understands that by reducing one’s own limitations, increasing one’s own fulfillment, it contributes to reducing suffering in the world as such
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